[Abstract]:Compromise is the embodiment of political wisdom. Russia's political confrontation was serious in Yeltsin's time, but because of the establishment of basic institutional framework, it laid the foundation for the decision and compromise in Putin's time. Since Putin came to power, according to the changes in Russia's political ecology, he has paid attention to political compromise, and he has been able to design the political operating mechanism freely. In dealing with the relationship between power and capital the core issue of Russian politics embodies the firmness of principle and the flexibility of strategy which effectively maintains Russian political stability and social harmony. From Russia's political practice, it is very important to resolve differences by compromise in all the conditions of realizing democracy. In a sense, there is no democracy without compromise, and compromise is the core of democratic process.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所;
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