[Abstract]:Welfare is an unavoidable problem in the process of modernization in any country. Britain is the welfare state started early, its reform experience is rich. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reform of British welfare state from the angle of social rights, to explore the relationship between social rights and welfare state, and to promote the construction of social rights of Chinese citizens. In the specific research process, a large number of data are analyzed and synthesized, and the viewpoints of scholars are summarized in order to deepen the understanding of the theory of social rights and the relationship between welfare state. It is helpful for us to deepen our understanding of the welfare state and better explore the path to the realization of our citizens' social rights by studying the welfare reform in Britain from the perspective of social rights. Throughout the reform of the welfare state, the development of the British welfare state has gone through three stages. After World War II, Britain established a welfare state covering the whole society and the social rights of its citizens developed. Due to excessive intervention by the state, the social rights and obligations of citizens are out of balance. Thatcher government carried out welfare privatisation, which lightened the welfare burden of the country, but belittled the publicity of citizens' social rights, which faced a crisis. Blair government advocates the reconstruction of welfare state, the diversification of welfare subjects and the construction of social investment-oriented state. The social rights of citizens have been further developed. For China, which is in the process of deepening the reform of social security system, it is of great practical significance to study the reform of the British welfare state from the perspective of social rights. In drawing lessons from the experience of the reform of the British welfare state, we should explore the path suitable for the construction of social rights in our country according to the national conditions. First of all, uphold the unity of rights and responsibilities. The state and market should protect citizens' social rights and strengthen their sense of responsibility. Second, reconstruct the relationship between state, market and society. The country, the market and the society should coordinate and interact and maintain good relations. Finally, to further improve the path to the realization of citizens' social rights. Pay attention to the investment of human capital, adhere to the unity of efficiency and fairness, and pay attention to the political participation of citizens.
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