本文选题:特朗普现象 + 美国政治 ; 参考:《复旦学报(社会科学版)》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The "Trump phenomenon" and the political reorganization trend in the political party in the 2016 American general election indicate that American politics is entering a new cycle. Therefore, it is the logic of American politics in the Trump era to grasp the reason and influence of the above phenomenon and trend. This article holds that "Trump phenomenon" is to American politics. The shock reflected the split in the democratic tradition of the Northeast political alliance in the general election, in which the lower layer of the white blue collar in the "rusty zone" of the Great Lakes region became a Republican supporter. The party's sphere of influence expanded to the northeast and built a new political alliance composed of the "rust belt" in the south, the Midwest and the northeast. It has been promoted to form a new round of political party restructuring in the United States, which means that the new age of gold plating that started in the "Reagan revolution" in 1980s is ending. The Republic and the Democratic bipartisan "reciprocal polarization" in the political pattern of economic and social development - neo liberalism and pluralism - are being replaced by nationalism, Into the new cycle, American politics will be more likely to return to the path of the development of classical liberalism. Its core features are Reindustrialization on the basis of abandoning the economic liberalization of Neo liberalism, the concept of globalization and the "political correctness" concept of pluralism, the laissez faire economic policy and cultural conservatism.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学美国研究中心;
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