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发布时间:2018-07-09 21:46

  本文选题:俄罗斯 + 美国 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 中亚国家独立后,从根本上改变了该地区在欧亚大陆乃至世界政治版图中的地位,中亚在地缘政治上的重要性也随之增大。中亚地区战略位置非常独特,油气资料十分丰富,“三股势力”活动猖獗,而且处于大国角逐的“前沿地带”,多种因素使中亚地缘政治形势极为复杂。作为国际事务中的新生力量,中亚国家在一定程度上具有改变地区内乃至世界上政治、经济进程和力量对比的能力。十几年来的历史表明,中亚国家已经并且必将在国际社会发挥积极作用。但与此同时,俄罗斯、美国逐渐发展成为中亚地区具有重要影响力的外部力量,在一定程度上也影响着中亚地区形势的发展。 在这场地缘政治变动中,中国的地缘政治环境也随之发生了自建国以来最大的一次变化。面对国际安全格局转换过程中出现的新情况,本文尝试为中国的中亚政策进行分析和评估。第一章从中亚地缘战略变化入手,从历史的视角系统地回顾了中亚地区在历史上的重要战略地位。第二章对比分析了俄罗斯、美国、中国对中亚政策的演进与发展,并就俄、美、中三国当前对中亚政策进行了分析。第三章对俄、美、中三国对中亚国家政策的优势与劣势、成果与不足进行了比较分析,并从中总结出一些可供我国借鉴的一般性规律。第四章从人类安全观的发展历程入手,深入剖析了新安全观理论,并对基于该理论的上海合作组织进行了深刻分析,梳理了该组织在维护地区稳定、促进中亚国家发展方面的实践。第五章从中亚国家的政局、经济、安全、地区国家间的矛盾等角度,系统分析了大国政策影响下的中亚地区当前形势。第六章在前一章的基础上,分析了中亚地区形势对我国的战略影响,并对此进行了客观评估。第七章总结了笔者在研究这一课题过程中得出的几点结论,并对做好我对中亚国家政策提出了几点对策思考。 俄罗斯、美国对中亚国家的政策具有一定的代表性,对我国发展与中亚国家关系具有重要的借鉴意义。本文的研究立足于为维护和延长我战略机遇期营造良好的周边地缘政治环境,力求理论联系实际和可操作性,以期能为中国进一步完善中亚政策发挥一定的参考价值和借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:After the independence of Central Asian countries, the status of this region in Eurasia and even the world political map was fundamentally changed, and the importance of Central Asia in geopolitics also increased. The strategic position of Central Asia is very unique, the oil and gas data are very rich, the activities of "three forces" are rampant, and it is in the "frontier zone" of the great power competition. Many factors make the geopolitical situation of Central Asia extremely complex. As a new force in international affairs, the Central Asian countries to some extent have the ability to change the political, economic process and power balance in the region and the world. More than ten years of history show that Central Asian countries have played and will play an active role in the international community. But at the same time, Russia and the United States have gradually developed into important external forces in Central Asia, which to some extent also affect the development of Central Asian situation. In this geopolitical change, China's geopolitical environment has also undergone the biggest change since the founding of the people's Republic of China. In the face of the new situation in the process of international security pattern transformation, this paper attempts to analyze and evaluate China's Central Asia policy. The first chapter reviews the important strategic position of Central Asia in history from the perspective of history. The second chapter analyzes the evolution and development of the Central Asia policy of Russia, the United States and China, and analyzes the current Central Asian policy of Russia, the United States and China. The third chapter makes a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, achievements and shortcomings of the policies of Russia, the United States and China towards the Central Asian countries, and summarizes some general laws that can be used for reference by our country. The fourth chapter starts with the development course of human security concept, deeply analyzes the new security concept theory, and makes a profound analysis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization based on this theory, combing the organization in maintaining regional stability. Promotion of development practices in Central Asian countries The fifth chapter systematically analyzes the current situation of Central Asia under the influence of the policy of the great powers from the political situation, economy, security and contradictions among the countries in Central Asia. On the basis of the previous chapter, the sixth chapter analyzes the strategic impact of the situation in Central Asia on China, and carries out an objective evaluation. The seventh chapter summarizes the author's conclusions in the course of studying this subject, and puts forward some countermeasures to do a good job in the policy of Central Asian countries. The policy of Russia and the United States towards the Central Asian countries is representative, which is of great significance to the development of the relations between China and the Central Asian countries. The research in this paper is based on the maintenance and extension of our strategic opportunity period to create a good peripheral geopolitical environment, and strive to integrate theory with practice and maneuverability. In order to further improve the Central Asia policy for China to play a certain reference value and reference role.


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