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发布时间:2018-05-28 03:38

  本文选题:土耳其 + 伊斯兰教 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:就伊斯兰教而言,宗教与政治的关系历来是学术研究中的一个重大课题。在土耳其这个推行世俗化最彻底,,但又具有传统伊斯兰文化底蕴的国家,政教关系的发展和演变有其自身的鲜明特点。尤其是20世纪60年代末以来,伴随着伊斯兰世界出现的宗教复兴浪潮,伊斯兰教对土耳其社会政治生活的影响呈增强之势,一系列伊斯兰政党的相继出现并积极地参政议政,成为以世俗主义原则为基本国策的土耳其政治中独特的社会政治现象,并引起了世界各国的关注。因此,本文拟从历史和现实两大层面,探讨伊斯兰教与土耳其政党政治发展、演变及二者的互动关系,并对其现状及未来走势进行思考。 第一部分:土耳其的伊斯兰教传统及其变革 本文分奥斯曼帝国统治下的伊斯兰教、凯末尔世俗化改革与伊斯兰教、二战后伊斯兰教传统的恢复和发展三个时段分析了伊斯兰传统在土耳其的身后历史积淀、土耳其世俗化改革对伊斯兰教的冲击以及战后在世俗化框架下伊斯兰传统的逐步复兴等问题。 第二部分:现代土耳其历史进程中的伊斯兰教与政党政治 本文分三个阶段对此问题进行了研究:(1)建国初期的一党专政与伊斯兰教:伊斯兰教的政治影响受到严格的限制,其复兴主要体现在社会文化领域的微弱复兴;(2)多党化民主政治的确立与伊斯兰教:伊斯兰教借助民主政治对政党政治施加影响,但受到了军方世俗势力的严格控制,并引发多次政变;(3)冷战后的伊斯兰教与政党政治:主要表现为土耳其繁荣党和正义发展党在20世纪90年代以来的两度执政,体现了土耳其伊斯兰复兴在民主化进程中的温和色彩。 第三部分:伊斯兰教对土耳其政党政治的影响 本部分从伊斯兰教影响政党的选举行为、伊斯兰教参与政党政治导致军方作为“超政府”力量不断干预政治、伊斯兰教影响执政党的国内政策、伊斯兰教影响执政党的外交政策等四个方面探讨了伊斯兰教与伊斯兰复兴对土耳其政党政治的深刻影响。 第四部分:伊斯兰教与土耳其政党政治的未来走向 首先,伊斯兰教对土耳其政党政治的影响有不断加强的趋势,其原因在于:作为 一种具有广泛而深厚社会基础的精神文化,伊斯兰教仍有着极强的生命力;土耳其民 主化进程中各政党间的复杂争斗为伊斯兰教的发展创造了条件;战后土耳其动荡的 政局和不断出现的经济与社会危机,也促进了伊斯兰宗教意识的增长;国际和地区形 势的变化,为土耳其伊斯兰宗教的复兴与发展提供了有利的外部环境。 其次,伊斯兰教无法改变土耳其政党政治世俗化的根基,其原因在于:现代化发 展所取得的成就,使世俗主义深人民心,伊斯兰教活动空间有限;土耳其伊斯兰复兴 运动主要力量的现状决定了伊斯兰势力难以对世俗主义构成威胁;军方为世俗主义 “保驾护航”也遏制了伊斯兰势力的发展。 结论部分:关于伊斯兰教与民主关系的若干思考 本文认为伊斯兰教与土耳其政党政治关系背后所蕴藏的深刻问题是伊斯兰和民 主相适应的问题。作者的结论是现代化是民族性与时代性的结合。土耳其的民主政 治和政党政治是现代化的产物,而伊斯兰教是土耳其历史传统和民族特性的重要组 成部分,实现二者的融通与整合是土耳其乃至所有伊斯兰国家在民主化进程中的必 然选择。
[Abstract]:As far as Islam is concerned, the relationship between religion and politics has always been a major issue in academic research. In Turkey, a country with the most secularization and traditional Islamic culture, the development and evolution of the relationship between religion and politics has its own distinctive features, especially since the end of the 1960s, with the Islamic world. The influence of Islam on the social and political life of Turkey was enhanced. A series of Islamic parties emerged and actively participated in the administration of the government. It became a unique social and political image of Turkey politics with secularism as the basic national policy, and aroused the attention of all countries in the world. From two aspects of history and reality, the article is to discuss the political development of Islam and the political party in Turkey, the evolution and the interaction of the two, and think about the current situation and the trend of the future.
Part one: Islamic tradition in Turkey and its reform.
This article is divided into the Islamic religion under the Osman Empire, the secularization of Kemal, Islam, the restoration and development of the Islamic tradition after World War II, and the historical accumulation of Islamic tradition behind Turkey, the impact of the Turkey secularized reform on Islam and the Islamic biography under the post-war framework of the worldliness in the world. Problems such as the gradual revival of the system.
The second part: Islam and party politics in the historical process of modern Turkey.
This article is divided into three stages: (1) the one party dictatorship and Islam in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China: the political influence of Islam is strictly limited, and its revival is mainly reflected in the weak Renaissance in the social and cultural field; (2) the establishment of multiparty democracy and Islam: Islam is a political party with the help of democratic politics. Political influence was exerted, but it was strictly controlled by the secular forces of the military and led to a number of coups. (3) the Islamic and political party politics after the cold war were mainly shown as the two degrees of power of the Turkey and the just Development Party since 1990s, reflecting the mild color of the Islamic revival in the process of democratization in Turkey.
The third part: Islam's influence on Turkey's party politics.
From the four aspects of Islam and the rejuvenation of the ruling party, Islam and the rejuvenation of the Islamic rejuvenation were discussed in this part of the four aspects of the political party's election behavior, the Islamic participation in political party politics, the military as a "super government" force, the internal policy of the Islamic ruling party, and the influence of Islam on the ruling party's foreign policy. The profound influence of politics.
The fourth part: Islam and the future trend of Party Politics in Turkey.
First of all, the influence of Islam on the party politics in Turkey has been continuously strengthened.
A spiritual culture with a broad and profound social foundation, Islam still has great vitality; Turkey people.
The complex struggles between the political parties in the process of subjectivism have created conditions for the development of Islam; Turkey has been turbulent after the war.
The political situation and the continuous economic and social crisis have also promoted the growth of Islamic religious consciousness.
The change of situation provides a favorable external environment for the revival and development of Islamic religion in Turkey.
Secondly, Islam can not change the foundation of secularization of Party Politics in Turkey.
The achievements made by the exhibition make secularism deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the limited space for Islamic activities, and the Islamic revival in Turkey.
The current situation of the main forces of sport determines that Islamic forces are not able to pose a threat to secularism; the military is secularism.
"Escorting" also inhibited the development of Islamic forces.
Conclusion: Some Thoughts on the relationship between Islam and democracy.
This article holds that Islam and people are the key problems behind the relationship between Islam and Turkey's party politics.
The author concludes that modernization is the combination of nationality and times. Democracy in Turkey.
Governance and party politics are the product of modernization, and Islam is an important group of Turkey's historical traditions and national characteristics.
In part, the integration and integration of the two is the necessity of Turkey and even all Islamic countries in the process of democratization.
But choose.


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