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发布时间:2018-10-08 20:01
[Abstract]:After the crisis in Ukraine, there was a resurgence of nationalist thought in Russia, which manifested itself as follows: from the Russian elite to the public, to nationalists of different factions, the primary concern was the status of Russia as a world power; anti-Americanism. The anti-western trend of thought is rising again in the Russian society; the historical memory and cultural superiority of Russia are highlighted; the development path of Russia with its own characteristics is emphasized, and the western development model is denied. The rise of Russian nationalism is due to both external and internal factors: Western sanctions, strategic repression and the unprecedented challenge to Russia's position in the post-Soviet space are the external reasons; The economic crisis stimulates and the national character factor is the internal reason. Russian nationalism is conducive to Russia's adoption of a diplomatic strategy and policy to safeguard the status of a major power, to promote Russia's "multipolarization" in the world, and to enhance the "east-west" balance of Russia's foreign policy. However, it reduces Russia's flexibility to ease and adjust its policies towards the West, which can easily lead to an increase in the use of tough measures in foreign policy, such as military power, and an increase in regional tension.
【作者单位】: 外交学院外交学与外事管理系;外交学院俄罗斯研究中心;


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