[Abstract]:Li Guangyao, Suharto, and Mahathir are called three strongmen on the Southeast Asian political stage because of their ironclad leadership and achievements. They all set their countries on the road to modernization, and their achievements and influence have attracted the attention of the world. They are representative and typical in postwar developing countries. Although they have stepped down from the political arena, they have left a rich political legacy and enriched the treasure trove of political experience of human beings, especially developing countries, in realizing development. Under the guidance of the international strategic theory and the political strategic theory as the analytical framework, this paper mainly uses the methods of international strategic theory, Marxist historicism and systematic theory to design the route from the purpose of the three leaders' political strategy formulation. Through the investigation and analysis of their respective political strategies, some interrelated aspects, such as the means of implementation, the factors of control and the effect of operation, are studied and analyzed in order to draw a general understanding of the political strategies of the developing countries in the pursuit of peace and development. On the basis of analysis and exploration, this paper holds that, on the whole, Li Guangyao, Suharto and Mahathir take the development of economy as the core goal of political strategy, follow the reality of their own country, and take regional cooperation as the bridge. The political strategic line of taking the world as the stage of development, internally and using authoritarian politics as the means of mobilization and control in the implementation of the political strategy, concentrating on the use of state power to increase the strength of the state, on the one hand, On the other hand, while safeguarding political independence, we should actively strengthen economic cooperation with the major powers of the world, coordinate and resonate with each other with internal and external cooperation, maintain stability, develop the economy, and realize the acceleration of development history. Out of the modernization of the "shortest distance." This paper also holds that for developing countries in a certain period of time, authoritarian politics and democratic politics belong to the ways and means of social mobilization and control in the political strategy of the rulers. The key is to apply it properly according to the actual situation in the country. In addition, balance is an important principle of political strategy, which embodies the ideological line of formulating political strategy, the tendency of the implementation process and the end result of the achievement. It is also the adjustment and correction of the process of political strategy implementation. The disequilibrium of political strategy may lead to the deviation of purpose and result.
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