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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:04

  本文关键词: 大隈重信 对华观 “支那保全论” “东西文明调和论” 出处:《南开大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大隈重信(1838-1922)是日本近代著名的政党政治家、思想家、教育家,也是一个在日本社会迄今仍颇存争议的人物。大隈的人生经历曲折复杂,其对外思想中的对华观以及他在日本对华行动选择中所起的作用,应该说是引人瞩目的焦点之一。在其对外思想和对华观方面,大隈标榜的“支那保全论”和“东西文明调和论”流传甚广,并且富有欺骗性;而在近代日本对华行动选择中大隈所起的作用方面,大隈的政策主张表面上与武力征华的强硬派有所区别,但从其主政时提出“对华二十一条要求”的丑恶行径看,可谓“图穷匕首见”,旨在控制、统治乃至灭亡中国的本质没有不同。重要的是,在近代日本的政界、民间和学界,“大隈流”的对华观有一批忠实的听众和追捧者,映衬出那个时代日本对华认识主流思潮的缩影。因此,以大隈重信为典型,考察其中国观形成演化的背景,剖析其思想结构和内容,剥下其伪善面孔,,揭露其本质,对于深化近代日本的中国认识及其行动选择研究,无疑具有重要学术价值和现实意义。 鉴于日本学界的相关评价分歧判然、我国学界的相关研究零散而不系统的现状,本文运用辩证唯物论和历史唯物论的理论方法,以具有代表性的原始资料为依据、相关研究文献为参考,系统梳理了明治大正时期大隈重信的对华观形成和发展轨迹,分析了其对华观的内容和结构,阐明了其对华观的基本特点和实质,指出了其对华观在近代日本思想史、近代中日关系史中的作用和影响。 本文由序章、正文和终章三部分构成。正文的四章依次阐述了大隈重信早期对华观形成的环境和基本特征,甲午战争后至辛亥革命时期对华观的发展,一战时期对华观的衍变,“东西文明调和论”下的对华观等。终章从“大隈重信对华观的主要内容”、“大隈对华观的基本特征”、“大隈对华观的影响”三个方面进行了归纳性总结。 基于上述研究思路进行的实证考察,本文在国内外学界先行研究的基础上有所发现和收获,这主要体现在以下四个方面。第一,首次在国内学界系统地研究了大隈重信的对华观。第二,对大隈重信“支那保全论”的提出、思想主张、演变及本质进行了深入考察,并与近卫笃灴的“支那保全论”进行了比较分析。第三,系统探究了大隈重信“东西文明调和论”的产生背景、主要观点、理论框架、内在本质及在外交实践的应用。第四,驳斥了渡边几治郎、木村时夫等日本学者为大隈重信内阁强迫中国签订“二十一条”这一历史事实所做的种种辩解,认为大隈重信内阁提出的“对华二十一条要求”,虽然也有元老和民众推动的因素,但归根结底是有其思想基础的,是最能反映大隈对华观本质的行动体现。
[Abstract]:Okuma (1838-1922) is a famous political party politician, thinker, educator and a controversial figure in Japanese society. The life experience of Okuma is complicated. The concept of China in his foreign thoughts and his role in Japan's choice of action against China should be said to be one of the focuses of attention. Okuma's "** preservation theory" and "East-West Civilization Harmony Theory" are widely spread and deceptive; On the other hand, in modern Japan's choice of action against China, the policy of Okuma is different from that of the hardliners who invaded China by force on the surface. But from the ugly behavior of putting forward "21 demands on China" when he was in power, it can be described as "trying to see a poor dagger", the essence of which is not different in order to control, rule or even destroy China. What is important is that in modern Japanese politics. Folk and academic circles, "Okuma flow" has a group of loyal listeners and admirers of Huaguan, against that era of Japanese understanding of the mainstream trend of thought in China epitomized. This paper examines the background of the formation and evolution of his view of China, analyzes its ideological structure and content, strips off its hypocritical face, exposes its essence, and studies the deepening of China's understanding and its choice of action in modern Japan. Undoubtedly, it has important academic value and practical significance. In view of the difference of relevant evaluation in Japanese academic circles and the scattered and unsystematic current situation of relevant research in Chinese academic circles, this paper uses the theoretical methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Based on the representative original data and relevant research documents, this paper systematically combs the formation and development track of Okuma Shunxin's concept of Hua in the Meiji period, and analyzes its content and structure. This paper expounds the basic characteristics and essence of his view on Chinese, and points out its function and influence in the history of modern Japanese thought and the history of Sino-Japanese relations. This paper consists of three parts: preface, text and final chapter. The four chapters of the text explain in turn the environment and basic characteristics of the formation of the concept of Hua in the early days of Okuma, and the development of the concept of Hua from the Jiawu War to the Revolution of 1911. During the first World War, the evolution of the concept of Chinese, "the East and West Civilization Harmonization Theory", etc. The final chapter from "the main content of Okuma to the concept of Hua," "the basic characteristics of Okuma's view of China." The influence of Okuma on Huaguan is summarized in three aspects. Based on the above research ideas of empirical investigation, this paper in the domestic and foreign academic research on the basis of some findings and gains, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects. First. For the first time in the domestic academic circles, the author systematically studied Okuma's view of Hua. Secondly, the author made a thorough study of Okuma's "preservation theory of **", thought, evolution and essence. And compared with the preservation theory of ** by the close Wei Tui. Third, it systematically explores the background, the main point of view, and the theoretical framework of Okuma's "East and West Civilization Harmonization Theory". Internal essence and its application in diplomatic practice. 4th refutes all kinds of justifications made by Japanese scholars such as Ijiro Watanabe and Shifu Kimura for the historical fact that Okuma's cabinet forced China to sign "21 articles". It is believed that the "21 demands on China" put forward by Okuma's cabinet have their ideological basis and reflect the essence of Okuma's view of Hua in the final analysis, although there are also factors for the elders and the masses to promote them.


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