发布时间:2018-12-27 09:22
【摘要】:正在媒体的一片惊呼声中,唐纳德·特朗普赢得了2016年美国总统大选,即将成为第45位美国总统。在事件发酵了一个多月之后,美国主流媒体仍然活在一种不真实的幻觉之中,愤怒、哀叹或追忆,却不敢直面这个结局。这并不奇怪,毕竟在大选期间,这些媒体就十分反常地集体为希拉里·克林顿站台,认定特朗普处于美国的政治传统之外。最近,新一期的精英杂志《纽约客》(New Yorker)刊登了对巴拉克·奥巴马密集专访后的整理稿,声情并茂地记录了特朗普
[Abstract]:Amid media outcry, Donald Trump has won the 2016 U.S. presidential election, becoming the 45th U.S. president. More than a month after the incident, mainstream American media still live in an unreal illusion, angry, lamented or reminiscent, but afraid to face the ending. This is not surprising, after all, during the election campaign, these media have been unusually collective platform for Hillary Clinton, believing that Trump is outside the political tradition of the United States. The latest edition of the elite magazine, the New Yorker, published a revised version of an intensive interview with Barack Obama, documenting Trump in an emotional way.
[Abstract]:Amid media outcry, Donald Trump has won the 2016 U.S. presidential election, becoming the 45th U.S. president. More than a month after the incident, mainstream American media still live in an unreal illusion, angry, lamented or reminiscent, but afraid to face the ending. This is not surprising, after all, during the election campaign, these media have been unusually collective platform for Hillary Clinton, believing that Trump is outside the political tradition of the United States. The latest edition of the elite magazine, the New Yorker, published a revised version of an intensive interview with Barack Obama, documenting Trump in an emotional way.
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