发布时间:2018-12-10 08:32
[Abstract]:Singapore: grey income and hidden benefits are less popular in Singapore, "high pay and clean government", does not reflect the full picture of the situation. In general, Singapore's civil servants and government-appointed ministers enjoy salaries commensurate with the market level, while adhering to the principle of "bare pay", monetizing all kinds of treatment. Grey income and hidden benefits, such as housing or child education, are minimal. Civil servants work relatively stable, but more normative constraints. According to the Public Service of the Singapore Prime Minister's Office
[Abstract]:Singapore: grey income and hidden benefits are less popular in Singapore, "high pay and clean government", does not reflect the full picture of the situation. In general, Singapore's civil servants and government-appointed ministers enjoy salaries commensurate with the market level, while adhering to the principle of "bare pay", monetizing all kinds of treatment. Grey income and hidden benefits, such as housing or child education, are minimal. Civil servants work relatively stable, but more normative constraints. According to the Public Service of the Singapore Prime Minister's Office
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