更多相关文章: Myanmar political League 总统选举 政治走向 military election president concerning questions
【摘要】:正On March 15,2016,Htin Kyaw,a senior member of the National League for Democracy(NLD),was elected the new president of Myanmar,securing an overwhelming majority of votes in Parliament.However,there are still many unanswered questions concerning Myanmar’s political transformation,such as:What role will the NLD’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi play in Myanmar’s new political structure,and how will
【作者单位】: National
【关键词】: Myanmar;political;League;总统选举;政治走向;military;election;president;concerning;questions;
【正文快照】: Myanmar’s political transformation,such as:What role will the NLD’s leaderrAung San Suu Kyi play in Myanmar’s new political structure,and how willlshe interact with the newly-elected president Htin Kyaw?What policies willlthe NLD implement and how wil
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