本文关键词: 纳粹屠犹 否认纳粹屠犹 犹太人 否认者 反犹主义 出处:《南京大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“否认纳粹屠犹”是对20世纪希特勒纳粹德国屠杀犹太人这一人类历史重大屠杀事件的歪曲,这一现象的出现不仅是对犹太人历史的否认,也是对整个人类文明和尊严的否认,因此,对其进行深入研究和探讨具有重要意义。与众多著作关注否认纳粹屠犹这一现象本身不同,本文尝试从犹太人的视角出发来探讨纳粹屠犹的主要受害者——犹太人是如何应对这一现象的,即考察犹太人在对抗这一现象时所采取的各种举措,并对其进行思考和评判。 本文内容包括绪论、五章正文及结语。 绪论部分对“纳粹屠犹”、“否认纳粹屠犹”这两个概念进行阐释,并介绍本文的选题理由、研究综述、研究思路及研究目标。 第一章“否认现象的出现和传播”。首先探讨否认纳粹屠犹现象自二战末期出现以来至今在各个阶段的发展情况,其中着重分析了阿拉伯世界的否认现象。其次探讨否认现象得以迅速发展蔓延的原因,这些原因主要包括否认者以修正主义和解构主义作为理论支撑、利用高科技手段加大宣传并为否认大屠杀披上了学术研究的外衣、采用相对化和弱化的否认伎俩、借助言论自由及社会上的反犹主义煽动否认大屠杀等等。 第二章“以学术研究为手段进行的抗击”。首先介绍了纳粹屠犹学术研究的证据、三个发展阶段及内容。进而针对否认者的主要观点进行逐一批判和反驳,这些观点主要包括:纳粹是否有灭犹政策、纳粹是否用毒气杀人、犹太人受害者是否有约600万、各种证据是否伪造等。 第三章“以法律为武器进行的抗击”。首先就狄波拉·利普斯塔特在法庭上与纳粹屠犹否认者大卫·欧文的抗争一案进行个案研究,分析该案件发生的背景、双方法庭对峙的过程,并论述该案所产生的影响及双方胜败的原因。其次分析国际社会,即包括联合国在内的各国际组织,以及各国在抗击“否认纳粹屠犹”现象时所作的立法和决策行为。 第四章“以教育为手段进行的抗击”。首先介绍了以色列及世界其他国家在学校进行大屠杀历史教育方面所作的努力,进而分析对抗否认纳粹屠犹的其他方式,如设立纳粹屠犹纪念馆和纪念日、对善恶的表彰和惩处、进行文艺创作、设立大屠杀教育基金及组织等在对抗否认纳粹屠犹现象中所起的作用。 第五章“几点思考”。对犹太人抗击“否认纳粹屠犹”现象进行深度思考,并谈及对中国的启示。 本文结语指出,虽然没有在历史领域取得多大成效,但否认纳粹屠犹现象却在社会中产生了不小的影响,推动了社会上反犹主义势力的重新抬头。与否认者作斗争是一件任重而道远的事情,犹太人的做法虽然未能根除否认纳粹屠犹这一现象,但却在一定程度上阻止了它的传播,这对于我们来说是个值得赞扬并可以效仿的尝试。
[Abstract]:"denying the Holocaust" is a distortion of Hitler's Holocaust in Nazi Germany in 20th century, which is not only a denial of Jewish history, but also a denial of human civilization and dignity. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and explore it in depth, as opposed to the phenomenon of denouncing the Nazi massacre in many books, This paper attempts to probe into how Jews, the main victims of the Nazi slaughter of Judaism, deal with this phenomenon from the perspective of Jews, that is, to investigate the various measures taken by Jews in confronting this phenomenon, and to think and judge it. The content of this paper includes introduction, five chapters text and conclusion. The introduction explains the concepts of "Nazi slaughtering" and "denying Nazi slaughtering", and introduces the reasons for choosing this topic, research review, research ideas and research objectives. The first chapter is "the emergence and spread of the phenomenon of denial". First of all, it discusses the development of the phenomenon of denying the Nazi slaughterhouse since the end of World War II. Secondly, it discusses the reasons for the rapid development and spread of the denial phenomenon, which mainly includes revisionism and deconstruction as the theoretical support. The use of high-tech means to increase propaganda and put on the cover of academic research for Holocaust denial, the use of relative and weakening denial tactics, freedom of speech and anti-Semitism in society incite Holocaust denial, and so on. The second chapter, "Resistance by means of academic research", first introduces the evidence, three stages of development and contents of the academic research on Nazi slaughterhouse, and then criticizes and refutes the main viewpoints of the deniers one by one. These views mainly include whether the Nazis have a policy of extermination, whether the Nazis use poison gas to kill people, whether there are about 6 million Jewish victims, and whether various kinds of evidence are falsified, etc. Chapter three, "the fight against the law," first of all, a case study of the case of Deborah Lipstadt in court against David Owen, the Nazi slaughter denier, to analyze the background of the case. The course of the standoff between the two courts, and the implications of the case and the reasons for their victory and defeat. Secondly, an analysis of the international community, namely, international organizations, including the United Nations, And the legislation and decision-making of countries in the fight against the phenomenon of denials of Nazi slaughter. Chapter 4th, "Education as a means of fighting," first describes the efforts of Israel and the rest of the world to educate schools about the history of the Holocaust, and then analyzes other ways to combat the denials of Nazi slaughter. For example, the establishment of memorial halls and anniversaries of the Nazi slaughterhouse, the recognition and punishment of good and evil, the creation of literary and artistic works, the establishment of Holocaust education funds and organizations, and so on, have played a role in combating the denial of the phenomenon of Nazi slaughtering. Chapter 5th, "A few thoughts", gives a deep thought to the Jewish resistance to the phenomenon of "denying the Holocaust", and talks about the enlightenment to China. In conclusion, it is pointed out that although there has not been much success in the field of history, the denial of the phenomenon of Nazi slaughter has had a great impact on society. The fight against the deniers is a long way off, and the Jewish practice, although it has not eradicated the denials of Nazi slaughter, to some extent, has prevented its spread. This is a laudable and emulated attempt for us.
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