发布时间:2017-04-27 15:33
【摘要】:城市不是完成品,而是生命体。自第二次世界大战以来,英国城市经济基础的转变和后城镇化趋势导致英国城市整体的衰落,城市复兴理论和实践应运而生,已成为英国城市治理的重要研究和实践领域。本文旨在探讨20世纪80年代以来至此文成稿之年三个历史阶段内英格兰城市复兴中的合作关系的演变,尤其是对合作关系中公共部门、私营部门和第三部门的角色、事权和责任的历史动态变化及其相互关系进行剖析,提出英格兰城市复兴中合作关系的重要意义和总结开展合作关系的宝贵经验,以期促进我国及其他国家城市复兴工作的开展。 英格兰城市复兴的经验表明,公共部门、私营部门和第三部门之间的三部门合作关系在解决城市问题、振兴城市的过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,但仍有待进一步的加强和完善,实现三个部门之间事权、资源与责任的平衡和协调。其中,公共部门内部中央政府和地方政府的关系直接关系城市复兴工作的有效性,英格兰的地方政府从被剥夺参与,到重担责任和重获事权的历史演变说明地方政府是城市复兴不可或缺的参与者。中央政府应简政放权,赋予地方政府更多的事权和财权,同时避免政策过于狭小,以保障城市复兴的战略视角。三部门合作关系中,公共部门尤其是地方政府应继续发挥引导作用,一方面鼓励和支持私营部门的继续投资于参与,另一方面要让以社区、慈善组织、社会企业等组成的第三部门发挥实质性的作用,解决公共部门效率不足和私营部门过分功利的问题,保障城市复兴的战略性、可持续性、高效性和以人为本。
【关键词】:英格兰 城市复兴 合作关系 城市治理
- Acknowledgement4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-7
- Abbreviations7-8
- Tables and Figures8-9
- Table of Content9-11
- Chapter 1 Introduction11-18
- 1.1 Research Rationale and Significance11-12
- 1.2 Definitions and Research Methodology12-14
- 1.3 Literature Review14-17
- 1.4 Research Scope and Framework17-18
- Chapter 2 Urban Regeneration and Partnerships in the 1980s18-30
- 2.2 Urban Problems Defined in the Early 1980s19-26
- 2.2.1 Funding Policies to Lever in Private Investment21
- 2.2.2 Institutional Mechanism:Urban Development Corporations and Enterprise Zones21-23
- 2.2.3 The Delivery of Urban Regeneration Activities23-26
- 2.3 Critique26-30
- 2.3.1 Market Based,Property Led Regeneration:Strong Partnerships with the Private Sector26-27
- 2.3.2 Partnerships without Local Authorities and the Community27-30
- Chapter 3 Urban Regeneration from the Early 1990s to 201030-51
- 3.1 Competitive Bidding Regime to Start Three-Sector Partnerships32-39
- 3.1.1 City Challenge:Funding and Policy Making Institution32-35
- 3.1.2 Single Regeneration Budget:Funding and Policy making Mechanism35-39
- 3.1 Urban Regeneration Governance and Institutional Evolution:RDAs39-40
- 3.4 Neighbourhood Renewal Hand in Hand with Urban Renaissance40-43
- 3.5 Local Strategic Partnerships and Neighbourhood Renewal Fund43-45
- 3.6 PFIs:Contractual Partnerships to Deliver Urban Regeneration Projects45-47
- 3.7 Critique47-51
- 3.7.1 Entrenchment of Three Sector Partnerships47-48
- 3.7.2 Top-down Partnerships,Insufficient Private Sector Interest and Weak Community Capacity48-51
- Chapter 4 Urban Regeneration since 201051-68
- 4.1 Simplification of Governance and Institutional Changes51-53
- 4.2 Three Sector Partnerships at the Local Level53-60
- 4.2.1 The Localism Act54-56
- 4.2.2 Local Enterprise Partnerships in the First Stage56-58
- 4.2.3 Lord Heseltine's Report,City Deals and Growth Deals Pushing LEPs Ahead58-60
- 4.3 Critique of the Coalition's Urban Regeneration60-68
- 4.3.1 Governing Structure Constraining the Capacity of LEPs61-63
- 4.3.2 Parochialism of LEPs63-64
- 4.3.3 Provisionality and Uncertainty of Policies64-65
- 4.3.4 LEPs and Enterprise Zones: Way Back to the 1980s?65-66
- 4.3.5 The Community:More Empowerment Needed66-68
- Chapter 5 Conclusion68-75
- 5.1 Srtaighten Out the Intergovernmental Relations68-70
- 5.2 Fully Tap into the Strength of the Private Sector70-72
- 5.3 Listen to,Engage and Empower the Community72-75
- Works Cited75-77
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1 于立;陈晓燕;巫敏;;关于城市复兴改造中政府与市场合作伙伴关系的探索[J];国际城市规划;2008年06期