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发布时间:2018-04-29 00:35

  本文选题:欧盟 + 移民政治 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 本论文是关于欧盟移民政治的理论与实践的探讨。本文的主题是以经济全球化为背景,主要从政治角度对欧盟一体化框架内的移民现象进行研究。移民作为一种现象自古有之,但从没有像现在一样成为一个全球性的问题。移民既是全球化的原因,又是全球化的后果之一,随着经济全球化的加速推进,人类正在迎来移民全球化的时代。移民问题之所以是全球问题,关键在于当今开放的时代,移民规模的庞大性和流动方式的跨国性,其影响已经超出了国家的界限和民族的藩篱,一跃成为事关经济、政治、文化和安全的首要问题。本文的创新之处有以下几个方面: 一、对移民问题的本质的认识。欧盟移民问题发生在全球化背景下,是全球化所带来的“劳动和权力的再分配”的必然结果。劳动再分配表现为人力资源因全球产业的梯度分布而出现逆向流动(欧盟向外扩张,劳动力向内流动),移民的出现恰恰是劳动再分配的载体。移民问题本质上已经成了一个政治问题,并正在从国内政治延伸到了国际政治和地缘政治领域。移民政治的核心是移民政策。 权力的再分配表现为移民治理的主权之争。欧盟出现了移民治理结构的“欧洲化”趋势,即欧盟通过与民族国家的权力博弈最终发挥多边机制的作用。民族国家在这种背景下面临两种挑战:欧盟这种超国家机构从主权国家垄断中不断提升移民问题高度,形成强大的纵向“拉力”,移民对主权国家团结形成“扯力”。尽管如此,目前看来欧盟各成员国在移民问题上仍然暂时掌握着“实权”。欧盟围绕劳动和权力的再分配而展开的内政外交表现为如何通过“内部全球化”实现繁荣和团结,以及如何通过“外部全球化”的联合自强强调欧洲在全球事务的责任,重新恢复其欧洲中心主义的地位。欧盟在移民问题上的权威尽管还比较软弱,但是移民治理的欧洲化趋势不可逆转。 移民的政治权利表现为以劳动权为核心的就业、福利、定居等与之切身利益相关的物质权利和以公民权为核心的认同、融合与政治参与机会的再分配权利。 二、从分析视角看,本论文以全球化为背景,将移民问题从社会学领域纳入到政治学领域进行研究,从国内政治、国际政治、全球治理和认同政治角度综合运用多学科研究方法优势在研究范式方面进行了有益的尝试。本文立足于欧盟成员国、欧盟和其他地区围绕移民问题展开的地缘政治博弈,将移民来源国—移民中转国—移民输入国统一纳入到欧盟移民治理研究范围内,拓宽了研究视野,增强了研究力度。 三、从欧盟移民问题的走向看,移民问题已经由欧盟的“第三支柱”上升为“第一支柱”,如果解决不好,可能造成如下后果:(1)引发移民危机,由移民危机引发社会危机和政治危机,由一国危机引发地区危机;(2)造成民族国家双边关系、多边关系紧张,以及民族国家与欧盟机制的脱节;(3)导致新入盟国家(东欧)与老成员国(西欧)之间在责任分担、移民安置责任上的争吵(如新入盟国家往往是贫穷落后地区,入盟后随着边界的开放导致大量新入盟成员国公民大批涌入欧盟各国,从而给移入国造成各种负担不对称现象,从而延缓了欧盟整个经济发展步伐和一体化质量);(4)移民的文化背景、种族肤色和受教育水平、经济收入如果与移居国反差太大,移民融合和认同出现问题,就会造成种族歧视、民族冲突、社会犯罪,严重时导致恐怖灾难;(5)对地缘政治格局产生较大影响。由于移民流动与欧盟东扩南下进程相向而行,破坏了欧盟大国关系和跨大西洋关系的原有格局,更易造成其他非欧盟大国插手,从而影响到欧盟的团结和一体化的决策效力。未来有可能出现移民社群逐渐削弱民族种族,多元文化在融合中形成核心文化,多边一体的国际机制取代单边个体的国家治理的新的政治生态,由相互矛盾的多重认同走向“一体多元”的新欧盟道路,其前提是欧盟各成员国及欧盟自身治理理念和模式的转型。 四、从欧盟移民问题的治理策略看,移民问题的解决,首先需要建立长效机制,实行欧盟跨国机制下共同的移民政策。东道国政府自身在加大移民政策改革,规范移民流动顺序,强化边界治理的同时,需要由欧盟通过协调各成员国政府制定一致遵守的通行的移民政策,按统一的移民标准进行移民准迁,在打击移民走私、反对种族歧视和排外倾向、制定移民收容制度和提供财政支持方面通力合作,这样才能标本兼治。其次,欧盟应当转变内外有别的移民管理模式,变消极移民管理为积极的移民治理,发挥超国家机制、非政府组织和公民社会的应有作用,推进边界开放,保障移民合法权利,加强有序管理;再次,东道国应与原籍国和中转国通过协调和对话,通过对外援助扭转亚非国家因经济、政治和社会落后诱发的移民外流趋势。最后,变消极的移民融合为积极的移民融合,促进多元共享,在经济、福利和就业上扶持少数族群,在政治上给予其平等待遇,在社会上促进语言文化教育事业,积极化解族群矛盾。 本论文正文共分六章,加上导言和结论共有八个部分。在导言中,主要阐述了选题的研究背景、概念界定和研究思路。 第一章,围绕移民问题的欧洲特性,介绍了欧洲移民的历史变迁和类型特点,以及移民在欧盟发展中的地位和作用。 第二章,阐述了欧盟实行共同移民政策的必要性,欧盟移民政策的发展过程和主要内容框架。 第三章,分析探讨了欧盟围绕移民问题所开展的地缘政治外交——睦邻外交、欧盟与移民输出国关系、欧盟各成员国间关系及欧美关系。 第四章,探讨了欧盟移民政治中的动力机制,重点分析了移民问题对欧盟政坛政党政治中的“钟摆现象”所产生的影响,及欧盟和主权国家在移民问题上的权力博弈过程。 第五章,以移民问题欧洲化为背景,分析了在超国家治理中欧盟、民族国家、移民和非国家行为体以及公民社会政治参与的现状及所处的地位和作用。 第六章,以德国为案例,分析了在共同的移民政策背景下欧盟主权国家移民治理的历史现状和普遍施行的移民政策。 最后,在结语中,本文指出,从本质上讲,欧盟移民所出现的问题都是认同问题,欧盟在发展中所遇到的所有问题也都可以归结到认同问题。要实现欧盟政治的高度同质性,同时又能兼容多元性,根本的问题是如何解决欧盟公民与外来移民、欧盟民众与国家、欧盟民众与欧盟以及欧盟各成员国与欧盟的认同关系。只有解决了认同问题,,移民和欧盟民众才能真正享受到公正、自由和安全,而欧盟基于认同基础上的未来发展呈现出“一体多元”趋势。 总之,欧盟移民问题有其欧盟特性,极化的世界是造成欧盟及各成员国移民压力的主要原因,通过全球治理的方式才能从根本上解决。当今的欧盟正在经历从民族国家冲突、战乱和脆弱状态进入合作、共生和联合自强状态的重要时期,随着一体化进程的推进,移民问题将更加突出,从国内矛盾上升为地区矛盾,从经济冲突和社会不谐上升为政治纷争和安全隐患,一方面将改写欧盟的政治地图,另一方面将使“非传统安全”具有了特殊地位。
[Abstract]:This paper is a study of the theory and practice of EU immigration politics. The theme of this article is to study the phenomenon of immigration in the framework of EU integration mainly from the political perspective. Immigration is a phenomenon since ancient times, but it has not become a global problem as it is now. Immigrant is both global and global. The cause of globalization is one of the consequences of globalization. With the acceleration of economic globalization, human beings are entering an era of immigrant globalization. The key to the problem of immigration is the global problem. The key lies in the era of opening, the large scale of immigration and the transnational nature of the mode of migration, which have exceeded the boundaries of the country and the nation. Barriers have become the most important issues related to economy, politics, culture and security. The innovations of this paper are as follows:
First, the understanding of the essence of the problem of immigration. The problem of EU immigration is the inevitable result of the "redistribution of labor and power" brought about by globalization in the context of globalization. The redistribution of labor is manifested in the reverse flow of human resources due to the gradient distribution of the global industry (expansion of the European Union, the inward flow of labor force), and the emigration. Now it is the carrier of labor redistribution. The issue of immigration has become a political problem in essence, and is extending from domestic politics to international politics and geopolitics. The core of immigration politics is immigration policy.
The redistribution of power shows the sovereignty dispute of immigrant governance. The European Union has appeared the "Europeanization" trend of the immigration governance structure. That is, the European Union plays the role of multilateral mechanism through the game with the power of the nation state. In this context, the national state faces two challenges: the EU, the super state institution, is not monopolized by the sovereign state. In spite of this, it seems that the European Union is still holding "real power" on the issue of immigration. The EU's internal and diplomatic performance around the redistribution of labor and power is how the EU has passed the "internal whole". To achieve prosperity and unity, and how to emphasize the responsibility of Europe in global affairs through the joint self strength of "external globalization" and to restore its European centralism, the EU's authority on immigration is weak, but the Europeanization trend of immigration governance is irreversible.
The political rights of the immigrants are manifested in the material rights related to the vital interests of employment, welfare, settlement, and the identity of the civil rights as the core, and the redistribution rights of the political participation and the opportunity of political participation.
Two, from the perspective of analysis, this paper takes globalization as the background to study the immigration issue from the field of sociology into the field of political science, and makes a beneficial attempt to make a comprehensive use of multidisciplinary research methods from the perspectives of domestic politics, international politics, global governance and identity politics. This paper is based on the members of the European Union. The geopolitical game in the country, the EU and other regions around the issue of immigration has widened the research vision and strengthened the research field by integrating the immigrants' country of migration - the importing country into the EU study of immigration governance.
Three, from the trend of EU immigration, the problem of immigration has risen from the "third pillar" of the EU to "the first pillar". If it is not well solved, it may result in the following consequences: (1) the immigrant crisis, the social crisis and the political crisis caused by the immigration crisis, the regional crisis caused by a country crisis; (2) the bilateral customs of the national state. System, tension of multilateral relations, and disconnection between national and European Union mechanism; (3) the quarrels between the new joining countries (Eastern Europe) and the old member countries (Western Europe) in the responsibility sharing, the resettlement responsibility of the immigrants (as the newly joined countries are often poor and backward areas, with the opening of the border, a large number of new members of the members of the new member countries rush into the country. " Entering the countries of the European Union, which will cause a variety of asymmetrical burdens on the immigrants, and thus postpone the whole pace of economic development and the quality of integration of the European Union. (4) the cultural background of the immigrants, the color of the race and the level of education, the economic income, if the difference is too big with the emigration, the integration of the migrants and the problems of identity, and the racial discrimination, the ethnic group. Conflict, social crime, and serious cause of the terrorist disaster; (5) it has a great impact on the geopolitical pattern. As the migration flows with the East and South process of the European Union, it destroys the original pattern of the EU's great power relations and cross the Atlantic relations, and is more likely to cause other non EU powers to intervene, thus affecting the unity and integration of the European Union. In the future, it is possible for the immigrant community to gradually weaken the Ethnic Race, the multiculturalism will form the core culture in the integration, and the multilateral one has replaced the new political ecology of the national governance of the unilateral individual, and the new EU road from the conflicting multiple identity to the "one in one" is the premise of the European Union members. The transformation of the governance concepts and models of the country and the EU itself.
Four, from the governance strategy of the immigration problem of the EU, the settlement of the immigration problem requires the establishment of a long-term mechanism and a common immigration policy under the EU transnational mechanism. The host government itself needs to strengthen the immigration policy reform, standardize the immigration flow sequence and strengthen the border governance, while the EU needs to be formulated by the EU by coordinating the governments of the member states. Consistent immigration policy, immigrating in accordance with unified immigration standards, combating immigrant smuggling, opposing racism and exclusivity, formulating the immigration system and providing financial support, can work together to cure. Secondly, the EU should change the internal and external model of immigration management to change negative immigration. Management is a positive immigrant governance, play the role of the super state mechanism, non-governmental organizations and civil society, promote the opening of the border, guarantee the legitimate rights of immigrants, and strengthen orderly management. Thirdly, the host country should coordinate and dialogue with the countries of origin and the transit countries, and reverse the economic, political and social lure of Asian and African countries through foreign aid. In the end, negative immigrants integrate into active integration of immigrants, promote multiple sharing, support ethnic minorities in the economy, welfare and employment, give them equal treatment in politics, promote language and culture education in society, and actively resolve ethnic conflicts.
The main body of this thesis is divided into six chapters, plus the introduction and conclusion, which consist of eight parts. In the introduction, the research background, concept definition and research train of thought are mainly elaborated.
The first chapter, based on the European characteristics of immigration, introduces the historical changes and types of European immigrants, as well as the status and role of immigrants in the development of the European Union.
The second chapter expounds the necessity of EU's common immigration policy, the development process and main content framework of EU immigration policy.
The third chapter analyzes the geopolitical diplomacy carried out by the EU on the issue of immigration, the good neighbourly diplomacy, the relationship between the EU and the immigrant exporting countries, the relations among the European Union members and the relationship between Europe and the United States.
In the fourth chapter, the dynamic mechanism of EU immigration politics is discussed, and the influence of immigration on the "pendulum phenomenon" in the political party politics of the European Union is emphatically analyzed, and the game of power game between the EU and the sovereign countries on the issue of immigration.
The fifth chapter, taking the Europeanization of immigration issues as the background, analyzes the status and role of EU, national, immigration and non state actors as well as the political participation of civil society in super state governance.
The sixth chapter, taking Germany as a case, analyzes the historical status quo and the general immigration policy of EU sovereign states in the context of common immigration policy.
Finally, in the conclusion, this article points out that, in essence, the problems arising from the European Union emigration are all identification problems, and all the problems encountered in the development of the EU can also be attributed to the identity problem. To realize the high homogeneity of EU politics and the compatibility of pluralism, the fundamental problem is how to solve the European Union and the immigrants. The relationship between the European Union and the state, the European Union and the European Union and the European Union, as well as the European Union and the European Union. Only by solving the problem of identity, can the immigrants and the European Union people truly enjoy justice, freedom and security, and the EU's future development on the basis of identification shows a "one pluralism" trend.
In a word, the EU immigration issue has its European Union characteristics. The polarization of the world is the main cause of the pressure of emigration in the EU and its member countries. It can be fundamentally solved through the way of global governance. With the advancement of the integration process, the immigration problem will be more prominent, from the internal contradictions to regional contradictions, from the economic conflict and social Unharmonic rise to political disputes and security risks. On the one hand, the political map of the European Union will be rewritten, on the other hand, the "non traditional security" will have a special position.



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