发布时间:2018-11-18 14:20
【摘要】:“民族自决”原则作为国际法的基本原则之一,在17-19世纪资产阶级反对封建专制制度、建立民族国家和20世纪世界范围内的反殖民化运动中曾经发挥过积极的历史意义。然而,在20世纪80年代末90年代初兴起的新一轮民族运动的浪潮中,由于被民族分离主义者奉为分裂国家的理论工具,这一原则在面临着困境。在俄罗斯联邦车臣问题中,这种现象也十分明显。 这一现象促使人们对“民族自决”原则在后冷战时期的运用进行重新的审视。笔者在分析、研究“民族自决权”的历史沿革的基础上,认为“民族自决权”既适用于尚未获得政治独立的殖民地国家的人民,也适用于主权国家内的民族和少数民族。但是,针对不同的对象,“民族自决权”的范围应有所限定,主权国家内民族及少数民族的“民族自决权”不应包括该民族脱离主权国家建立独立国家的权利(即分离权)。主权国家内民族的“民族自决权”的运用应该更注重于实现该民族谋求经济、社会、文化发展的权利。 上个世纪80年代末90年代初以来,车臣的民族分裂势力以“民族自决”原则为旗号谋求独立的行为是对该原则的歪曲。无论是列宁阐述的“民族自决权”,还是国际法中对“民族自决”原则的相关规定,都没有给车臣民族分裂势力谋求车臣独立的行动提供理论依据。车臣分裂势力打出“民族自决”的旗号是其谋求独立的伎俩,事实上在车臣发生的民族运动并不能代表车臣人民的政治选择。 同时,我们应当注意到,俄罗斯联邦车臣共和国有着独特的地理位置、自然条件、历史渊源和宗教背景。车臣共和国如果获得独立或事实独立,将会给俄罗斯的国家利益带来重大损失,并会对地区甚至世界的稳定造成负面影响。基于这种考虑,俄罗斯联邦政府在解决车臣问题的过程中应对“民族自决”原则在新时期的政治涵义加以界定,明确否定“自由分离权”,强调各民族自由谋求经济、社会、文化发展的权利,强调不分民族和宗教信仰的平等的公民权利,谨防西方国家以“民族自决”原则为旗号在车臣问题上挖俄罗斯的墙角。 从合理把握“民族自决”原则的角度回顾俄罗斯政府解决车臣问题的一些举措,有可取之处,同时也存在不足。但总的来说,经过苏联解体后十几年的反省与摸索,
[Abstract]:As one of the basic principles of international law, the principle of "national self-determination" has played a positive historical significance in the 17-19 century when the bourgeoisie opposed the feudal autocracy, established the nation-state and the anti-colonization movement in the world in the 20th century. However, in the new wave of national movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the principle is facing a dilemma because it is regarded by the ethnic separatists as a theoretical tool for splitting the country. In the case of Chechnya in the Russian Federation, this phenomenon is also evident. This phenomenon urges people to re-examine the application of the principle of national self-determination in the post-cold war period. On the basis of analyzing and studying the historical evolution of "the right of national self-determination", the author holds that the "right of national self-determination" is applicable not only to the people of colonial countries that have not yet gained political independence, but also to the nationalities and minorities in sovereign countries. However, with regard to different objects, the scope of "national self-determination" should be limited, and the "national self-determination" of ethnic groups and minorities in sovereign states should not include the right of the nation to establish an independent state (i.e. the right of secession) from the sovereign state. The application of the national right of self-determination in the sovereign state should pay more attention to the realization of the nation's right to seek economic, social and cultural development. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the separatist forces in Chechnya have been seeking independence under the banner of the principle of "national self-determination" as a distortion of the principle. Neither the "right of national self-determination" expounded by Lenin or the relevant provisions of the principle of "national self-determination" in international law have provided a theoretical basis for the action of the Chechen national separatist forces in seeking the independence of Chechnya. The separatist forces in Chechnya use the banner of "national self-determination" as their tactics to seek independence. In fact, the national movements that take place in Chechnya do not represent the political choices of the Chechen people. At the same time, we should note that the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation has a unique geographical location, natural conditions, historical origin and religious background. If the Chechen Republic gains independence or de facto independence, it will cause great losses to Russia's national interests, and will have a negative impact on the stability of the region and even the world. On the basis of this consideration, the Government of the Russian Federation, in the process of resolving the Chechen problem, should define the political meaning of the principle of "national self-determination" in the new era, explicitly deny the "right of free separation" and emphasize the free pursuit of the economic and social rights of all peoples, The right to cultural development emphasizes equal civil rights, regardless of ethnic and religious beliefs, and cautions against Western countries using the principle of "national self-determination" as a pretext to dig Russia's corner on the Chechen issue. From the point of view of reasonably grasping the principle of "national self-determination", some measures taken by the Russian government to solve the Chechen problem are reviewed. But in general, after more than a decade of reflection and exploration after the disintegration of the Soviet Union,
[Abstract]:As one of the basic principles of international law, the principle of "national self-determination" has played a positive historical significance in the 17-19 century when the bourgeoisie opposed the feudal autocracy, established the nation-state and the anti-colonization movement in the world in the 20th century. However, in the new wave of national movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the principle is facing a dilemma because it is regarded by the ethnic separatists as a theoretical tool for splitting the country. In the case of Chechnya in the Russian Federation, this phenomenon is also evident. This phenomenon urges people to re-examine the application of the principle of national self-determination in the post-cold war period. On the basis of analyzing and studying the historical evolution of "the right of national self-determination", the author holds that the "right of national self-determination" is applicable not only to the people of colonial countries that have not yet gained political independence, but also to the nationalities and minorities in sovereign countries. However, with regard to different objects, the scope of "national self-determination" should be limited, and the "national self-determination" of ethnic groups and minorities in sovereign states should not include the right of the nation to establish an independent state (i.e. the right of secession) from the sovereign state. The application of the national right of self-determination in the sovereign state should pay more attention to the realization of the nation's right to seek economic, social and cultural development. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the separatist forces in Chechnya have been seeking independence under the banner of the principle of "national self-determination" as a distortion of the principle. Neither the "right of national self-determination" expounded by Lenin or the relevant provisions of the principle of "national self-determination" in international law have provided a theoretical basis for the action of the Chechen national separatist forces in seeking the independence of Chechnya. The separatist forces in Chechnya use the banner of "national self-determination" as their tactics to seek independence. In fact, the national movements that take place in Chechnya do not represent the political choices of the Chechen people. At the same time, we should note that the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation has a unique geographical location, natural conditions, historical origin and religious background. If the Chechen Republic gains independence or de facto independence, it will cause great losses to Russia's national interests, and will have a negative impact on the stability of the region and even the world. On the basis of this consideration, the Government of the Russian Federation, in the process of resolving the Chechen problem, should define the political meaning of the principle of "national self-determination" in the new era, explicitly deny the "right of free separation" and emphasize the free pursuit of the economic and social rights of all peoples, The right to cultural development emphasizes equal civil rights, regardless of ethnic and religious beliefs, and cautions against Western countries using the principle of "national self-determination" as a pretext to dig Russia's corner on the Chechen issue. From the point of view of reasonably grasping the principle of "national self-determination", some measures taken by the Russian government to solve the Chechen problem are reviewed. But in general, after more than a decade of reflection and exploration after the disintegration of the Soviet Union,
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2 孙午生;普京政府与车臣问题[J];西伯利亚研究;2004年03期