发布时间:2019-05-13 08:46
【摘要】: 1991年中亚五国成为了独立的主权国家:1978年中国实行了改革开放的政策。 中亚五国和中国现在正处于由计划经济向市场经济转变的过渡期。由于经济基础、历史文化传统、民族状况、人们心理因素的影响,每个国家实行了不尽相同的社会政策,并出现了不同的社会问题。本文通过分析中亚五国和中国的社会政策和社会问题的异同点,力求揭示中亚和中国作为转型国家,社会发展进程中带有的规律性的东西。全文由导论和六章组成,约12万字。 导论 第一节说明了本文的写作目的和欲突破的难点,扼要地介绍了当前学术界在中亚研究和中国社会问题研究所取得的成果,以及论文写作过程。第二节介绍了中亚五国和中国的基本情况。 第一章 中亚国家独立前和中国改革开放前的社会政策和社会问题。 苏联时期,中亚五国名义上是独立的主权国家,实际上执行的是苏联的统一的社会政策。改革开放前的中国,作为传统意义上的社会主义国家,和中亚一样,实行的是闭关的政策,政治上是共产党的领导;经济上是高度集中的计划经济体制。但由于多种因素的影响,中亚国家和中国社会政策与社会问题不尽相同,各有特点。 第二章 中亚五国独立后与中国改革开放后的变化 中亚五国独立后,面前有相当多的困难和难题需要解决,特别是要解决当时严重威胁到国家独立和生存的经济危机和社会稳定问题,以及如何走向国际社会的问题。经过十年的发展,中亚国家基本摆脱了经济危机,人民生活开始改善,社会走上了良性发展的轨道。 1978年12月,中国共产党召开了十一届三中全会,中国从此走上了改革开放的道路。以邓小平为核心的中共第二代领导集体,以江泽民同志为代表的中共第三代领导集体,坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,使我国逐步由计划经济向市场经济过渡,人民的生活明显改善,综合国力迅速增强,国际地位显著提升。 尽管中亚五国独立后与中国改革开放后的变化有相同之处,但也存在明显的不同。 第三章 中亚五国和中国社会发展战略与社会政策 社会发展战略是对社会发展有重大影响的、带全局性的、或决定全局的谋划。社会政策是为实现社会发展的任务而采取的方法与手段。中亚五国独立后和中国实行改革开放以来,在原有的社会发展基础上制定了新的社会发展战略,并推出了各种与之相适应的社会政策,由此导致社会领域的各个方面都发生了变化。 第四章 中亚五国与中国社会领域的变化 中亚五国体制的转轨,导致了中亚各国政治形势和经济形势都发生了重大的变化,使社会政策、社会形势也随之改变,社会问题明显增多。中国改革开放20多年来,政治、经济等方面同样发生了巨大的变化,社会领域也发生了很大的变化。 第五章 中亚五国和中国现有的社会问题 任何社会问题都是时代的产物,因而带有时代的特征。中亚国家和中国目前正处于社会转型时期,各种社会问题都带有转型的痕迹和特征。社会问题包含的内容较多,在中亚和中国目前存在的一些较为严重的社会问题表现在:失业、贫困、犯罪、人口、生态、科教文卫 等方面。 第六章与中亚五国和中国社会变化有关的儿个问题 中亚五国与中国近年来社会都发生了很大的变化,这种变化明显与物质条件的变化、人 们的观念变化和社会控制能力的变化有关。在上述各方面,中亚五国与中国存在共同点,但 也有很多的不同。这种同与不同的背后存在政策的层面,同时也存在规律性的东西。同时,, 社会政策、社会问题与改革、发展、稳定也有着直接的关系。
[Abstract]:In 1991, the five countries of Central Asia became an independent and sovereign state. In 1978, China adopted the policy of reform and opening-up. The five Central Asian countries and China are now in a planned economy The transition period of the transformation of the farm economy is due to the influence of the economic base, the historical and cultural traditions, the national conditions and the psychological factors of the people. This paper, through the analysis of the similarities and differences of the social policy and the social problems of the five countries in Central Asia and China, tries to reveal Central Asia and China as the transition countries and the process of social development Something with regularity. The full text is from Introduction and VI. The first section of the introduction explains the purpose of writing and the difficult points to break through, and briefly introduces the research of the current academic circles in Central Asia and the Chinese society The results achieved by the Research Institute, as well as the writing process of the paper The second section describes the basic situation of the five Central Asian countries and China. Chapter I social policy and social problems before and after the independence of Central Asian countries and before the reform and opening-up of China. In the period of the Soviet Union, the five countries of Central Asia, on the name of the five Central Asian countries, are independent and sovereign states, and actually implement the unified social policy of the Soviet Union. China, a former socialist country in the traditional sense, and Central Asia, as a traditional socialist country Like, it is a closed policy that is politically the leader of the Communist Party, and the economy is a highly concentrated, planned economy System. But due to the impact of a number of factors, the Central Asian States and China The social policy and the social problem are not the same, each has the characteristic. In the second chapter, the five countries in Central Asia and the changes of China's reform and opening-up After the independence of the five Central Asian countries, the five Central Asian countries have a phase The more difficult and difficult problems need to be addressed, in particular to address the economic crisis and social stability that was a serious threat to the independence and survival of the country at that time With the development of the decade, the Central Asian countries have basically rid themselves of the economic crisis, the people In December 1978, the Communist Party of China convened the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and China has embarked on the path of reform and opening-up. The Third Party of the Communist Party of China On behalf of the leading collective, we should adhere to the construction of the economy as the center and adhere to the reform and opening-up and reform and opening-up, so that our country will gradually move The transition of the farm economy, the improvement of the people's life and the comprehensive national strength in spite of that independence of the five Central Asian states, The changes of the country's reform and opening-up have the same place, but there are distinct differences. In the third chapter, the five countries of Central Asia and China's social development strategy and the social policy social development strategy are of great influence on the development of the society, with the whole or the decision of the whole plan of the whole. The approach taken to fulfil the task of social development Since the independence of the five Central Asian countries and the implementation of the reform and opening-up in China, a new social development strategy has been developed on the basis of the original social development, and various social and social policies are introduced. All aspects of the social sphere have changed, and the five Central Asian countries and the Chinese society Change in the domain of Central Asia 5 The transition of the State system has led to the political situation and economic situation of the Central Asian countries Major changes have taken place, and the social policy and the social situation have changed, and the social problems are obviously increased. With the opening of the leather for more than 20 years, there has also been a great change in politics, economy and so on, and there has also been a great change in the social field. the five and the medium Any society in which the State has a social problem The problems are the products of the times and have the characteristics of the times. Central Asian countries and China are now in the period of social transformation All kinds of social problems have the traces and features of the transformation. Social issues include more and more in Central Asia and China Some of the more serious The social problems of unemployment, poverty, crime, population, ecology and science and education And so on.
[Abstract]:In 1991, the five countries of Central Asia became an independent and sovereign state. In 1978, China adopted the policy of reform and opening-up. The five Central Asian countries and China are now in a planned economy The transition period of the transformation of the farm economy is due to the influence of the economic base, the historical and cultural traditions, the national conditions and the psychological factors of the people. This paper, through the analysis of the similarities and differences of the social policy and the social problems of the five countries in Central Asia and China, tries to reveal Central Asia and China as the transition countries and the process of social development Something with regularity. The full text is from Introduction and VI. The first section of the introduction explains the purpose of writing and the difficult points to break through, and briefly introduces the research of the current academic circles in Central Asia and the Chinese society The results achieved by the Research Institute, as well as the writing process of the paper The second section describes the basic situation of the five Central Asian countries and China. Chapter I social policy and social problems before and after the independence of Central Asian countries and before the reform and opening-up of China. In the period of the Soviet Union, the five countries of Central Asia, on the name of the five Central Asian countries, are independent and sovereign states, and actually implement the unified social policy of the Soviet Union. China, a former socialist country in the traditional sense, and Central Asia, as a traditional socialist country Like, it is a closed policy that is politically the leader of the Communist Party, and the economy is a highly concentrated, planned economy System. But due to the impact of a number of factors, the Central Asian States and China The social policy and the social problem are not the same, each has the characteristic. In the second chapter, the five countries in Central Asia and the changes of China's reform and opening-up After the independence of the five Central Asian countries, the five Central Asian countries have a phase The more difficult and difficult problems need to be addressed, in particular to address the economic crisis and social stability that was a serious threat to the independence and survival of the country at that time With the development of the decade, the Central Asian countries have basically rid themselves of the economic crisis, the people In December 1978, the Communist Party of China convened the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and China has embarked on the path of reform and opening-up. The Third Party of the Communist Party of China On behalf of the leading collective, we should adhere to the construction of the economy as the center and adhere to the reform and opening-up and reform and opening-up, so that our country will gradually move The transition of the farm economy, the improvement of the people's life and the comprehensive national strength in spite of that independence of the five Central Asian states, The changes of the country's reform and opening-up have the same place, but there are distinct differences. In the third chapter, the five countries of Central Asia and China's social development strategy and the social policy social development strategy are of great influence on the development of the society, with the whole or the decision of the whole plan of the whole. The approach taken to fulfil the task of social development Since the independence of the five Central Asian countries and the implementation of the reform and opening-up in China, a new social development strategy has been developed on the basis of the original social development, and various social and social policies are introduced. All aspects of the social sphere have changed, and the five Central Asian countries and the Chinese society Change in the domain of Central Asia 5 The transition of the State system has led to the political situation and economic situation of the Central Asian countries Major changes have taken place, and the social policy and the social situation have changed, and the social problems are obviously increased. With the opening of the leather for more than 20 years, there has also been a great change in politics, economy and so on, and there has also been a great change in the social field. the five and the medium Any society in which the State has a social problem The problems are the products of the times and have the characteristics of the times. Central Asian countries and China are now in the period of social transformation All kinds of social problems have the traces and features of the transformation. Social issues include more and more in Central Asia and China Some of the more serious The social problems of unemployment, poverty, crime, population, ecology and science and education And so on.
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