[Abstract]:Prime Minister difficult, Prime Minister changed quickly, in South Korea has become the norm. Few high-profile figures, both talented and talented, are willing to choose the media to be prime ministers for a year or two. On April 20, South Korean Prime Minister Lee Wan-Koo resigned to President Park Geun-hye under pressure over a "resource diplomacy corruption case." Just 63 days after he took office on February 16, he became South Korea's shortest prime minister since 1980 after a farewell ceremony on April 27. South Korea's prime minister, with an average tenure of more than a year, has long been seen as a thankless "high-risk job." South Korean public opinion generally does not value the post of prime minister, nor high praise. Even South Korean media said that the South Korean reputation as prime minister is a "chicken rib." The prime minister of South Korea's constitutional framework in the South Korean Constitution, South Korea's prime minister calls it "big."
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院经济所;
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