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发布时间:2018-05-20 23:42

  本文选题:基督教 + 美国政治 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 美国的犹太-基督教传统呈现犹太教、天主教和新教的三分状况,但是从本质上看,美国文明的基础是新教传统。当前美国的基督教新教依照政治态度来划分,分为自由主义的主流派(Mainline)和偏于保守的福音派(Evangelical)两个阵营。福音派在上一世纪的二十年代以前一直是美国社会中最强大的宗教势力。第一次世界大战后,新教福音派作为主流文化的地位大大下降了。引起这种变化的是社会的现代化及其冲击,传统的美国价值观在二十年代以后逐步崩溃。六十年代末和七十年代初,保守的神职人员的政治参与热情还远低于主流派,但是到了七十年代后期,情况便大不一样了。 新基督教右翼运动(The New Christian Rights)是指美国宗教特别是基督教新教中一些积极参与政治事务和社会事务的宗教保守派及其活动。新基督教右翼运动中的主要派别有道德多数派、基督教福音派等,它的基础主要是基督教福音派,该派在神学上是保守的,信徒主要是美国中下层人士。 一般认为,新基督教右翼在七八十年代的崛起,首先反映了教会政治经济地位的变化,以及它所生存的美国社会大环境的现代化。城市化使得社会价值观受到威胁,进一步则使教会的威信下降,通过政治途径重建以往宗教集团的价值观也就成了当务之急。传统的福音派是反对宗教过问政治的,但这种政治冷淡到了新的形势下却转化为意图实行更符合自己价值观的政策。新基督教右翼运动在七八十年代崛起,其在美国政治中究竟要达到什么目的呢?其长期目标是力图纠正或修补现代化造成的精神价值观的错位或损失,近期目标则是更深入地参与美国的社会政治生活,通过政党的政治活动推行新右翼的政治理想,用它的价值观去影响美国社会。福音派的政治活动一直同共和党的“亲家庭(pro-family)、“亲道德(pro-morality)”社会纲领相濡以沫,成为美国政治生活中的一大宗教景观。 本文的研究以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,理论研究与实证分析相结合、历史研究与现状分析相结合,充分吸收和借鉴宗教学、历史学、政治学的相关研究成果,进行跨学科的分析和研究,探讨新基督教右翼运动对当代美国政治所产生的影响。 全文主体共分为八个部分。 第一章:首先,从美国思想文化史的角度,分析了影响美国基督教历程的三大思潮——清教主义、启蒙运动和实用主义。其次,重点分析了美国基督教的兴起和发展始终伴随着世俗化过程,但是世俗化并不等于宗教的消失,而仅仅意味着制度宗教的领域缩小,并让位于世俗领域。最后,分析了美国基督教的历史演变,以及基督教各主要教派的政治态度。本质上美国文明的基础是新教传统,总体来说,宗教团体的政治参与水平呈上升趋势。 第二章:主要分析了二十世纪七十年代末美国新基督教右翼运动的兴起。从历史的角度看,新基督教右翼运动兴起是美国历史上多次宗教复兴运动的又一次体现。而二十世纪初兴起的基督教基要主义运动,强调传统的家庭观、伦理观、道德观,是美国新基督教右翼运动生长的肥沃土壤。此外,由于教会政治经济地位的变化以及美国社会大环境的现代化,,使美国主流社会的价值观受到威胁并进一步使教会的威信下降,通过政治途径重建以往宗教集团的价值观也就成了新基督教右翼的当务之急。 第三章:主要分析了新基督教右翼运动的发展,以及适应世俗化政治的过程。“道德多数派”是二十世纪七十年代末大规模公开介入美国政治的新基督教右翼的代表性组织,九十年代以来新基督教右翼中最大的政治团体——基督教联盟调整了在从事社会问题上的政治风格,倡导政治实用主义,采取渐进主义,接受主流议程。新基督教右翼主要是以世俗的、社会行动团体的形式,而非宗教组织的名义进行活动的。其参与政治的目的是希望把传统的基督教价值观渗入到美国的国家政策中。 第四章:重点分析了新基督教右翼介入美国政治的原因。美利坚合众国的奠基是基督教上帝文化的一朵奇葩,政教分离制度的确立给予了国家和教会独立发展、自由竞争的机会。新基督教右翼的思想体现在其所追求的社会目标上。作为一种选举运动的新基督教右翼具有三大目标,使福音新教成员参与政治,与共和党实现结盟,改变美国公共政策。 第五章:主要分析了新基督教右翼参与政治的方式和特点。宗教团体作为一个利益集团,通常可以有多种方式影响公共政策的决定。新基督教右翼运动作为一支社会力量参与政治,其最突出特点就是能在极短时间内,迅速动员它所拥有的社会资源,形成公开而强大的政治攻势,这种攻势的形成是与其独特的活动方式分不开的。 第六章:重点分析了新基督教右翼参与美国全国选举。对于宗教利益集团来说,对政治施加影响最有效的方式是参与全国政治选举。自二十世纪八十年代以来,新基督教右翼成为共和党赢得选举胜利的一支重要力量。此后,白人福音派与共和党结为越来越紧密的同盟,取代了新教主流派的历史地位。 第七章:主要分析了新基督教右翼通过政治参与改变美国公共政策。新基督教右翼不满于传统的宗教价值观及道德观念的沦丧。首先关注的主要是堕胎、同性恋、学校祈祷等涉及道德争论等方面的社会问题。二十世纪九十年代,新基督教右翼开始采用政治实用主义和渐进主义,并将其政策议程扩大到经济、教育、医疗、外交等领域。而且,新基督教右翼组织与共和党实现结盟,与新基督教右翼有关的议题成为共和党政治的重要组成部分。 第八章:重点分析了新基督教右翼的政治影响以及运动的局限性。虽然新基督教右翼运动有一个宏伟的计划,即激进地改变美国的部分国内外政策,而且尽管已经获取了不菲的成就,但是离终极目标仍然甚远。在大多数情况下,新基督教右翼运动不得不接受妥协,以获得具体的政策实惠。因此,不能将新基督教右翼运动看作是美国政策制定中的决定性力量。 新基督教右翼既是一种宗教政治思潮,又是一种宗教社会运动,它代表了一批积极参与社会生活和政治事务的宗教保守派组织和人士为提高宗教在美国的地位,使宗教界更好地参与社会政治并拥有更多的权利而做的积极努力。通过寄生于共和党篱下,新基督教右翼势力一直努力试图把他们的价值观融入到美国社会政策之中。迄今为止,新基督教右翼运动已经走过了两个阶段,相对于过去第二阶段的政治性更加强烈,其所获得的政治力量主要来源于各地的组织活动。从对社会政治的参与方式看,新基督教右翼主要是以世俗的、社会行动团体的形式,而非宗教组织的名义进行活动的,其形式类同美国社会中形形色色的利益集团或压力集团。其中影响最大的有“道德多数派”(Moral Majority)和基督教联盟(Christian Coalition)。根据历次宗教复兴运动的规律和美国社会的现实状况,有理由认为,在未来的10-20年内,新基督教右翼的发展与整个社会的保守化倾向不可避免地还会持续一段时期,新基督教右翼将继续作为压力集团活跃在美国的政治舞台上,并在一定程度和范围内影响美国的政治。但是无论新基督教右翼如何发展,美国社会的自我调节机制是不会把美国变成一个基督教基要主义国家的。
[Abstract]:The Jewish Christian tradition in the United States presents the three points of Judaism, Catholicism and Protestant religion. But in essence, the basis of the American civilization is the Protestant tradition. At present, the Protestant Protestant religion in the United States is divided into the liberal mainstream (Mainline) and the conservative evangelical (Evangelical) camp according to the political attitude. The pies had been the most powerful religious forces in American society before the 20s first Century. After World War I, the position of the Protestant evangelicals was greatly reduced as the mainstream culture. This change was the modernization of society and its impact, and the traditional American values collapsed after 20s. The end of 60s. In the early 70s, the political participation of the conservative clergy was far less than that of the mainstream, but by the end of 70s, the situation was quite different.
The new Christian right wing movement (The New Christian Rights) refers to the religious conservatives and their activities which are actively involved in political affairs and social affairs, especially in the Protestant Protestant religion of the United States. The main factions of the new Christian right wing movement include the moral majority, the Christian evangelical school and so on. Its basis is the Christian evangelical school, which is based on the Christian evangelical school. Theology is conservative. Believers are mainly middle and lower class members of the United States.
It is generally believed that the rise of the right wing of the new Christian right in the 70s and 80s reflects the changes in the political and economic status of the church, as well as the modernization of the great environment of the American society that it exists. The urbanization makes the social values threatened, and the prestige of the church is further reduced and the values of the previous religious groups are rebuilt through political ways. The traditional evangelical faction was opposed to the politics of religion, but the political indifference turned into a policy that was intended to be more consistent with its own values in the new situation. What was the rise of the right wing of the new Christian right in 70s and 80s and what was its purpose in American politics? Its long-term goal was to try to do it. To correct or repair the dislocation or loss of the spiritual values caused by modernization, the recent goal is to participate more deeply in the social and political life of the United States, to carry out the political ideals of the new right through political activities of the party and to influence American society with its values. The evangelical political activities have always been with the "pro-family" of the Republican Party. The "pro-morality" social program has become a major religious landscape in American political life.
The study is guided by dialectical materialism and historical materialism, combining theoretical research with empirical analysis, combining historical research with status analysis, fully absorbing and drawing on the related research results of religion, history and politics, and conducting an interdisciplinary analysis and research to discuss the contemporary American politics of the right wing of New Christianity. The impact of it.
The main body of the full text is divided into eight parts.
The first chapter: first, from the perspective of American Ideological and cultural history, the three major trends of thought affecting the American Christian course - Puritanism, enlightenment and pragmatism - are analyzed. Secondly, it is emphasized that the rise and development of Christianity in the United States is always accompanied by secularization, but secularization is not equal to the disappearance of religion, but only means that the religion is disappearing. In the end, the historical evolution of the American Christianity and the political attitude of the main Christian sects were analyzed. The essence of American civilization was the Protestant tradition, and the political participation of religious groups was upward trend in general.
The second chapter mainly analyzes the rise of the American new Christian right wing movement at the end of the 1970s. From a historical point of view, the rise of the new Christian right wing movement is another reflection of many religious revival movements in American history. The Christian fundamentalist movement, which began in the early twentieth Century, emphasizes the traditional concept of family and ethics. Morality is a fertile soil for the growth of the new Christian right wing movement in the United States. In addition, the changes in the political and economic status of the church and the modernization of the American social environment have threatened the values of the mainstream society in the United States and further reduced the prestige of the church, and the values of the former religious groups were also reconstructed through political ways. The urgent task of the new Christian right.
The third chapter mainly analyzes the development of the right wing movement of the New Christianity and the process of adapting to the secularization of politics. "The moral majority" is the representative organization of the new Christian right wing of the American politics in the late 1970s. Since 90s, the largest political group in the right wing of the new Christian religion, Christianity. The alliance has adjusted the political style of social issues, advocated political pragmatism, adopted gradualism, and accepted the mainstream agenda. The new Christian right is mainly in the form of secular, social action groups and not in the name of religious organizations. The purpose of its participation in politics is to infiltrate the traditional Christian values. To the national policy of the United States.
The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the reason why the right wing of New Christianity is involved in American politics. The foundation of United States of America is a wonderful flower of the Christian God culture. The establishment of the separation system of religion and religion gives the independent development of the state and the church and the opportunity for free competition. The thought of the new Christian right is reflected in the social goals he pursued. A new Christian right wing of the electoral campaign has three main objectives: to enable Gospel Protestant members to participate in politics, to form alliances with the Republicans and to change American public policies.
The fifth chapter mainly analyzes the way and characteristics of the political participation of the right wing of the new Christian. As a interest group, the religious group usually has a variety of ways to influence the decision of the public policy. The new Christian right wing movement, as a social force, participates in politics. The most prominent feature of the new Christian right wing is to mobilize it quickly in a very short time. The social resources have formed an open and powerful political offensive. The formation of this offensive is inseparable from its unique way of activity.
The sixth chapter focuses on the analysis of the new Christian right-wing participation in the national elections in the United States. For the religious interest groups, the most effective way to exert influence on politics is to participate in the national political election. Since 1980s, the new Christian right has become an important force for the Republican Party to win the victory of the election. The increasingly close alliance with the Republican Party has replaced the historical position of the new Catholic school.
The seventh chapter mainly analyzes the change of the American public policy by the political participation of the right wing of the new Christian right. The new Christian right is dissatisfied with the decline of the traditional religious values and moral concepts. The first concern is the social problems of abortion, homosexuality, school prayers, and other aspects of moral debate. In 1990s, new Christ The right wing began to adopt political pragmatism and gradualism, and extended its policy agenda to economic, educational, medical, diplomatic and other fields. Moreover, the new Christian right-wing organization was aligned with the Republican Party. The issues related to the right wing of the new Christian religion became the important part of the Republican politics.
The eighth chapter focuses on the political influence of the new Christian right and the limitations of the movement. Although the new Christian right-wing movement has a grand plan to radically change some of the domestic and foreign policies of the United States, and although it has gained a lot of achievements, it is still far from the ultimate goal. In most cases, new Christ. The right wing movement had to be compromised in order to achieve specific policy benefits. Therefore, the new Christian right wing movement could not be regarded as a decisive force in the formulation of American policy.
The right wing of the new Christian religion is not only a religious political ideological trend, but also a religious social movement. It represents a group of religious conservatives who actively participate in social life and political affairs and make positive efforts to improve the status of religion in the United States and make the religious community better participate in social politics and have more rights. Born in the Republican hedge, the new Christian right-wing forces have been trying to integrate their values into American social policies. So far, the new Christian right has gone through two stages. The political power of the new Christian right has been more intense than the past second stages, and its political power is mainly derived from the organizational activities of all parts of the country. From the way of social and political participation, the right wing of the new Christian right is mainly in the form of secular, social action groups and not in the name of religious organizations. Its form is similar to the various kinds of interest groups or pressure groups in American society. Among them, the most influential are the "Moral Majority" and the Christian Union. Christian Coalition. According to the laws of the religious revival movement and the reality of American society, there is reason to believe that in the next 10-20 years, the development of the right wing of the new Christian religion and the conservative tendency of the whole society will inevitably continue for a period of time, and the new Christian Right wing will continue to be active in the United States as a pressure group. On the political stage, it affects American politics to a certain extent and in a certain extent. However, no matter how the right wing of the new Christian right develops, the self-regulation mechanism of American society will not turn the United States into a Christian fundamentalist country.


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