[Abstract]:The Soviet Union disintegrated in the late 1980 s, and its political and economic forms changed greatly, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist. There are many views on the causes of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but the more consistent view is that the Soviet Union's mistakes in ideological construction played a key role in the process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. At the beginning, Lenin combined it with Marxist theory after considering the actual situation in the Soviet Union, and at the same time made Marxism get further inheritance and development. As a whole, Lenin grasped the theory of Marxism and insisted that the proletarian revolutionary movement in the new era should be combined with Marxism. This allowed Marxism to be used to a great extent at that time, and further improved Marxism, which laid a solid foundation for the great economic, political and cultural development of the former Soviet Union. However, during Stalin's leadership period, problems appeared in the ideological construction of the Soviet Union, and the problems in the mainstream ideology theory and its influence were mainly manifested in the absolutization of the Soviet model and the stagnation of ideological education. The dogmatism of Leninism and its ideological ossification; while dogmatism had a great negative impact on the ideological construction of the Soviet Union, its domestic cultural propaganda work was misplaced, which led to the unordered and unlimited infiltration of western culture. The attitude towards western capitalist ideology, from blind exclusion to disorderly introduction and recognition of its rationality, led to the confusion of the cultural atmosphere in the late Soviet Union, and finally caused the outbreak of anti-socialist ideological trend in the Soviet Union. The ideological construction of the former Soviet Union has provided important experience for the construction of socialist ideology in our country, and has more important enlightenment. Through the study of the mistakes in the ideological construction of the former Soviet Union and the consideration of the actual situation of the current ideological development in our country, we can get some enlightenment: our country should always put Marxism in the absolute guiding position. We must persistently innovate and develop Marxism; strengthen Marx's guiding role in the field of social sciences; must correctly handle contradictions and struggles in the ideological field; and fully understand the key role of public opinion guidance. And control the correct guidance of public opinion, so as to prevent the infiltration of various ways of Western ideology.
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