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发布时间:2018-04-09 11:39

  本文选题:社会政策 切入点:欧洲一体化 出处:《山东大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 罗马条约签署以后欧洲一体化在社会政策领域始终没有取得实质性进展。从目前情况看,成员国的社会政策基本上处于分散状态,欧洲联盟在社会政策领域仅仅发挥支持、协调与辅助作用。建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟是欧洲一体化取得的重要成就。统一的内部市场具有规模经济优势,单一货币能够降低交易成本和风险,对于深化内部市场建设具有积极的推动作用。内部市场机制能否发挥应有的作用在很大程度上取决于能否实现生产要素自由流动、单一货币稳定以及成员国之间的平等分配和公平竞争。成员国分散的社会政策是影响内部市场劳动力自由流动、平等分配和公平竞争以及货币联盟稳定的主要因素。因此欧盟在建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟的同时,应当确立统一的社会政策。 按照政府间主义的解释,统一的社会政策作为一体化目标必须具有功能意义上的必要性,即有助于减少由于经济和社会相互依赖程度不断加深导致的消极外部性。统一的社会政策是否具有功能意义上的必要性取决于应当如何看待一体化的发展状况以及统一的社会政策与一体化之间的关系。从功能意义上看,统一的社会政策的必要性体现在两个方面:第一,能够满足内部市场和经济与货币联盟的实际需要;第二,能够减少经济一体化在缺乏统一的社会政策的情况下可能产生的消极影响。 实现劳动力自由流动,建立统一的劳动力市场,是内部市场计划的必要组成部分。成员国分散的社会政策是影响劳动力自由流动的主要因素。内部市场整个再生产过程的顺利进行依赖于稳定的劳动力要素投入和商品需求。灵活的劳动力市场政策有助于解决成员国普遍面临的失业问题,劳动力自由流动是改善内部市场劳动力供求关系的有效途径。在缺乏必要的货币政策的情况下,劳动力自由流动能够减少需求条件变化对再生产过程产生的消极影响。 内部市场依赖于效率与平等。经济一体化主要依靠市场机制实现资源在成员国之间的分配,内部市场的分配和收益状况在很大程度上取决于成员国的比较优势。由于成员国比较优势存在差异,在缺乏有效的再分配和转移支付机制的情况下,内部市场分配和收益也会存在差异。这会阻碍成员国在建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟的过程中发挥应有的作用。货币联盟依赖于效率与稳定。稳定是效率的前提,影响稳定的因素会对效率产生消极作用,缺乏稳定的单一货币会影响内部市场优势的正常发挥。由于稳定与增长机制更多地强调成本、物价和货币增长率等名义指标趋同,缺乏必要的失业率等实际宏观经济指标趋同措施,经济条件变化会增加成员国短期和长期宏观经济调整成本,最终影响货币联盟稳定。欧洲一体化需要所有成员国的支持和参与。内部市场本身不可能解决效率与平等问题,货币联盟本身也不可能解决效率与稳定问题。欧盟必须通过有效的转移支付机制和实际趋同措施对内部市场和货币联盟进行干预才能够保证一体化的顺利进行。 内部市场规模经济优势的正常发挥依赖于公平竞争,竞争政策是内部市场政策的核心组成部分。成员国分散的社会政策阻碍公平竞争。内部市场生产要素自由流动加剧了成员国之间的竞争,成员国的竞争优势在一定程度上取决于劳动力成本优势。般情况下,较低的经济发展水平和社会保障水平意味着较低的劳动力成本。从内部市场的角度看,较低的劳动力成本能够获得较为明显的竞争优势。由于成员国的社会保障水平和标准存在较大差异,内部市场竞争有可能导致社会倾销和竞次。成员国采取什么样的政策和措施不仅取决于实际需要,而且取决于可供选择的政策手段的构成状况。随着一体化的不断深入,成员国可自主支配的政策手段逐步转移到欧盟的权限范围以内。经济与货币联盟建立以后,社会政策几乎成为成员国协调经济和社会发展的唯一手段。在传统的宏观经济政策不能有效地发挥作用的情况下,降低社会保障水平和标准可能成为成员国缓解竞争压力和获取竞争优势必须采取的措施。 欧洲社会模式概念的提出意味着成员国的社会政策具有一定程度的相似性,为讨论欧盟制定和实施统一的社会政策的可能性提供了合理依据。统一的社会政策必须考虑成员国社会保障水平和标准等形式和内容方面的差异。社会政策的形式和内容是更具根本意义的原则和价值取向的体现。一种能够体现大多数成员国的社会政策原则和价值取向的统一的社会政策更容易为成员国接受。如果成员国的社会政策具有相同的原则和价值取向,具体形式和内容的趋同程度对于欧盟制定和实施统一的社会政策显得更加重要。尽管过多的差异并不意味着完全否定欧盟制定和实施统一的社会政策的可能性,但是会在很大程度上增加立法与决策难度。 成员国社会政策的实际发展状况和欧盟的制度能力是影响欧盟制定和实施统一的社会政策的主要因素。欧盟的社会政策协调以及内部市场和经济与货币联盟的建立能够在一定程度上增加成员国社会政策的相似性,但是不可能从根本上消除成员国社会保障水平和标准差异。随着欧盟的逐步扩大,成员国社会政策的差异程度会不断提高。统一的社会政策必然涉及再分配问题,它要求欧盟必须拥有足够的财政资源,并且能够随着转移支付规模的变化及时做出调整。但是由于欧盟的预算来源十分有限,支出相对集中,再加上成员国之间在预算安排问题上存在分歧,扩大预算来源和调整支出结构的设想至少从目前看难以实现,而且这种状况短期内不会改变。 把统一的社会政策确立为一体化目标是欧盟在社会政策领域获得足够的决策权限的最有效途径。欧盟的权限源于成员国授权,成员国授权的依据是共同确立的一体化目标,只有为实现一体化目标必须共同采取行动的政策领域才会最终被纳入欧盟的权限范围以内。成员国确立的一体化目标具有全局意义。一体化涉及哪些政策领域,采取哪些具体措施,权限范围如何确定,以及采用什么样的决策程序和规则,都取决于一体化目标。由于统一的社会政策不能成为一体化目标,欧盟在社会政策领域的地位、作用和决策能力受到很大程度的限制。权限问题不仅包括权限转移问题,而且包括权限归属问题。把统一的社会政策确立为一体化目标只能解决权限转移问题,不可能从根本上解决权限归属问题。成员国实施社会政策立法与决策的实际效果最终取决于权限归属。统一的社会政策的主要作用是促进劳动力自由流动,与劳动力关系最密切的社会保障问题是成员国社会政策中最重要的组成部分。欧盟实现社会政策领域权限转移和解决权限归属问题会面临很多困难,可能需要很长时间。 欧盟在社会政策领域获得足够的决策权限的另一条重要途径是依靠灵活的程序和规则、通过渐进的方式逐步扩大在社会政策领域的决策能力。这种方式是否有效取决于决策机构在一体化问题上的立场及其在决策过程中的地位和作用。委员会积极的立法建议是推动成员国在社会政策领域加强合作的必要前提。在部长理事会完全支配决策过程的情况下,委员会的许多立法建议不能被及时采纳。议会在立法与决策过程中的地位和作用不断提高能够部分改变部长理事会否决委员会立法建议的局面。但是欧盟条约引入辅助性原则以后,委员会的立法建议权受到很大程度的限制。如果委员会不能提出有助于扩大欧盟社会政策立法与决策权限的建议,有效多数表决方式适用范围的扩展不可能从根本上改变欧盟在社会政策领域的弱势地位。在很多情况下,欧盟的立法与决策不可能完全符合所有成员国的立场。如果适用有效多数表决方式通过的决议不能反映所有成员国的实际需要,成员国之间的立场分歧可能会对社会政策立法与决策的具体实施产生消极影响。 完全统一成员国的社会保障水平和标准是实现内部市场劳动力自由流动、平等分配和公平竞争以及货币联盟稳定的最有效途径。但是由于成员国社会政策立法极为复杂,经济和社会状况与劳动力市场条件存在较大差异,完全统一的设想并不现实。消除社会保障水平和标准差异必须以满足劳动力的实际需要为前提。能否在不降低发达成员国社会保障水平和标准的情况下,通过扩大结构基金支出规模把差距缩小在合理范围以内,取决于成员国能否达成共识。 一体化的最初目的是针对成员国的主权确立有效的约束机制,因为不受任何限制的主权必然影响成员国的稳定与繁荣。条约引入辅助性原则意味着社会政策领域的立法与决策不可能完全转移到欧盟的权限范围以内。成员国不可能在相互限制主权的同时重新建立一种拥有绝对支配能力的主权形式。立法与决策及其组织实施不可能属于同一权限范围。即使社会政策立法与决策成为欧盟的专属权限,社会政策的具体实施仍然必须由成员国完成。成员国、地区以及社会合作伙伴在欧盟立法与决策过程中发挥重要作用,多层治理能够更加真实地反映一体化在社会政策领域的发展状况。
[Abstract]:Since the signing of the Rome Treaty , the European integration has not made substantial progress in the field of social policy . At present , the social policy of the member states is basically in a dispersed state . The European Union has played an important role in the field of social policy . The establishment of the internal market and economic and monetary union is an important achievement in European integration . The internal market and the economic and monetary union are the major achievements of European integration . The internal market mechanism can play a positive role in deepening the internal market construction . The decentralized social policy of the member states is the main factor that affects the free movement of the labour force in the internal market , the equal distribution and fair competition and the stability of the monetary union . Therefore , the EU should establish a unified social policy while establishing the internal market and the economic and monetary union .

According to the explanation of intergovernmental doctrine , the unified social policy must have the functional significance as the integration goal , that is , it helps to reduce the negative external nature caused by the deepening of economic and social interdependence . The necessity of unity of social policy depends on how to look at the development of integration and the relation between the unified social policy and integration .
Second , it is possible to reduce the negative impact that economic integration may have in the absence of a unified social policy .

The realization of the free movement of labor force and the establishment of a unified labor market are the necessary components of the internal market plan . The decentralized social policy of the member states is the main factor that influences the free movement of the labor force . The flexible labor market policy can help solve the problem of unemployment generally faced by the member countries . The flexible labor market policy can help solve the problem of unemployment generally faced by the member countries . In the absence of the necessary monetary policy , the free movement of the labor force can reduce the negative impact of the change of demand condition on the reproduction process .

Economic integration relies mainly on market mechanism to realize the distribution of resources among the member countries . The distribution and return of internal market depends on the comparative advantage of the member countries .

Economic advantage of internal market depends on fair competition , and competition policy is the core part of internal market policy .

The introduction of the European social model concept means that the social policy of the member states has a certain degree of similarity and provides a reasonable basis for discussing the possibility of establishing and implementing a unified social policy for the European Union . The form and content of social policy must take into account the social policy principles and the value orientation of the member countries .

The social policy coordination of the European Union and the establishment of the internal market and the economic and monetary union can increase the similarity of the social policies of the member countries to a certain extent , but it is not possible to fundamentally eliminate the social security level and the standard difference of the member countries .

The unified social policy is the most effective way for the EU to obtain adequate decision - making authority in the field of social policy . The European Union ' s authority derives from the authorization of the member States , and the basis of the authorization of the member states is within the jurisdiction of the European Union . The integration goal of the member states has a global significance . The integration of social policy can only solve the problem of authority transfer . The main function of the unified social policy is to promote the free movement of the labor force , and the social security problem which is the closest to the labor force is the most important part of the member countries ' social policy . The EU ' s realization of the right to transfer and solve the right of authority in the field of social policy can face many difficulties and may take a long time .

EU legislation and decision - making cannot fundamentally change the EU ' s position and role in the field of social policy .

It is not realistic to completely unify the social security standards and standards of the member countries , but because the legislation of the social policy of the member states is extremely complex , the economic and social situation and the conditions of the labour market are quite different , the idea of complete reunification is not realistic . The elimination of social security standards and standard differences must be based on the practical needs of the labor force .

The initial aim of the integration is to establish an effective restriction mechanism for the sovereignty of the member States , because the sovereignty of any limitation inevitably affects the stability and prosperity of the member States . The introduction of subsidiarity means that legislation and decisions in the area of social policy cannot be completely transferred to the jurisdiction of the European Union . Even if social policy legislation and decision - making cannot be completely transferred to the jurisdiction of the European Union , the implementation of social policy must be completed by member States . Even if social policy legislation and decision - making become the exclusive authority of the European Union , the implementation of social policy must be completed by member States . In the EU legislation and decision - making , the member states , regions and social partners play an important role in the process of EU legislation and decision - making , and multi - level governance can reflect more truly the development of integration in the field of social policy .



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5 刘玉安;;福利国家与社会和谐——北欧模式探源[J];文史哲;2008年05期




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