本文选题:东亚政党 + 民众 ; 参考:《东北亚论坛》2013年01期
[Abstract]:The political communication between the political party and the people is an important index to measure the political operation of a country. Exploring the political communication between the political parties and the people in East Asia is helpful for us to understand the running process and development law of the political parties in East Asia. Although the political communication modes between the political parties and the people of Korea and Singapore have their own characteristics, they basically cover the main modes of communication between the political parties and the people in East Asia. From the whole process of political communication, there are certain laws and experiences to follow. Such as giving full play to the active role of political parties, adopting flexible and diverse communication methods, actively broadening channels of communication and so on. It is necessary to perfect the political communication mode between the ruling party and the people in China by using the experience of the East Asian political party and the populace for reference.
【作者单位】: 大连海事大学马克思主义学院;
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