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发布时间:2018-04-19 10:21

  本文选题:“基督教-日耳曼社会” + 欧洲文明 ; 参考:《南京大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:早在18世纪,孟德斯鸠就发现,仅仅依据政治现时经验来推导发展趋势是很不可靠的。因为,当代社会的重大政治过程是无法在当代政治本身找到答案的,也不可能通过简单地回顾历史得到解决。事实上,它们涉及到与文明和秩序有关的一系列根本问题。此后,黑格尔、马克思、恩格斯、布洛赫、斯宾格勒、汤因比、布罗代尔等也都相信,必须把研究历史基因作为研究现实社会的基础和出发点。其中,斯宾格勒把这一观点说得最清楚。他说:“我不得不相信:为了有效地了解时代,作为基础计划的范围就必须大加扩充;想我所做的这种研究,如果要使结果基本上成为有结论性的和必要的,把自己限制在某一个时代及其政治现实,或把自己限制在实用主义的框子中,或竟不去利用纯粹形而上学的和高度先验的研究方法,是不可能的。事情很显然,一个政治问题是不能单从政治本身去得到理解的,并且在事物深处起作用的重要因素往往只能从它的艺术表现去领会,甚至只能远远地用科学的或纯哲学的观念的形式去张望。” 社会是一个有机生命体。其文明在幼稚期和青春期形成的习惯、打下的思想烙印将左右该文明与社会的发展始终。正是在这个意义上,布罗代尔指出,“事实上,现在在不同程度上是其他更为古老的经历的产物。它是以往数百年的结晶,甚至是‘人类迄今为止整个历史演绎的结晶’。”2文明是人类社会的灵魂,同样具有生物特性,其发展和演绎遵循的也是生、老、病、死的生命节律。没有直线发展的永不衰竭的文明。文明是由族群社会及其文化与某种意识形态和自然地理风貌结合的产物。欧洲文明的形成是口耳曼社群及其文化与基督教和欧洲的自然地理风貌结合的结果。这三大要素是欧洲文明的基因,共同构成了欧洲文明的种子,确定了欧洲文明的宿命。每个文明的构成是不同的,它们的宿命也是不同的,发展道路也不可能相同。文明的以上特性决定了,人类社会的进步不是单一文明持续发展的结果,而是不同文明之间不断地交替超越的结果。 “基督教——口耳曼世界”的形成是欧洲历史发展中最有决定性意义的过程。因为,它既孕育了欧洲文明,也孕育了欧洲秩序体系,并且包含着决定欧洲个性的基因,因而是欧洲文明的种子,隐藏着所有与现代欧洲相关的历史逻辑与发展密码。 在“基督教——口耳曼世界”形成的历史过程中,法兰克人的崛起是一个关键。在克洛维的领导下,法兰克人发挥了历史性的作用:第一,他们缔造了法兰克王国;第二,他们利用有利的时间、空间和形势,积极向周边地区扩张,征服了高卢,奠定了法兰克王国基础和法兰克人统治欧洲的基础,从而为欧洲的蛮族化创造了历史前提;第三,在五世纪末的某一年,他们皈依了正统的罗马基督教,使法兰克人由此融入了当时的社会潮流,奠定了法兰克人统治欧洲的社会、文化基础,并为欧洲的宗教化进程开辟了道路。 欧洲秩序体系存在的主要依据,是“基督教——日耳曼世界”的诞生与存在。秩序是文明发展不同阶段的组织形式。因此,它的演绎逻辑和阶段特性是由文明的宿命决定的,与文明的演绎节奏相配合的。欧洲秩序体系演绎的基本框架,是整体性与多样性并存;其基本逻辑,是在秩序的整体性中展现个性;而秩序形式变换的本质,则是一个秩序体系依据文明发展阶段在内部展开的矛盾斗争与分分合合。 中世纪以来的欧洲历史发展表明,欧洲秩序体系一经形成,便成为欧洲社会的基本规范和政治演绎的基本框架,既体现着欧洲社会与欧洲文明整体性与多样性并存的基本特征,也对体系中各社群乃至各国形成明确而有力的规约作用。今天的欧洲联盟(或欧洲共同体)是一种与均势格局完全不同的秩序体系,其本质差别就在于它是欧洲国家的利益共同体。然而,它之所以能在战后的短时间里成为西欧国家秩序的基本框架,并在此后覆盖全欧洲,却不是欧洲人再次展现制度创造力的结果,而是欧洲人的政治回归和对传统经验与传统体制的再利用。这在本质上是在开发欧洲秩序体系发展逻辑的力量,而共同体秩序就是欧洲秩序体系的延续与发展。否则,这样大规模的秩序框架是不可能在短几年中就培育形成的。 欧洲的政治生态和秩序形态是与欧洲文明与社会的发展进程紧密相关的。今天,我们可以把战前欧洲文明与社会的发展概略地归结为两大历史进程,即宗教化的历史进程与世俗化的历史进程。公元6-13世纪是欧洲普遍宗教化的历史时期,14-20世纪中期是欧洲完成世俗化的历史时期。 普遍的基督教化教化了欧洲蛮族社会,提高了他们的文化水平,使他们幼稚的心灵成熟起来,但也限制了世俗社会及其关系体系的发展。同时,在生产力水平和经济生活极其落后的背景下,社会也没有形成广泛联系的基础。人们以很小的群体形式生存着,不需要,也无力供养中央权力。与此同时,世俗的政治思想和政治理论也因宗教意识形态的制约和缺乏社会需求而难以形成。宗教意识形态控制着整个社会和人们的心灵。人们的欲望、野心与活动能力都受到了极大的限制。政治与斗争只是在极低的水平线上进行着,欧洲秩序以缺乏竞争的基督教共和社会为特点。 经过10世纪以后两百年的恢复,欧洲的世俗经济与社会关系积聚了充分的能量,并在13世纪以后开始了加速发展的历史进程,并对旧的封建政治和基督教秩序提出了挑战。在形势适合的地区,世俗王开始形成,与之相适应的政治生态也渐渐发展起来并且日益复杂化了。王政统治与封建领主和罗马教廷的斗争日趋激烈,王朝间的领土争夺也愈演愈烈。1337年,大规模的王朝战争终于在英法之间爆发。它预示着基督教共和时代的终结和战国时代的到来。 黑死病的爆发是压垮旧秩序的最后一根稻草。欧洲社会在战乱、疾病和经济危机的不断冲击下陷入了空前的混乱。封建贵族和基督教教会都无力应对这样复杂和全方位的社会危机。它崩溃了。迅猛发展起来的世俗社会与经济关系既淹没了以土地为核心的封建制度,也强烈地冲击了欧洲的宗教世界及其意识形态。欧洲从此走上了世俗化的发展历程。 欧洲的世俗化过程由三个紧密联系在一起的基本内容组成:形成商业社会、解放思想和建立民族国家。这其实是一个由经济而思想,最终归结为政治上层建筑的社会发展过程。但在欧洲,这同时也是一个世俗化的过程。社会发展与变化的速度加快,是一个催人奋进,并引发激烈竞争的时代。在政治领域中,王朝政治逐步向国家政治过渡,与之相适应的思想、理论、哲学层出不穷,统治关念、权力观念、主权观念和利益原则、竞争原则等成为新社会秩序的主体思想。欧洲的共和秩序体系也随之被充满了竞争性的争霸秩序体系所取代。 法兰西与德意志是易北河以西欧洲社会的最大族群,自法兰克王国以来,其地缘政治辐射力与文化辐射力就在西欧大陆上居于无可匹敌的地位。欧洲国家体系和国际政治格局形成以后,法兰西与德意志在欧洲政治中所起的作用突出出来,无论他们处于何种兴衰境况都未曾改变。法德两大族群的政治作用是与欧洲的秩序体系紧密相关的。在基督教共和时期,它们两者是以兄弟身份存在于欧洲秩序体系中的,当欧洲秩序体系转变为争霸秩序,这两者就以竞争对手的身份活跃在欧洲政治生活里。第二次世界大战以后,一体化和建立共同体成为欧洲秩序建设的主流,法德两国关系也随之由宿敌便成为合作者于盟友。
[Abstract]:In early eighteenth Century, Montesquieu found that only on the basis of political experience to the derivation of the trends are not reliable. Because the major political process in contemporary society is unable to find the answer in the contemporary politics itself, can not be solved by simply reviewing the history. In fact, they involve a series of fundamental problems related to civilization and order. Since then, Hagel, Marx, Engels, Bloch, Spengler, Toynbee, Braudel also believed that, must take the research history as the research basis and starting point of social reality. Among them, Spengler took the view that most clearly. He said: "I have to believe that in order to effectively understand the era, as the range based planning must be expanded; the research to what I do, if you want to make the results basically become a conclusive and necessary, since Has been restricted to a certain age and political reality, or limit yourself to the pragmatic frame, research methods or even not to use pure and highly transcendental metaphysics, is not possible. It is obviously a political problem is not only from politics itself go to understanding, and in things the deep work of the important factors is often only from the artistic expression of it to understand, even can only use scientific or pure philosophy form to look around "
The society is an organic life. The formation of civilization in childhood and adolescence habits, development and lay ideological brand will about the civilization and social life. It is in this sense, Braudel pointed out, "in fact, now in different degree is more ancient experience it products. Is the crystallization of the past several hundred years, and even" so far the entire history of interpretation of the crystallization "." 2 civilization is the soul of human society, also has the biological characteristics, its development and interpretation also followed the birth, old, disease, death of life rhythm. No linear development inexhaustible civilization is a product of civilization. By the combination of ethnic society and its culture and ideology and natural geographical features. The formation of European civilization is in the natural geographical features, and community culture and Christianity in Europe and the result of a combination of these three elements is Europe. Zhou civilization gene, constitute the seed of European civilization, determined the fate of European civilization. Each civilization is different, their fate is different, the development of the road can not be the same. The above characteristics determine the civilization and progress of human society is not a single civilization sustainable development results, but different civilizations constantly turn beyond the results.
"The Christian form of the Germanic world" is the most crucial process in the development of European history. Because it not only gives birth to the European civilization, also gave birth to the European order system, and contains the decision of the European identity genes, thus is the seed of European civilization, hide all associated with a history of modern Europe the development of logic and the password.
In the process of history "Christian Germanic world" formed in the rise of the Franks is a key. Clovis under the leadership of the Franks played a historical role: first, they created the Frankish kingdom; second, they took advantage of the time, space and situation, actively to the surrounding area expansion the conquest of Gaul, and laid the foundation of the Frankish Kingdom foundation and the Franks in Europe, thus creating the historical premise for the European barbarians; third, at the end of fifth Century a year, they converted to orthodox Christianity in Rome, the Franks which evolved into the social trend, laid the Franks in Europe the social and cultural foundation, opened the way and process of religion in Europe.
Mainly on the basis of the existing European order system, "the birth of Christianity: the Germanic world" and there are different stages of order. The organizational form of the development of civilization. Therefore, its deductive logic and stage properties are determined by the fate of civilization, civilization and the interpretation of rhythm matched. The basic framework of interpretation of European order system. Is the integrity and diversity coexist; the basic logic is individuality in the overall order; and the order form transform nature, is the contradiction between an order system based on civilization development stage in internal expansion and skelter.
Since the medieval European history shows that the European order system formed, has become the basic norms of the European social and political interpretation of the basic framework, which embodies the basic characteristics of the European Community and the European civilization integrity and diversity, but also the formation of clear and powerful restriction on the system in communities and nations today. The European Union (European Community) is a kind of structure completely different order system, the essential difference is that it is the interests of the community of European countries. However, it has become a basic framework of Western European countries in the short time in order, and then covering the whole of Europe, but not the Europeans show again the system of creative results, but the European political regression and the traditional experience and traditional system reuse. This is in essence in the development of the European order system development. The order of the community is the continuity and development of the European order system. Otherwise, such a large-scale order framework can not be cultivated in a short span of a few years.
Europe's political ecology and order form is associated with European civilization and social development are closely related. Today, we can put to the general development of the pre War European civilization and social history can be divided into two processes, namely the religious history and secular history. In the 6-13 century is the common European religious history in the middle of the 14-20 century European Complete Secular historical period.
Universal Christian civilized Europe barbarian society to improve their cultural level, make their childish minds mature, but also limits the development of secular society and its system. At the same time, the level of productivity and economic life is extremely backward under the background of society has not formed the basis of extensive contacts with people with very small. The group forms exist, do not need, is unable to support the central power. At the same time, political thought and theory of secular because of religious ideology of constraints and lack of social demand and difficult to form. The religious ideology control of the whole society and people's hearts. People's desire, ambition and ability have been greatly the political struggle and restriction. Only at a very low level of a European order by a lack of competition in the society of Christian Republic.
After the tenth Century after two hundred years of recovery, the European secular relations between economy and society have accumulated sufficient energy, the historical process and in thirteenth Century began to accelerate the development, and put forward a challenge to the old feudal politics and Christianity. In order for the situation, the secular King began to form, and adapt to the political ecology has gradually developed and become more and more complicated. The monarchy and the feudal lords and the Church of Rome fierce struggle, Dynasty territory has intensified for.1337 years, a massive empire war finally broke out between Britain and France. It indicates the end of the Christian Republic era and the Warring States era.
The outbreak was the last straw that breaks the old order. The European Society in the war, disease and continue to impact the crisis into unprecedented chaos. The feudal aristocracy and the Christian Church were unable to cope with such a complex and comprehensive social crisis. It collapsed. Rapid development of secular society and economic relations not only show up overwhelmed the feudal system of land as the core, has a strong impact on the European religions of the world and its ideology. Europe has embarked on the development process of secularization.
The secularization process consists of three closely related components in the basic content: the formation of commercial society, emancipating the mind and the establishment of the nation. This is in fact a by economy thought, it boils down to the political superstructure and social development. But in Europe, it is also a process of secularization. The speed of social change and development speed, is an inspiring, and sparked a fierce competition era. In the field of politics, political dynasties gradually to the national political transition, and adapt to the idea, theory, philosophy ruling concept, the concept of power emerge in an endless stream, and the principle of sovereignty and interests, the principle of competition become the subject the new social order thought. The European Republican order system also will be full of competitive system of hegemony order replaced.
France and Germany are the largest ethnic group in Europe west of the Elbe River society, from the Frankish Kingdom, the geopolitical and cultural radiation radiation force in Western Europe in unbeatable position. After the formation of the European state system and the international political pattern, France and Germany in the European political role in whether they developed. What is the rise and fall of circumstances have not changed. The political role of France and Germany in two ethnic groups are closely related to the European order system. In the Christian Republic, both of them as brothers and identity in the European order system, when the European order system into hegemony order, both with the identity of the competitor in the active the European political life. After the Second World War, become the mainstream of European integration and build community order construction, the Franco German relation with the The old enemy becomes a partner in an ally.



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1 和春红;法德和解与欧洲一体化[D];山东大学;2012年

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1 黄宇;论欧洲秩序体系的形成(476-1250)[D];吉林大学;2013年

2 马琳;欧洲王权国家的形成路径探究[D];吉林大学;2014年

3 王宇翔;论克吕尼运动对中世纪西欧秩序的塑造[D];吉林大学;2014年




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