发布时间:2018-11-16 09:31
【摘要】: 对东欧社会主义国家剧变原因的探讨,是冷战结束后学术界探讨的一个热门课题。本文从一个独特的视角-----美国和平演变战略与波兰社会主义灭亡的角度出发,揭示波兰乃至整个东欧社会主义灭亡的一个重要的外部因素。 本文与大多数相关研究的重要区别是:第一,选择波兰作为一个典型个案,从微观角度揭示东欧社会主义灭亡的美国因素;第二,本文本着“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”的原则,从历史的长时段---即整个冷战史为背景出发,对美国在波兰的和平演变战略进行研究,以避免出现就事论事,或者只论及80年代团结工会兴起后的剧变阶段的局限性。 本文共分三篇。 第一篇“历史纵览”主要探讨冷战期间美波关系以及美国对波兰的战略总目标和战略阶段。 第二篇“和平演变聚焦”主要从四个角度研究美国和平演变战略在波兰实施:1、战后波兰对美国经济依赖的形成及美国“联系政策”的运用;2、美国对波兰的公众外交与波兰社会主义意识形态的消解;3、美国对波兰持不同政见运动的支持与波兰天主教会势力的壮大;4、美国对团结工会的支持与团结工会的政治道路。 第三篇“对历史思考”主要是对美国和平演变战略的特征进行总结,对美国在波兰的和平演变战略进行评价并总结经验教训。 本文主要结论主要体现在论文的第二篇中,并在第三篇中进行一定的总结。本文的两个主要结论是: 第一,在分析判断东欧社会主义演变的原因时,,本文承认马克思主义关于内因是变化的根本,外因是变化的条件;内因决定外因,外因通过内因起作用的哲学观点。同时,本文认为,外因在某种情况下同样会起到与内因同样重要、甚至比内因更为重要的作用。另外也籍此提请人们注意,外因与内因经常相互转化,当外因影响达到一定程度时,就成为内因的组成部分。因而,研究事物变化的外因与研究事物变化的内因同样具有重大作用。 第二,经济实力与意识形态的较量是冷战期间社会主义与资本主义两个阵营 对抗的主要方面,也将是社会主义与资本主义长期斗争的焦点。
[Abstract]:The discussion of the causes of the drastic changes in socialist countries in Eastern Europe is a hot topic in academic circles after the end of the Cold War. This paper reveals an important external factor for the demise of socialism in Poland and even in Eastern Europe from the perspective of a unique perspective-the American strategy of peaceful evolution and the demise of Polish socialism. The main differences between this paper and most related studies are as follows: first, choose Poland as a typical case to reveal the American factors of the demise of socialism in Eastern Europe from the micro perspective; Secondly, based on the principle of "freezing three feet of ice, not cold in one day", this paper, based on the background of the long period of history, that is, the whole history of the cold war, carries out a study on the peaceful evolution strategy of the United States in Poland, in order to avoid putting the matter on the subject. Or only the limitations of the upheaval that followed the rise of Solidarity in the 1980 s. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part of History mainly discusses the relations between the United States and Poland during the Cold War and the general goal and strategic stage of the United States towards Poland. The second part "focus on Peace Evolution" mainly studies the implementation of American Peace Evolution Strategy in Poland from four angles: 1) the formation of Poland's economic dependence on the United States after the war and the application of American "linkage policy"; (2) the public diplomacy of the United States to Poland and the deconstruction of the Polish socialist ideology; 3, the support of the United States for the Polish dissident movement and the expansion of the power of the Polish Catholic Church; Fourth, the United States support for the Union and unity of the Union's political path. The third part "thinking about History" mainly summarizes the characteristics of American peace evolution strategy, evaluates the American peace evolution strategy in Poland and summarizes the experience and lessons. The main conclusions of this paper are embodied in the second part and summarized in the third part. The two main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, in analyzing and judging the reasons for the evolution of socialism in Eastern Europe, this paper acknowledges that the internal cause of Marxism is the root of change, and the external factor is the condition of change; The philosophical view that internal causes play a role through internal causes. At the same time, the external cause will play an equal and even more important role than the internal cause in some cases. It also reminds people that external and internal causes often transform each other and become part of internal causes when the influence of external causes reaches a certain degree. Therefore, the study of external causes of change and the study of internal causes of change of things have the same important role. Second, the contest between economic strength and ideology is the main aspect of the confrontation between socialism and capitalism during the Cold War, and will also be the focus of the long-term struggle between socialism and capitalism.
[Abstract]:The discussion of the causes of the drastic changes in socialist countries in Eastern Europe is a hot topic in academic circles after the end of the Cold War. This paper reveals an important external factor for the demise of socialism in Poland and even in Eastern Europe from the perspective of a unique perspective-the American strategy of peaceful evolution and the demise of Polish socialism. The main differences between this paper and most related studies are as follows: first, choose Poland as a typical case to reveal the American factors of the demise of socialism in Eastern Europe from the micro perspective; Secondly, based on the principle of "freezing three feet of ice, not cold in one day", this paper, based on the background of the long period of history, that is, the whole history of the cold war, carries out a study on the peaceful evolution strategy of the United States in Poland, in order to avoid putting the matter on the subject. Or only the limitations of the upheaval that followed the rise of Solidarity in the 1980 s. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part of History mainly discusses the relations between the United States and Poland during the Cold War and the general goal and strategic stage of the United States towards Poland. The second part "focus on Peace Evolution" mainly studies the implementation of American Peace Evolution Strategy in Poland from four angles: 1) the formation of Poland's economic dependence on the United States after the war and the application of American "linkage policy"; (2) the public diplomacy of the United States to Poland and the deconstruction of the Polish socialist ideology; 3, the support of the United States for the Polish dissident movement and the expansion of the power of the Polish Catholic Church; Fourth, the United States support for the Union and unity of the Union's political path. The third part "thinking about History" mainly summarizes the characteristics of American peace evolution strategy, evaluates the American peace evolution strategy in Poland and summarizes the experience and lessons. The main conclusions of this paper are embodied in the second part and summarized in the third part. The two main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, in analyzing and judging the reasons for the evolution of socialism in Eastern Europe, this paper acknowledges that the internal cause of Marxism is the root of change, and the external factor is the condition of change; The philosophical view that internal causes play a role through internal causes. At the same time, the external cause will play an equal and even more important role than the internal cause in some cases. It also reminds people that external and internal causes often transform each other and become part of internal causes when the influence of external causes reaches a certain degree. Therefore, the study of external causes of change and the study of internal causes of change of things have the same important role. Second, the contest between economic strength and ideology is the main aspect of the confrontation between socialism and capitalism during the Cold War, and will also be the focus of the long-term struggle between socialism and capitalism.
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1 彭凤玲;杜鲁门、艾森豪威尔政府对西欧心理战略研究[D];陕西师范大学;2010年