[Abstract]:Whether women's rights can be guaranteed is an important measure of a country's democracy. Women make up half of mankind and are an important social force. But for a long time after the independence of the United States, American women were still oppressed and discriminated against. As women played an increasingly important role in social life, their self-consciousness gradually awakened. The fight for equal rights was put on the agenda and women fought for the right to vote for the first time. The campaign from 1848 to 1920 won, experienced 72 years of arduous struggle. American women's movement is an important part of American social development, which involves American history, politics, economy, culture and so on, and has an important influence on the study of American social culture. There were two larger women's movements in the history of the United States, one from the mid-19th century to the 1920s, the first American women's movement to fight for women's equal right to vote. With the adoption of the 19 th Amendment to the American Constitution in 1920, American society experienced the Great Depression and World War II, and the women's movement fell into a low point. By the mid-1960s, with the black civil rights movement, American women began the struggle for equal rights and interests in society, also known as the second Women's Movement. The struggle, which involved all aspects of women's rights and interests, exceeded the first women's movement in depth and breadth, bringing substantial benefits to women's lives. Since the 1980s, the women's movement has once again fallen into a trough. But it has not stopped, and now the women's movement is characterized by electronization, pluralism, and global cooperation. Starting from the first American Women's Movement, this paper explores its historical causes, development process, social impact, and analyzes women in politics today. Economic and other fields play a great role in explaining the practical significance of the first women's voting rights movement in the United States.
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