[Abstract]:This paper discusses some problems related to the development road of Central and Eastern European countries, and holds that: (1) since the end of World War I, most of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe have relied on the protection of large countries or groups of large countries, which stems from the joint action of environment and decision. However, large countries or groups of large countries are not always able to guarantee the security of Central and Eastern European countries. Central and Eastern European countries should learn to preserve themselves and maximize their own interests in the game of great powers within large countries. (2) after the accession of Central and Eastern European countries to NATO and the European Union, there are some signs of "Euronization" in the road of "Europe". However, multiple factors ensure that the road of "Europeanization" will not be reversed. (3) from the perspective of the institutional model of Western European countries and the essential characteristics of western society, the internal and foreign affairs of Central and Eastern European countries have generally converged with those of Western European countries. They accept or transform some of the existing systems of Western European countries within the framework of the institutional model of Western European countries, and choose foreign policies in line with their own interests within the framework of NATO and the European Union.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所;
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