本文关键词: 犹太教 犹太民族 反犹主义 犹太复国主义 以色列院外集团 美以关系 美国的中东政策 犹太新保守主义 出处:《中共中央党校》2007年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本论文以政治学,国际政治,宗教文化和西方哲学的有关理论为指导,对现代美国犹太政治作出一个系统的分析和考察。论文跨越多个学科,多种理论,属于复合研究型论文。具体研究方法如下:以历史主义方法分析犹太教和犹太精神的形成;以宗教文化学的原理为指导,揭示犹太教的现代化造成的教派分裂,犹太复国主义的形成以及犹太复国主义对犹太教派的整合功能和对美国犹太人政治觉醒的推动作用。以政治学的基本原理分析美国犹太人的政治思想历程,展示美国犹太人政治思想的复杂性;以国际政治现实主义理论为主线,历时考察美国犹太人势力,美以关系和美国的中东政策之间的关联与互动,其中又以建构主义的视角解释美国和以色列之间的认同,同时参照博弈论的原理,分析美国,以色列和阿拉伯国家之间的合纵连横。 本文认为,犹太教和犹太精神是犹太民族的本质规定性,是统摄现代美国犹太政治的精神母本,犹太政治的的生成和发展都与犹太教和犹太精神息息相关。美国犹太政治的未来走向也决定于犹太教和犹太精神的延续。这是本文的一个极为重要的结论。本文还认为,无论美国犹太人的政治影响有多大,却很难撼动和颠覆基督教白人政治在美国政治中的主导性和统治地位。美国犹太政治的内涵是美国犹太人影响和参与美国政治。主要表现是犹太人为了实现自身族裔利益和以色列国家利益的最大化,利用自身超强的经济实力和掌握强大的新闻媒体,舆论工具和思想库,建立自己的政治组织和利益集团;或通过直接从政,形成一定的政治势力并且提出一系列特定的政治思想影响美国政治;美国犹太人同时十分注重培植亲犹太以色列势力,犹太人院外集团的游说行为对美以关系,美国的中东政策的造成深刻影响。 本论文分为绪论,正文,后记以及附录。正文一共六章,每一章都是围绕一个专题进行论述。整个论文的字数约为18万字。 第一章论述美国犹太民族的生成和演变。犹太民族最早创立一神犹太教,形成了独特的犹太性和犹太精神。犹太民族历经千年而强劲存在,并且保存着他们独特的信仰和崇拜。在千年流散中,犹太人深受反犹主义的迫害,但仍然作为一个独特的民族生存下来了。近现代以来,犹太人向美国移民,一共出现了四次移民高潮。美国犹太民族的形成过程是犹太人在美国与其他民族的同化与共存的过程。美国犹太人通过有限同化和多元共存,已经融入了现代美国社会。这是全篇论文展开的历史基础和必要的背景交代。 第二章论述犹太教的现代化,犹太教在现代化的语境中出现教派分裂,但是在犹太复国主义的旗帜下重新整合,在民族主义和现代化的双重力量的推动之下,美国犹太人实现了他们的政治觉醒。这一章承上启下,是分析犹太政治的逻辑起点。 第三章从宏观上考察美国犹太人的政治思想里程,直接进入犹太政治的核心理论问题。美国犹太人曾经接受过社会主义,但其政治思想的主流是自由主义,20世纪60年代,犹太人政治思想出现两股趋势:犹太左派激进主义和新保守主义。新保守主义发轫于犹太人知识分子群落,并在不断的发展当中。犹太左派激进主义却很快消歇。 第四章研究犹太人的现代政治行为,这是美国犹太政治的躯壳和骨架,也是犹太政治的发生机制和运作机制所在。现代美国犹太人的政治行为主要包括犹太“从政”现象,犹太人院外集团和利益集团的形以及美国国内亲以色列势力的培植等。 第五章是论文的重要部分,具体历时地描述美国犹太势力,美以关系和美国的中东政策的三角关系,是美国犹太政治最为突出的表现形态和事实注脚。历史证明,美国犹太人坚决捍卫以色列的利益,甚至不惜牺牲美国的利益。美国是以色列的忠实的盟友,以色列是美国的战略资产。但是在美国与以色列的互动中,以色列有时也损害美国的利益,美国有时为了整体的利益也做出不利于以色列的政策和决定。 第六章对美国犹太政治的现状和前景做出一个恰当的评估。犹太新保守主义的崛起以及在小布什政府中的走红是美国犹太政治在当代的最主要的表现。犹太人的政治前景尚不确定。为了犹太政治的持续,犹太政治必须实现策略转型。 本论文的创新之处在于选题,立论和方法。 本文选题新颖,国内学者全面研究美国犹太政治的还较为少见。本论文从理论和实践的两方面出发,试图全面研究二十世纪美国犹太政治,理清其脉络,揭示其内因,把握其规律,预测其发展。 立论新是多方面的。从犹太教的现代化和犹太复国主义运动当中梳理出美国现代犹太政治的萌芽。美国犹太人在其唯以色列利益是瞻的政治活动中对美国利益的损害以及他们对反犹主义的滥用造成美国犹太人自身的政治困境,犹太新保守主义概念的提出,这些都是本论文突破前人的观点。方法新是指本论文综合运用国际政治理论,西方哲学,宗教文化多种理论,特别使运用现实主义,建构主义,博弈论,因事而异,进行较为独到和有创意的论证。
[Abstract]:This thesis is guided by the relevant theories of political science , international politics , religious culture and western philosophy , and makes a systematic analysis and investigation of modern American Jewish politics . This paper holds that the Jewish and Jewish spirit is the essence of the Jewish people . It is the spiritual mother of the Jewish politics in the United States . The future trend of the Jewish politics is also determined by the Jewish and Jewish spirit . This is a very important conclusion of this article . The main manifestations of the Jewish politics in the United States are the influence and participation of American politics in American politics . This thesis is divided into an introduction , a body , a postscript , and an appendix . Each chapter is composed of six chapters , each of which is discussed around a topic . The number of the whole paper is about 180,000 words . The first chapter deals with the formation and evolution of the Jewish people in the United States . The Jewish people first created a Jewish religion and formed a unique Jewish and Jewish spirit . The Jewish people have been persecuted by anti - Semitism during the years , but they still exist as a unique nation . In the modern times , the Jewish people have been persecuted by anti - Semitism , but they still exist as a unique nation . The formation of the Jewish people in the United States is a process of assimilation and coexistence of Jews in the United States and other nations . The Jewish people have been integrated into the modern American society through limited assimilation and multiple coexistence . This is the historical basis and the necessary background of the whole thesis . The second chapter discusses the modernization of the Jewish religion , which is divided by the sect in the context of modernization . However , under the banner of the Judea , the Jews in the United States have realized their political awakening under the double power of nationalism and modernization . This chapter is a logical starting point for the analysis of Jewish politics . In the third chapter , we look at the political ideas of American Jews directly into the core of Jewish politics . American Jews have accepted socialism , but the mainstream of their political ideas is liberalism . In the 1960s , the Jewish political thought emerged two trends : Jewish left radicalism and neo - conservatism . Neo - conservatism originated in Jewish intellectual communities , and in constant development . Jewish left - wing radicalism quickly breaks down . The fourth chapter studies the modern political behavior of the Jews , which is the shell and skeleton of the Jewish politics in the United States , and the mechanism and mechanism of the operation of the Jewish politics . The political behavior of the Jewish people mainly includes the phenomenon of " politics " , the shape of the outside group and interest group of the Jewish community , and the cultivation of the pro - Israeli forces in the United States . Chapter V is an important part of the thesis , which describes the U.S . Jewish forces , the U.S . - Israeli relations and the U.S . Middle East policy . History proves that the U.S . Jews are firmly defending Israel ' s interests and even sacrificing the interests of the United States . The U.S . is a faithful ally of Israel , and Israel is the strategic asset of the United States . But in the U.S . and Israel ' s interaction , Israel has sometimes damaged the interests of the United States , and the United States has sometimes made a policy and decision against Israel for the sake of the whole . Chapter 6 makes an appropriate assessment of the current situation and prospect of the Jewish politics in the United States . The rise of Jewish neo - conservatism and the shift in the Bush administration are the main manifestations of American Jewish politics in the contemporary era . The political prospects of the Jews are uncertain . For the sake of the continuing Jewish politics , the Jewish politics must realize strategic transformation . The innovation of this thesis lies in the selection of questions , theories and methods . This paper attempts to study the American Jewish politics in the twentieth century and reveal its cause , grasp its laws and predict the development of the Jewish politics in the twentieth century . On the other hand , the author points out that the present paper comprehensively applies the theory of international politics , western philosophy and religious culture , and makes use of the theory of international politics , western philosophy and religious culture .
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