发布时间:2018-02-22 13:23
本文关键词: 中亚五国 民族关系 民族政策 出处:《中国政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 冷战的终结直接催生了中亚地区五个崭新的主权国家,吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和哈萨克斯坦成为欧亚大陆接合部新兴的主权国家和国际法主体。哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦三国与中国有长达3300多公里的共同边界。中亚五国均为多民族国家,哈萨克族、乌兹别克族、吉尔吉斯族、塔吉克族、维吾尔族、回族、蒙古族以及鞑靼人等民族在中国均有同源民族居住,研究中亚国家的民族关系,对我国具有重要的现实意义。 冷战结束后,中亚五国面临的首要任务就是维护主权独立、国家统一和领土完整,反对极端民族主义和伊斯兰极端主义等分离势力。中亚五国独立以来,无一例外地把保障民族团结、维护社会稳定、坚持政教分离原则放在头等重要的位置,通过立法、行政、经济、文化等多种手段,着力构建公民和睦、民族关系和谐的新型民族共同体。 历史遗留的跨境民族问题,使中亚的民族关系格外复杂。中亚五国推行的“主体民族化”政策损害了众多非主体民族的社会经济权益和民族感情,引起他们的普遍不满,民族矛盾一度十分尖锐。俄罗斯族人口比较密集的哈萨克斯坦甚至爆发了流血冲突。优先发展主体民族的做法无可厚非,但如何安抚非主体民族,使他们的利益得到应有的保护,使他们尽快融入多民族国家的政治、经济、文化和社会生活中,这始终是摆在中亚五国面前的重要课题。为改善民族关系,实现民族和睦,中亚五国对主体民族政策进行了反思和局部调整,在“尊重历史,正视现实”的基础上开始探索符合本国国情的民族政策体系。 “9·11”事件后,通过对阿富汗塔利班政权和拉登恐怖组织的直接军事打击,美国实现了驻军中亚的夙愿,中亚在美国国家利益和全球战略中的重要性大幅上升,已成为美国在欧亚大陆战略规划中的重要支点。随着反恐战争的推进,美国在中亚的军事和政治影响日益扩展,俄罗斯长期以来主导中亚政治和安全格局的地位遭遇挑战。 美国的中亚战略有多重意图:既可以中亚为基地打击国际恐怖主义势力,保障美国的国家安全和海外利益,又可把中亚作为遏制俄罗斯、中国和伊朗等各方势力扩张和联合的前沿防线,同时还可便利美国更好地控制里海能源的开发和运输,加强美国在全球能源市场的战略主导权。不难判断,实现在中亚的长期驻军已经成为美国的既定方针。即使反恐战争告一段落,美国在中亚的政治和军事影响力也绝不会主动淡出。美俄两大国在中亚的共存难以避免。在可预见的未来,美国将继续通过直接驻军、军事合作、经济援助、价值观宣传等多种手段推行其在中亚的既定战略,巩固并扩展其影响力。 俄罗斯受国力所限,在北约东扩和日美同盟两面夹击的情况下,不得不以现实主义的态度,承认美国在中亚的军事和政治存在。但是,俄罗斯对美国强势进入中亚的默许并不意味着它放弃在中亚的战略利益和传统影响,这仅仅是俄罗斯基于自身实力所作的策略调整。中亚是俄罗斯地区安全战略中至关重要的一环,不管面临多大的压力和困难,俄罗斯都将在被动中争取主动,捍卫俄罗斯南部边疆及中亚的势力范围和传统利益,努力扩大战略空间。“9·11”事件后,俄罗斯与中亚五国全面加强合作关系,就充分说明俄罗斯不仅不会放弃中亚,而且仍力图保持其作为影响中亚地区事务头号大国的地位。俄罗斯正积累力量,蓄势待发,伺机从美国手中夺回中亚的战略主导权。 与美国联合土耳其的策略针锋相对,俄罗斯把伊朗作为自己对抗美国进攻、巩固中亚势力范围的战略盟友。中亚战略力量的分化组合初露端倪,俄罗斯和伊朗联合对抗美土联盟的格局正日趋明朗化。然而,中亚的政治形势尚存很多不确定因素,未来还有很多变数。 “9·11”事件后,在国际反恐运动的大背景下,中俄两国均不同程度地表达和执行了与美国合作、共同打击国际恐怖主义的意愿和政策立场,中亚地区逐渐形成了俄美共存、多种战略力量共同发挥影响力的复杂局面。然而,这种局面没有从根本上改变美俄双方在中亚展开对抗的实质。中国作为中亚政治格局转型过程中的新兴力量,在美俄博弈的框架内完全可以保有充足的灵活性和广阔的回旋空间,这就为中国进一步在中亚拓展影响、平衡发展与各方的关系提供了条件。 在共同抵御美国扩张和防范“三股势力”方面,俄罗斯与中国有一致的利益。中俄两国在中亚地区事务中的战略协作不仅有利于中亚地区的稳定,有利于保障中俄双方的国家安全,也有利于增强中俄两国在国际政治斗争中的实力地位,符合中俄双方的战略利益。尽管俄罗斯与中国在中亚能源开发和拓展政治影响等问题上存在某些利益相抵触和不协调的地方,俄罗斯对中国与中亚五国建立日益紧密的合作关系抱有本能的疑惧和排斥,不过从总体上看,中俄在共同应对美国咄咄逼人的攻势方面仍有相当大的合作空间和合作意愿。在可预见的未来,由于美国因素的存在,中俄两国在中亚仍将以战略合作为主流。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the cold war , five new sovereign states , Kyrgyzstan , Uzbekistan , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have become the main and emerging sovereign and international law subjects of the Eurasian continent . Since the end of the cold war , the first task facing the five countries in Central Asia is to safeguard the independence of sovereignty , national unity and territorial integrity , and oppose the separation forces such as extreme nationalism and Islamic extremism . Since the independence of the five countries in Central Asia , there has been no exception to safeguarding national unity , safeguarding social stability , and sticking to the principle of separation of government and education . In order to improve the ethnic relations and to achieve national harmony , the five countries of the Russian ethnic group have carried out reflection and local adjustment to the policies of the main ethnic groups in the political , economic , cultural and social life of the multi - ethnic group . Following the " September 11 " incident , through direct military strikes against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and Bin Laden ' s terrorist organizations , the United States has achieved the long - cherished aspiration of the U.S . in Central Asia . The importance of Central Asia in the interests of the United States and the global strategy has increased substantially , and has become an important pivot of the United States in the strategic planning of the Eurasian continent . With the advance of the war on terrorism , the military and political influence of the United States in Central Asia continues to expand , and Russia has long dominated the political and security situation in Central Asia . The U.S . ' s Central Asian strategy has multiple intentions : to fight the international terrorist forces in Central Asia , to safeguard the national security and overseas interests of the United States , and to take Central Asia as a frontier defense to the expansion and integration of all parties such as Russia , China and Iran . It is difficult to judge that the U.S . political and military influence in Central Asia will never fade . In the foreseeable future , the United States will continue to pursue its established strategy in Central Asia through direct military forces , military cooperation , economic assistance , and value advocacy , and consolidate and expand its influence . Russia ' s stance on the U.S . military and political presence in Central Asia has to be acknowledged by Russia ' s military and political presence in Central Asia . Russia will strive to expand its strategic space . Russia will strive to expand its strategic space . In contrast , Russia ' s strategic alliance with Turkey ' s strategy is to consolidate Iran as its strategic ally against the U.S . attack and to consolidate the potential range of Central Asia . The combination of strategic forces in Central Asia is emerging , and Russia and Iran ' s joint efforts against the U.S . - soil alliance are becoming increasingly clear . However , there are still many uncertainties in the political situation in Central Asia , and there are many variables in the future . After the September 11 incident , in the background of the international anti - terrorism campaign , both China and Russia have expressed and implemented the will and policy stance of cooperation with the United States to jointly fight international terrorism , and the Central Asian region has gradually formed the complex situation of the coexistence of Russia and the United States and the strategic power . However , this situation does not fundamentally change the essence of the confrontation between the United States and Russia in Central Asia . However , the situation does not fundamentally change the essence of the confrontation between the United States and Russia in Central Asia . However , China has provided sufficient flexibility and wide latitude in the framework of the US - Russia game , which provides the conditions for China to further expand its influence in Central Asia , balance development and the relations of the parties . Russia ' s strategic cooperation in the Central Asian region is conducive not only to stability in Central Asia , but also to the strategic interests of both China and Russia .
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