本文关键词: 元代 左庭 墓志铭 马豫 出处:《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2016年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The epitaph of the left court of Yuan Dynasty in Xinxian County of Shandong Province contains the family lineages and biographical records of the main family in detail, which provides valuable data for the supplement of the records of the local chronicles. It reveals some social and historical phenomena and events, such as the addition of the Bianjing to the Xiangguo Temple, which is an important material for the development of the Xiangguo Temple in the Yuan Dynasty. The epitaph reveals the specific time environment in which the chroniclers live, and analyzes its profound influence on the social life and thinking psychology of the Han nationality, reflecting the Liao and Jin dynasties. The historical facts of ethnic contradictions and conflicts in the Yuan Dynasty provide an important reference for the study of politics, society and culture in Yuan Dynasty. At the same time, the author's identity is studied in detail, and the historical tracing of the names of "Wen Yang" and "Wen Nan" can make up for the missing of the whole Yuan Dynasty. It is of great value in literature. In the course of compiling the author's place of origin and duties, this paper makes an objective evaluation of the omission in the selection of the literature version of the whole Yuan text, in order to benefit its future revision.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学中国文字研究与应用中心;天津市第九中学;
【正文快照】: 2004年5月,山东省聊城市莘县徐庄乡高前庄村南200米处,出土元代左庭墓志一合,现藏莘县文物管理局。该志石长81、宽82、厚29厘米。志盖微泐,楷书“故中顺大夫大名路开州尹左公墓志铭”16字(图一)。志铭行楷书37行,行36字,首题“有元故中顺大夫大名路开州尹致仕左公墓志铭”(图
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