[Abstract]:The British Parliament is the oldest parliament in the world, known as the "mother of Parliament." In many aspects of the parliamentary system, there is a unique practice, as are parliamentarians. The author synthesizes the relevant materials and makes a brief introduction to the performance of the duties of the members of the British Parliament in combination with the understanding during the study tour in the United Kingdom. The work of MPs in Parliament is a bicameral system. In view of the fact that the power of Parliament is primarily vested in the House of Commons elected by universal suffrage and that the members of the upper house are monks or nobles, who are not elected and have no term of office, reference is made to the members of the British Parliament, In general, it refers to elected members of the House of Commons. The discharge of duties by a British member of Parliament, including work in Parliament and in a constituency
【作者单位】: 全国人大常委会办公厅研究室;
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