本文选题:美国军事与外交 + 反恐 ; 参考:《美国研究》2017年04期
[Abstract]:"preventing September 11 terrorist attacks" and "countering violent extremism" are two strategic models for preventing terrorist attacks in the United States. " The prevention of September 11 terrorist attacks and anti-violent extremism are aimed at preventing terrorist attacks by foreign and indigenous Islamic extremists, respectively. Due to the differences in the perceptions of the US counter-terrorism departments and policy makers on the threat of these two types of terrorist attacks, there are significant differences between the two models in terms of measures to prevent terrorist attacks. And then lead to the role of government in these two models of specific performance of different forms. The US counter-terrorism departments agree that under the current anti-terrorism situation, there is still a need for "preventing the September 11 terrorist attacks" model. The emphasis on the anti-violent extremism model in recent years does not mean that it is obsolete or disappearing. At present, the two models coexist in the United States to prevent terrorist attacks.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院美国研究所;
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