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发布时间:2018-04-21 07:31

  本文选题:中美利益集团 + 政府决策 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2008年博士论文

【摘要】: 中国在推行改革开放政策后,社会的宏观结构经历了巨大的历史变迁。随着近年来改革的不断深化,政治民主化和法治化的不断推进,国家与社会关系的转型进入了关键时期,在从传统社会向现代社会转型、从同质性单一社会向异质性多元化社会转型的过程中,社会利益分化和利益结构重构成为转型时期最重要、最深刻的变化。由此产生的一个直接后果,就是越来越多的利益集团活跃在社会生活中,渗透在社会生活的各个领域,对政府决策和公共政策产生着重要的影响,并已经成为影响政府善治的一个不可回避的现实问题。 美国是当今世界上利益集团数量最多的国家,利益集团对政府决策的影响随处可见。利益集团的政治参与几乎渗透到所有的政治领域和政府部门,它们不仅对立法机关施加影响,也对行政部门和司法机关施加影响。分析利益集团对美国政府决策及外交政策制定的影响,可以为深入探究利益集团对中国政府决策的影响途径及影响程度提供可资借鉴的指导性意见,为整合和引导社会各阶层的利益诉求寻求适当的路径与措施,从而推动和谐社会的建设。 论文共分七章。第一章主要对中美利益集团的概念和特征进行阐述和比较。在这一章中,试图通过以美国为代表的西方学者及中国学者对利益集团概念的界定,分析不同社会制度、不同政治文化背景下利益集团概念的共有内涵及外延。在此基础上,对中美两国的利益集团的不同特征进行阐述和比较,分析政治体制、政治文化、社会发展阶段及历史传统对利益集团特征的影响,并着重总结社会转型期中国利益集团所具有的特征。 第二章以多元主义与法团主义两种截然不同的分析视角,审视在不同理论框架和理论视野中国家与利益集团的关系问题。通过对两种理论视野中利益集团在不同的国家机制与社会的运作角色的深入分析,寻找政府或国家机制与社会之间制度化联系的正确途径。作者认为,以美国利益集团为代表的多元主义政治参与模式不适合中国的现实国情,在综合考虑中国的历史传统、政治文化、社会转型期的政治现实、构建和谐社会的现实需要、公民社会发育的现实基础等诸多因素的基础上,法团主义是现阶段中国利益集团政治参与的模式选择,有助于推动社会主义和谐社会的的建设和民主政治的进程。 第三章主要通过对形成中美两国利益集团及利益表达制度的重要影响因素-政治文化进行分析比较,从政治文化的视角挖掘中美两国利益集团行为倾向性的内在根源。本章在分析中国传统政治文化、社会转型期政治文化特性及美国政治文化主要因素及特性的基础上,重点分析了政治文化对中美两国利益集团利益表达行为的影响。作者的主要观点是,政治生活中各种制度和行为倾向性的背后都有来自政治文化的支持。总的说来,美国政治文化对于利益集团的影响和塑造功能主要包含两个方面。一是它建构了利益集团的身份,使利益集团在某种政治文化氛围的引导和塑造中,形成了其内在的价值偏好。二是它为利益集团处理问题提供了意识模式,规范支配着利益集团的政治行为选择,决定着利益集团在美国特定政治体系中的政治行为取向,使个体的政治角色与政治体系建立了一种具有规范化、理性化特征的社会联系。中国利益集团的行为受到传统政治文化的很大影响,在社会转型期,利益集团的行为又具有特定历史时期的阶段性特征,这种特征与美国政治文化所塑造出的利益集团政治行为特征有着迥然不同的差别。 论文第四、五、六章是论文的主体部分。其中,第四章主要从利益集团影响政府决策的角度,对中美利益集团在政府决策中的影响对象、影响方式、地位与作用等方面进行比较。在比较分析的基础上,作者指出,社会转型期利益集团对中国政府决策兼具积极与消极的双重意义。 第五章主要从决策体制、影响对外决策的主要利益集团及利益集团影响对外决策的新趋势等几个方面对中美利益集团对政府对外决策的影响进行了比较分析,并在此基础上对中美利益集团对两国政府对外政策的影响进行了评价。在从利益集团影响对外政策的宪政体制背景、影响美国对外决策的利益集团、冷战后利益集团影响美国对外决策的新趋势等三个方面进行理论阐述与分析的基础上,作者对美国利益集团影响外交决策给予了客观的评价。作者提出了利益集团对美国外交决策的影响和作用仍较多地表现为“间接的和分散的”特征;利益集团对美国外交决策的介入使外交政策的制定过程也成为民主政治过程;利益集团对美国外交决策的影响具有阶段性特征;利益集团使美国外交政策在特定时期体现出“私有化”的特征;应以动态性的观点来看待利益集团对美国外交政策的影响等一些具有指导价值和借鉴意义的观点。 在对改革开放后中国外交决策体制的变化特点、影响中国外交政策制定的主要利益集团进行阐述的基础上,作者认为,利益集团影响中国外交政策出现了一些新的趋势,如改革开放后,利益集团对中国外交政策制定正在产生越来越大的影响;地方政府与中央政府一些机构成为影响对外决策的新利益行为主体;中国外交政策在一定程度上受到了非理性民族主义利益集团的制约和影响;网络在利益集团影响外交决策中发挥了重要作用等观点。最后,与利益集团对美国外交政策的影响评价相对应,本章对利益集团对中国外交决策的影响也进行了评价。作者提出了一些较具新意的观点。如,改革开放后,中国外交决策体制的变化为利益集团影响外交政策创造了条件;目前利益集团对中国外交决策的影响主要集中在经济领域;随着中国公民社会的发育成熟,利益集团将会对中国的对外政策制定产生越来越大的影响,但目前利益集团对中国外交决策的影响是间接的、有限的;激进的民族主义利益集团对中国外交决策造成了非理性的影响等观点。 为增强论文的现实指导意义,进一步剖析利益集团对中美两国国内政策制定及外交政策制定的影响与作用,第六章主要以利益集团与美国知识产权政策、军工复合体与冷战后美国的对台政策、中国加入WTO过程中国内利益集团的影响为视角和主题,着重进行实证分析与研究,分别就美国知识产权利益集团在中美关系发展中的影响和作用、军工复合体对冷战后美国的对台政策的影响、国内利益集团对中国加入WTO过程中政府决策的影响进行了深入的分析,以动态的政治过程微观分析的视角剖析了利益集团与中美两国政策制定的互动关系及其影响。 第七章通过对中美利益集团规制制度环境的比较,对我国利益集团规制的主要问题的分析及中美利益集团对公共权力监督的比较分析后,作者提出,随着社会利益多元化的不断加剧,如何确保利益集团的健康发展并加强对利益集团的规制问题,已经成为政府面临的紧迫课题。为此,作者提出了明确政府主导者和协调人的角色定位,充分发挥政府的积极作用,构建政府主导下的多元共治规制模式;对利益集团的规制与管理,逐步从政府选择模式向社会选择模式转变;进一步加强有关利益集团的立法,强化利益集团规制的制度建设,逐步形成完善的利益集团规制法律体系,为利益集团的监督与规制创造良好的制度环境等建议。同时,作者还提出,作为社会权力的重要组成部分,如何充分发挥利益集团对公共权力的监督作用,也是我们必须认真研究探讨的重要内容。 在结语部分,作者认为,利益集团的出现和发展是社会发展的必然现象和改革开放的必然产物。在社会转型期,利益集团对政府决策的影响已经成为无法回避的事实。对此,我们应正视现实。如何趋利避害,发挥利益集团对民主决策、科学决策的积极作用,减少利益集团的消极影响是我们必须深入思考的问题。为此,在结语部分,作者提出了解决利益集团影响政府决策的途径与措施,如力避将利益集团政治化或意识形态化;加强政府能力建设,建立并完善政府主导型的利益整合机制;进一步深化政府行政管理体制改革,加快建设服务型政府;在强化政府权威的同时,建构“良性互动的国家与社会关系”,使政府成为“融入社会的政府”;正视利益集团的客观存在及其在公共政策制定过程中的功能作用,在对其加强监管的同时,给予利益集团来自政府的一定程度的合法性;以良好的社会价值观塑造利益集团及其成员的社会责任和公共精神等观点。
[Abstract]:After the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, the macro structure of society has undergone tremendous historical changes. With the continuous deepening of the reform in recent years, the continuous promotion of political democratization and the rule of law, the transformation of the relationship between the state and the society has entered a critical period, transforming from the traditional society to the present society, from the homogeneity of the society to the heterogeneity. In the process of diversified social transformation, the differentiation of social interests and the reconstruction of interest structure have become the most important and profound changes in the transition period. The direct consequence of this is that more and more interest groups are active in social life, infiltrating the various areas of social life, and have an important effect on government decision-making and public policy. It has become an unavoidable realistic problem that affects the good governance of the government.
The United States is the country with the largest number of interest groups in the world today. The influence of interest groups on government decision-making can be seen everywhere. The political participation of interest groups almost permeates all political fields and government departments. They not only exert influence on the legislature, but also exert influence on the administrative department and the judiciary. Analysis of interest groups to the United States The influence of government decision-making and foreign policy formulation can provide valuable guidance for the in-depth exploration of the ways and extent of the influence of interest groups on Chinese government decision-making, and seek appropriate ways and measures to integrate and guide the interests of all social strata, thus promoting the construction of a harmonious society.
The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds and compares the concept and characteristics of the Sino American interest groups. In this chapter, we try to analyze the concept of interest groups by the western scholars and Chinese scholars represented by the United States, and analyze the common connotation and extension of the concept of interest groups in different social systems and different political and cultural scenes. On this basis, the different characteristics of the interest groups in China and the United States are expounded and compared, and the influence of the political system, political culture, social development stage and historical tradition on the characteristics of interest groups is analyzed, and the characteristics of the Chinese interest groups in the period of social transformation are summarized.
The second chapter examines the relationship between the Chinese family and the interest groups in different theoretical frameworks and theoretical horizons with two different perspectives of pluralism and corporatism. Through the deep analysis of the role of interest groups in different national mechanisms and society in the two theoretical horizons, the government or the state mechanism and society are sought. The author believes that the pluralist political participation model represented by American interest groups is not suitable for China's actual conditions, considering the historical traditions of China, political culture, political reality in the period of social transformation, the realistic needs of building a harmonious society, the realistic foundation of the development of civil society and so on. On the basis of multiple factors, corporatism is the mode choice of the political participation of Chinese interest groups at the present stage, which helps to promote the construction of a socialist harmonious society and the process of democratic politics.
The third chapter is mainly through the analysis and comparison of the important influence factors of the interest groups and the interest expression system of China and the United States and the political culture. From the perspective of political culture, the internal origin of the behavioral tendencies of the interest groups in China and the United States is excavated. This chapter analyzes the Chinese traditional political culture, the political and cultural characteristics of the social transition and the American politics. On the basis of the main factors and characteristics of governing culture, the influence of political culture on the interests expression of interest groups in China and the United States is emphatically analyzed. The main point of the author is that there are political and cultural support behind all kinds of institutional and behavioral tendencies in political life. In general, the influence of American political culture on interest groups and the influence of American political culture and the influence of American political culture on the interest groups are generally said. The molding function mainly includes two aspects. First, it constructs the identity of the interest group, and makes the interest group in the guidance and molding of some political and cultural atmosphere, and forms its intrinsic value preference. Two, it provides a consciousness mode for the treatment of the interests group, and the political behavior choice which dominates the interest group and determines the interests. The political orientation of the group in the specific political system of the United States makes the individual's political role and political system a social connection with a standardized and rational characteristic. The behavior of the Chinese interest group is greatly influenced by the traditional political culture. In the period of social transformation, the behavior of the interest group has a particular historical period. Segmental characteristics are quite different from the characteristics of interest group politics created by American political culture.
The fourth, fifth and six chapters are the main part of the thesis. The fourth chapter mainly compares the influence objects, the influence mode, the status and the role of the interest groups in the government decision-making from the angle of the interest groups affecting the government decision-making. On the basis of comparative analysis, the author points out that the interest groups in the period of social transformation are on the Chinese government. The decision-making of the government has both positive and negative meanings.
The fifth chapter mainly makes a comparative analysis of the influence of the Chinese and American interest groups on the foreign policy of the government from the decision-making system, the influence of the main interest groups and the interest groups affecting foreign decision-making, and on this basis, the impact of the Sino US interest groups on the foreign policy of the two governments is evaluated. On the basis of three aspects, such as the constitutional system background of interest groups affecting foreign policy, the interest groups affecting foreign decision-making in the United States, and the theoretical exposition and analysis of the new trend of interest groups affecting American foreign policy after the cold war, the author gives an objective evaluation of the influence of American interest groups on diplomatic decisions. The author puts forward the interests. The influence and role of the group on American diplomatic policy is still more characterized by the "indirect and scattered" features; the involvement of interest groups in American diplomatic policy makes the process of making foreign policy a democratic political process, and the influence of interest groups on American diplomatic policy is characterized by an order of stages; interest groups make American foreign policy. The characteristics of "privatization" are embodied in a particular period, and a dynamic view of the influence of interest groups on American foreign policy should be viewed.
On the basis of the characteristics of the change of China's diplomatic policy after the reform and opening up and the main interest groups affecting China's foreign policy, the author believes that some new trends have emerged in China's foreign policy by interest groups. For example, after the reform and opening up, the interest groups are becoming more and more important to China's foreign policy making. Influence; the local government and some central government agencies become the main body of the new interests that affect the foreign policy; the Chinese foreign policy is restricted and influenced by the irrational nationalist interest group to some extent; the network plays an important role in the influence of the interest group on the diplomatic decision. The impact of the policy is evaluated. This chapter also evaluates the influence of interest groups on Chinese diplomatic policy. The author puts forward some new ideas. For example, after the reform and opening up, the changes in the Chinese diplomatic policy system have created conditions for the influence of the foreign policy of the interest groups; the influence of interest groups on Chinese diplomatic policy at present. Mainly in the economic field, with the development of Chinese civil society, interest groups will have more and more impact on China's foreign policy formulation, but the influence of interest groups on China's diplomatic policy is indirect and limited; radical nationalist interest groups have caused irrational influence on Chinese diplomatic decision-making. Wait for a point of view.
In order to strengthen the practical guiding significance of the thesis and further analyze the influence and effect of interest groups on the domestic policy making and foreign policy formulation of China and the United States, the sixth chapter mainly takes interest group and American intellectual property policy, military industrial complex and the American policy on Taiwan after the cold war, and the influence of China's interest groups in the process of joining the WTO process in China. On the basis of empirical analysis and research, the impact and role of American intellectual property interest groups in the development of Sino US relations, the influence of the military industrial complex on the American policy after the cold war, the influence of the domestic interest groups on the government decision in the process of China's entry into WTO, are deeply analyzed, and the dynamic politics is carried out. From the perspective of process micro analysis, the interactive relationship between interest groups and policy making in China and the United States is analyzed.
The seventh chapter, through the comparison of the regulation system environment of the interest group between China and the United States, analyses the main problems of the regulation of the interest groups in China and the comparative analysis of the supervision of the public power between China and the United States interest groups, the author puts forward how to ensure the healthy development of the interest group and strengthen the interest group as the diversity of social interests continues to intensify. The issue of regulation has become an urgent task for the government. For this reason, the author puts forward the role of government leading and coordinator, gives full play to the positive role of the government, and constructs the multiple governance regulation mode under the government led by the government; the regulation and management of the interest groups gradually change from the government selection model to the social choice model; One step is to strengthen the legislation of the interest groups, strengthen the system construction of the regulation of interest groups, gradually form a perfect legal system for the regulation of interest groups, and create a good institutional environment for the supervision and regulation of the interest groups. At the same time, the author also puts forward that as an important part of the social power, how to give full play to the interest group? The supervision function of public power is also an important content that we must seriously study and discuss.
In the concluding part, the author believes that the emergence and development of interest groups is the inevitable phenomenon of social development and the inevitable outcome of reform and opening up. In the period of social transformation, the influence of interest groups on government decision-making has become an unavoidable fact. The positive role of decision making and reducing the negative influence of interest groups is a problem we must think deeply. In the concluding part, the author puts forward the ways and measures to solve the influence of interest groups to the government's decision, such as avoiding the politicization or ideology of the interest groups, strengthening the construction of the government's ability, and establishing and perfecting the government led type. To further deepen the reform of the government administration system and to accelerate the construction of a service-oriented government; to strengthen the government's authority and to construct a "healthy and interactive relationship between the state and the society" and to make the government a "government into the society", and to face the objective existence of the interest group and its function in the process of public policy making. While strengthening the supervision, it gives the interest groups a certain degree of legitimacy from the government, and the views of the social responsibility and public spirit of the interest groups and their members with good social values.



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