[Abstract]:Pan-Africa is the nationalism of the African continent, which has gone through three periods of historical development in its development process of more than one hundred years. In the initial period, Pan-Afrianism called on all African communities to cross national and regional boundaries and unite to work together for the independence of the African continent and the freedom of the black race; During the period of exploration, pan-Africa not only guided the African continent to complete the historical task of overall independence, but also guided the country on the road of exploring integration. In the 21 st century, African countries once again held high the banner of pan-Africans and accelerated the process of integration. It is not difficult to find that although the situation and tasks faced by the African continent are different in each period, the core of pan-Africans is always "African unity". Therefore, in every period of historical development, pan-African thinkers can take African unity as the starting point, and according to the requirements of the times, give Pan-Africans the characteristics of the times, so as to continuously promote the process of integration in Africa.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学非洲研究中心;
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