本文选题:立宪君主制时期 + 政党政治 ; 参考:《南开大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:埃及作为世界文明古国之一,因其久远丰厚的文化传统、对人类发展的卓越贡献和重要的地理位置,而成为非洲地区、地中海地区、中东地区和穆斯林世界的重要国家,也是近代最早接触、学习西方工业文明并启动现代化进程的阿拉伯地区国家。1923年至1952年的立宪君主制时期是埃及从殖民地向独立国家转变的重要时期,是埃及社会传统与现代、精英与民众、世俗与宗教激烈冲突和此消彼长的转型阶段,也是奠定埃及现代政治体系的关键时期。政党政治是此间埃及宪政生活的显著特征。 埃及的现代政党产生于特定的历史环境,是自1805年阿里王朝开启现代进程以来埃及政治、经济、社会结构和思想文化发展到一定阶段的产物,,争取民族独立和实现立宪政治是新生政治力量必须承担的历史责任。立宪君主制诞生于民族主义政党及其民众支持者发动的1919年革命,其制度基础是英国1922年声明和埃及的1923年宪法。民族独立的不彻底使立宪君主制时期的政党政治带有浓厚的民族主义运动的色彩。 立宪君主制时期以华夫托党为代表的议会政党极大地推进了埃及的民族独立事业。在埃及这样一个军事力量弱小、经济发展单一、社会结构严重不平衡、农业地主阶级主导政治、其他社会阶层不觉醒或力量分散、民族认同仍待整合的国家,面对强大的帝国主义力量,民族独立任务的完成不是一蹴而就的。埃及不具备通过轰轰烈烈的大革命一次性地解决独立问题的经济、阶级、军事和思想条件,议会政党的和平谈判是争取独立的重要方式,1936年条约是埃及走向完全独立的重要步骤。 立宪君主制时期的宪政实践、国王和政党及政党之间的权力竞争为民众的政治参与和民众政治组织的兴起提供较为宽松的环境。新兴民众政治组织通过多样化的思想形态和纲领主张将社会不同层面的普通民众卷入到争取民族独立和否定立宪君主制的政治活动之中,是埃及民主政治参与扩大的重要表现,它们极大地消耗了帝国主义、封建王室和议会精英政党的力量,为军人政变革命提供了契机。 纳赛尔领导的自由军官运动是对议会政党民族事业的继承和发展,其发动的1952年革命推翻了立宪君主政治,完成了反帝反封的革命任务。自由军官掌权后的改革措施是民众政治组织社会经济与政治主张的具体体现。从这个意义上说,纳赛尔革命是立宪君主制时期政党政治发展的结果。
[Abstract]:Egypt, as one of the ancient civilizations of the world, has become an important country in Africa, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Muslim world because of its long and rich cultural tradition, its outstanding contribution to human development and its important geographical position. The constitutional monarchy period from 1923 to 1952 was an important period for the transition of Egypt from a colony to an independent country, and was the tradition and modern of Egyptian society. The fierce conflict between elite and people, secular and religious conflicts and the changing period are also the key periods to establish Egypt's modern political system. Party politics is a prominent feature of constitutional life in Egypt. The modern political parties in Egypt emerged from a specific historical environment and were the product of the development of Egyptian politics, economy, social structure and ideology and culture since the beginning of the modern process of the Ali dynasty in 1805. Striving for national independence and realizing constitutional politics are the historical responsibilities of new political forces. Constitutional monarchy was born in the 1919 revolution launched by nationalist political parties and their popular supporters. The constitutional monarchy was based on the British Declaration of 1922 and Egypt's 1923 Constitution. The imperfection of national independence makes the party politics of constitutional monarchy with strong nationalistic movement. During the constitutional monarchy, the parliamentary party represented by Wafto party greatly promoted the cause of national independence in Egypt. In Egypt, where military power is weak, economic development is single, the social structure is seriously unbalanced, the agricultural landlord class dominates politics, other social strata are unawakened or dispersed, and the national identity is still to be integrated. In the face of powerful imperialist forces, the task of national independence was not accomplished overnight. Egypt does not have the economic, class, military and ideological conditions to resolve the issue of independence once and for all through the great revolution, The peace talks between parliamentary parties are an important way to achieve independence, and the 1936 Treaty is an important step towards full independence of Egypt. The constitutional practice during the constitutional monarchy period, the power competition between the king and the political parties and political parties provided a more relaxed environment for the people's political participation and the rise of popular political organizations. The emerging popular political organizations advocated the involvement of ordinary people at different levels of society in the political activities of fighting for national independence and denying the constitutional monarchy through diverse ideological forms and programs, which was an important manifestation of the expansion of democratic political participation in Egypt. They greatly consumed the imperialist, feudal royal and parliamentary elite parties, providing an opportunity for the military coup revolution. Nasser's movement of free officers inherited and developed the national cause of parliamentary political parties. The 1952 revolution launched by Nasser overthrew constitutional monarchy and completed the revolutionary task of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal. The reform measures after the free officer came to power are the concrete embodiment of the social economy and political proposition of the people's political organization. In this sense, Nasser Revolution was the result of the political development of the constitutional monarchy.
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