[Abstract]:South Korea democratized in 1987, but regionalism in Korean politics appeared on a large scale since then. South Korean regionalism is more serious than other countries under the condition that there is no difference in language, race and religion, and has even become an important decisive factor in hindering the development and progress of Korean society politically. The regionalism in South Korea is not a simple social problem, but should be regarded as a structural factor in the confrontation between the military dictatorship represented by Park Chung-hee and the opposition political forces that compete with it since the 1960s. The mobilization of regional emotion against hegemonic system and the political result strengthened under the vicious circle of corresponding emotion. After that, this regionalism was linked to the special political situation in the three Gold Age, which represented leaders and political parties in various regions, and did not weaken with the elimination of political, economic, and social inequalities, but was accompanied by other problems and political mobilization. The interaction of public opinion and media spreads to the whole Korean society in an all-round way. Regionalism in the election plays a role from the election of local parliamentarians to the presidential election, which is a major variable of the political phenomenon in South Korea and has become an unavoidable practical problem in Korean society. In this paper, we first sort out the relevant terms of regionalism, put regionalism under the historical premise of prejudice and exclusion of specific areas in history, and clarify the historical origin of regionalism. By analyzing the process of formation, development and deepening of regionalism politics, this paper finds out the influence of various factors in the process of regionalism development, and analyzes the process of regional division from the representative events of regional division. And how regionalism exerts its influence in the presidential elections after the withdrawal of "Sanjin" from the political stage of South Korea. Through the analysis of the changes produced by regionalism to this day, this paper speculates and analyzes the context of the future development of regionalism.
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