本文选题:日本公务员 + 伦理建设 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:当前,公务员伦理建设作为公务员制度的重要组成部分,被世界各主要国家所重视和推崇。它可以确保公众对行政组织的信赖,可以保护公务员的个人利益,可以满足行政对象的利益需求。 日本的公务员伦理建设研究在亚洲地区起步较早,成果也颇为丰硕。尤其在公务员伦理法治化建设、培训体系建设和职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设上有着较为深入的探讨和研究。相比之下,我国的公务员伦理建设虽然起步较晚,但是凭借着自身的发展优势,在上述三个方面也已经取得了长足的进步。不过,我们也应该正视我国在公务员伦理建设中的不足,并及时改正,进而实现社会主义公务员伦理建设的全面进步。本文将深入论述日本公务员伦理法治化、培训体系建设和职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设三个方面,并立足我国国情,通过借鉴其正反两方面经验,对我国提出可行性建议。 笔者之所以选择日本公务员伦理建设为研究对象,不仅因其成果颇丰,还基于其和我国同处亚洲,在地理上有着相近的地缘关系,在文化上同属于亚洲文化圈,在历史上又多有互通。因此,与欧美的公务员伦理建设情况相比较,分析和研究日本的公务员伦理建设将更具有现实性。 本文的创新点在于:一是文献创新。由于我国关于日本公务员伦理建设的研究相对较少,因此笔者在全面把握国内相关研究的基础上,依靠十余年学习日语的功底,阅读和参考了大量相关日文文献,包括著作、论文和最新的调查数据等资料。试图从日本研究者的笔下,用中国人的眼光去挖掘更多有关日本公务员伦理建设的内容和经验,以进一步补充国内相关研究。二是视角创新。本文超越了国内现有相关研究偏重一方的传统研究视角,而是注重把握日本公务员伦理建设的整体性。笔者从日本公务员伦理建设中外部控制的代表——公务员伦理法治化建设,公务员伦理建设中内部控制的代表——公务员伦理培训体系建设,以及日本公务员伦理建设的统合发展路径——职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设三个方面对该命题实现了较为全面地探讨和解析。而运用这一视角探析日本公务员伦理建设在国内当属首次。 本文共分七章: 第一章为绪论。围绕“日本公务员伦理建设研究”这一题目,笔者提出问题并说明研究意义,对相关的日文和中文文献进行了高度的概括和综述,解析本文的研究框架,并提出具体的研究方法。 第二章为日本公务员伦理建设的内涵解析。首先,分析相关概念。结合日本公务员的定义,将本文的研究对象界定为日本从事行政职的一般职国家公务员,将日本公务员伦理定义为以组织目的为基本轴线的公务员行动判断基准。其次,剖析日本公务员伦理的主要范畴。将其归纳为五个方面:义务、服务、忠诚、信息的公开与保密、伦理性裁定,并逐一展开论述。最后,选取并分析日本公务员伦理法治化、培训体系和职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设的内容与特征,并在此基础上,阐明了日本公务员行政伦理价值观、伦理法治化和培训体系建设三者的关系,以及三者同公务员职业化体系建设的关系。指出职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设是可以将法治化和培训体系建设有效统合,并合理兼顾公务员行政伦理价值观的发展路径,是加速推进公务员伦理建设的综合渠道。 第三章为日本公务员伦理建设的历史考察。首先,解析日本公务员伦理建设兴起的背景,包括腐败与渎职、部门本位主义和退出机制的漏洞三个方面。其次,理顺日本公务员伦理建设的历史阶段,涵盖“行政角色”的转变、“通知行政”的失败和“伦理规程模型”的诞生三个阶段。最后,立足现实对日本公务员伦理建设的总体布局进行概要性介绍,指出其通过不同的制度安排和机制建设实现了对公务员伦理建设的外部控制和内部控制。 第四章为日本公务员伦理法治化建设。首先,解析公务员伦理法治化建设的内涵和必要性。其次,理顺日本公务员伦理法治化建设的萌芽、确立及发展三个历史阶段。其中,1887年,《官吏服务纪律》的施行,标志着日本公务员伦理法治化的萌芽。2000年,《国家公务员伦理法》的施行,标志着日本公务员伦理法治化的确立。最后,评析日本公务员伦理法治化建设。在建设经验上,指出一是完善的公务员伦理立法,强调日本《宪法》、《公务员法》、《公务员伦理法》、《伦理规程》、《人事院规则》、《刑法》等是其公务员伦理立法体系中不可或缺的支点。二是强化的公务员伦理法治管理与监督,分析国家公务员伦理审查会的主要权力及审查会委员的构成,论述伦理监督官的具体职责与权力。三是细化的公务员伦理法治内容,通过解析《伦理规程》中的6项具体规定和归纳《人事院规则》中的26项处罚规定,指出日本公务员伦理法治内容相对细化、可操作性较强。四是基础性的公务员伦理法治意识养成,指出对《伦理法》和《伦理规程》的学习在日本公务员伦理培训中始终占据着基础地位。在建设不足上,简要指出日本公务员伦理法治化建设中存在的问题,并提出完善对策。 第五章为日本公务员伦理培训体系建设。首先,解析公务员伦理培训体系建设的内涵和必要性。其次,理顺日本公务员伦理培训体系建设发展的历史沿革。按照日本对公务员伦理培训对象的不断扩充,将其培训分为三个发展阶段。最后,全面评析日本公务员伦理培训体系建设。在建设经验上,指出一是多层次、全方位的培训模式,剖析其四种伦理培训模式的内容,及各种模式间互相联系,各有侧重的特点。二是明确具体的培训目标,归纳其培训目标的特点。三是多样实用的培训方式方法,以录像方式、案例分析、现场培训和国家公务员伦理周四种方法为例,探析日本公务员伦理培训的具体应用及特点。四是备受重视的价值观培训,通过分析相关课题设置,突出日本对价值观培训的重视。五是富于实效性的课程设置,研究KET、JKET和实用手册的使用及推广,并归纳其特点。在建设不足上,简要指出日本公务员伦理培训体系建设中存在的问题,并提出完善对策。 第六章为职业伦理视角下的日本公务员职业化体系建设。首先,,深刻解读基于职业伦理视角下的日本公务员职业化体系建设的内涵。在明确了日本职业伦理和公务员职业伦理的概念与特征的基础上,进一步将日本公务员伦理确认为一种职业伦理,并依照其内在特质为日本公务员职业化体系建设归纳出公务员职业精神建设、公务员职业能力建设和公务员职业行为规范建设三条具体路径。其次,认真梳理了日本公务员职业化体系建设的历史沿革。指出日本公务员职业化体系建设迄今为止历经了观念的萌芽、模式的探索与体系的确立三个阶段。最后,全面评析职业伦理视角下的日本公务员职业化体系建设。在建设经验上,指出日本以公务员行政伦理价值观为核心内容建设职业精神,以公务员伦理法治化建设为突出代表构建职业行为规范,以及以公务员伦理培训体系建设为有效途径强化职业能力培养。在建设不足上,简要指出日本公务员职业化体系建设中存在的问题,并提出完善对策。 第七章为日本公务员伦理建设对我国的启示。在简要解析我国公务员、公务员伦理和公务员伦理建设三个基础概念之上,分别归纳我国在公务员伦理法治化、培训体系和职业伦理视角下的公务员职业化体系建设三个方面的特征和存在的主要问题,立足我国国情,结合日本公务员伦理建设的优缺点,对这三个方面提出意见和建议:首先,加强我国公务员伦理法治化建设。强调应出台《公务员伦理法》,进一步细化公务员伦理法治内容;加强公务员伦理法治管理与监督,设立公务员伦理监督委员会及伦理监督官;提高公务员伦理法治意识,推动伦理法治意识的内化。其次,推进我国公务员伦理培训体系建设。强调应把对公务员伦理培训的重视从思想上和行动上统一起来;在培训模式上,将分职级培训和分阶段培训结合起来;在培训方式上,将常态化教学和日常化互学结合起来;在课程设置上,将集中培训和自我教育结合起来。最后,加速职业伦理视角下的我国公务员职业化体系建设。强调要处理好对传统行政伦理价值观的扬弃;设置好入职宣誓和公务员伦理周等提升公务员职业能力的特色路径;统筹好公务员行政伦理价值观、伦理法治化和伦理培训体系建设三者的关系。
[Abstract]:At present, as an important part of the civil service system, the civil service ethics construction is regarded and respected by all the major countries in the world. It can ensure the trust of the public to the administrative organization, protect the personal interests of the civil servants, and meet the interests of the administrative objects.
The research on civil service ethics construction in Japan is early and fruitful in the region of Asia, especially in the construction of the rule of law of civil servants, the construction of training system and the professional ethics of the professional ethics. In contrast, the construction of civil servants' Ethics in our country is more than that. Late, but with its own development advantages, we have made great progress in the above three aspects. However, we should also face up to our country's shortcomings in the civil service ethics construction, and correct it in time to realize the overall progress of the socialist civil servants' ethical construction. This article will discuss the rule of law of the Japanese civil servants' Ethics in depth. There are three aspects in the construction of the training system and the professional ethics of the civil servants from the perspective of professional ethics, and based on the national conditions of our country, the feasible suggestions are put forward to our country by drawing on the positive and negative experiences from two aspects.
The reason why the author chooses the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants is not only because of its fruitful results, but also based on its geographical relationship with Asia in the same place with China, and in the cultural circle which belongs to the Asian cultural circle, and in history there are many interconnections. Therefore, the analysis and study of the civil service ethics construction in Europe and the United States are compared. The ethics construction of civil servants in Japan will be more realistic.
The innovation of this article lies in the following: one is literature innovation. Because of the relatively few studies on the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants in China, the author, based on the comprehensive grasp of the relevant domestic research, relies on the background of learning Japanese for more than ten years, reading and referring to a large number of relevant Japanese articles, including books, papers and the latest survey data. From the point of view of the Japanese researchers, we try to dig more about the content and experience of the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants from the perspective of the Chinese, in order to further supplement the relevant domestic research. Two is the perspective innovation. This article transcends the traditional research perspective of the existing domestic related research on one side, but pays more attention to the Japanese civil service ethics. The integrity of the construction, the author from the Japanese civil service ethics construction of the Chinese and foreign control of the representative of the civil service ethics of the legal construction, civil servants ethical construction of the internal control of the civil service ethics training system construction, as well as the unified development path of the Japanese civil service ethics construction from the professional ethics perspective of civil service employment. Three aspects of the construction of the industrialization system have been discussed and analyzed in a more comprehensive way, and it is the first time in China to explore the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants with this perspective.
This article is divided into seven chapters.
The first chapter is the introduction. Around the topic of "the study of the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants", the author puts forward the questions and explains the significance of the research, summarizes and summarizes the related Japanese and Chinese literature, analyzes the framework of this study, and puts forward specific research methods.
The second chapter is the analysis of the connotation of Japanese civil servants' ethical construction. First, it analyzes the related concepts. Combined with the definition of Japanese civil servants, the object of this study is defined as the general civil servant engaged in the administrative office in Japan, and the Japanese civil service ethics is defined as the benchmark of civil servants' action judgment based on the organizational purpose. The main category of civil service ethics in Japan is divided into five aspects: obligation, service, loyalty, disclosure and secrecy of information, ethical ruling, and one by one. Finally, it selects and analyzes the contents and characteristics of the construction of civil servants' professionalization system under the view of the ethics of the Japanese civil servants, the training system and the professional ethics. On this basis, it clarifies the relationship between the administrative ethics values of the Japanese civil servants, the relationship between the ethical rule of law and the construction of the training system, as well as the relationship between the three and the construction of the professional system of the civil servants. It is pointed out that the construction of the professional system of civil servants under the view of professional ethics can integrate the rule of law and the construction of the training system effectively, and give a reasonable consideration to the construction of the system. The development path of administrative ethics values of civil servants is a comprehensive channel to accelerate the construction of civil servants' ethics.
The third chapter is the historical investigation of the ethical construction of Japanese civil servants. First, it analyzes the background of the rise of Japanese civil servants' ethical construction, including three aspects of corruption and dereliction of duty, departmental departmentalism and loopholes in the exit mechanism. Secondly, to straighten out the historical stage of the construction of Japanese civil servants' ethics, cover the transformation of the "administrative role" and "notify the administration". Failure and the birth of "ethical regulation model" are three stages. Finally, based on reality, the overall layout of Japanese civil servants' ethics construction is briefly introduced, and it is pointed out that the external control and internal control of civil servants' ethical construction have been realized through different institutional arrangements and mechanism construction.
The fourth chapter is the construction of Japanese civil servants' Ethics under the rule of law. First, it analyzes the connotation and necessity of the construction of the rule of law of the civil service ethics. Secondly, straighten out the sprout of the construction of the rule of law of the Japanese civil servants, establish and develop three historical stages. In 1887, the implementation of "the service discipline of officials" marks the initiation of the rule of law of the Japanese civil servants. In.2000, the implementation of the national civil service ethics law marks the establishment of the rule of law of Japanese civil servants. Finally, the construction of the rule of law of civil servants in Japan is evaluated. In the construction experience, it is pointed out that one is the perfect civil service ethics legislation, emphasizing the Constitution of Japan, the civil service law, the civil service ethics law, the ethical code, and the rules of the Personnel Institute, < criminal law > is an indispensable fulcrum in the ethical legislative system of civil servants. Two is the strengthening of the administration and supervision of the rule of law of civil servants, the main power of the national civil servants' Ethical Review Conference and the constitution of the committee members of the censorship, and the specific duties and powers of the ethical supervision officers. Three is the detailed legal content of the civil servants' ethical rule of law, through solution. An analysis of the 6 specific provisions in the ethics regulation and the induction of the 26 penalties in the rules of the personnel academy, points out that the ethical and legal contents of the civil servants in Japan are relatively refined and operable. Four is the foundation of the ethical rule of law consciousness of the civil servants, and points out that the study of the ethical law and the ethical code is always in the Japanese civil service ethics training. It occupies a basic position. In the absence of construction, it briefly points out the problems existing in the construction of the rule of law in Japanese civil servants, and puts forward some countermeasures.
The fifth chapter is the construction of the ethics training system of Japanese civil servants. First, it analyzes the connotation and necessity of the construction of the civil service ethics training system. Secondly, straighten out the historical evolution of the construction and development of the Japanese civil service ethics training system. According to the continuous expansion of the civil service ethics training object in Japan, the training is divided into three stages of development. Finally, the whole system of civil servants' ethics training is divided into three stages. The construction of the civil service ethics training system in Japan is analyzed. In the construction experience, it is pointed out that one is the multi-level, all directional training mode, the content of the four ethical training modes, and the interconnections among the various modes, each of which have their own special characteristics. Two is the specific training target and the characteristics of the training objectives. Three it is various and practical. The method of training, taking video mode, case analysis, field training and national civil servant ethics Thursday method as an example, analyzes the specific application and characteristics of Japanese civil service ethics training. Four is the value training which has been paid much attention to, through the analysis of relevant subject setting, highlight the value training of Japan. Five is a practical lesson. In order to study the use and promotion of KET, JKET and practical handbook, and to sum up its characteristics, the problems existing in the construction of Japanese civil servants' ethical training system are briefly pointed out, and the countermeasures are put forward.
The sixth chapter is the construction of the professional system of Japanese civil servants from the perspective of professional ethics. First, a profound interpretation is made of the connotation of the construction of Japanese civil servants' professionalism based on the perspective of professional ethics. On the basis of defining the concept and characteristics of Japanese professional ethics and the professional ethics of civil servants, the Japanese civil service ethics is further confirmed as one. In accordance with the inherent characteristics of the professional ethics of Japanese civil servants, this paper sums up the construction of the professional spirit of civil servants, the construction of civil servants' professional ability and the construction of the professional behavior of civil servants. Secondly, it carefully combs the historical evolution of the construction of the professional system of Japanese civil servants, and points out the occupation of Japanese civil servants. The construction of the system has so far gone through the germination of ideas, the exploration of the model and the establishment of the system in three stages. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation of the professional system construction of Japanese civil servants under the view of professional ethics. In the construction experience, the author points out that Japan takes the civil servants' administrative ethics values as the core content to build the professional spirit and the civil service ethics law. The construction of governance for the representative construction of professional behavior norms, and the construction of the civil service ethics training system as an effective way to strengthen the training of professional ability. In the shortage of construction, the problems in the construction of the Japanese civil servants' professional system are briefly pointed out, and the countermeasures are put forward.
The seventh chapter is the Enlightenment of the ethical construction of civil servants in Japan. On the basis of a brief analysis of the three basic concepts of civil servants, civil servants' ethics and the construction of civil servants ethics, the characteristics and existence of three aspects of civil servants' professionalization system construction under the rule of law of civil servants' ethics, training system and professional ethics are respectively summarized. The main problems, based on the national conditions of our country, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of the civil service ethics construction in Japan, put forward suggestions and suggestions on these three aspects: first, strengthen the construction of the rule of law of civil servants in our country. Establishing the Ethical Supervision Committee of civil servants and ethical supervision officers, improving the awareness of the rule of law of civil servants, and promoting the internalization of ethical rule of law. Secondly, promote the construction of ethical training system for civil servants in China. In the training mode, it combines the normal teaching with the daily and mutual learning. In the course of the curriculum, the centralized training and self education are combined. Finally, the vocational system construction of the civil servants in China is accelerated under the view of professional ethics. We have set up a good way to improve the professional ability of civil servants, such as the oath of entry and the ethical week of civil servants, and the relationship between the three people in the construction of the ethical values of civil servants' administrative ethics, the ethical rule of law and the construction of the ethical training system.
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