本文选题:铜爵 切入点:殷墟文化 出处:《文物》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:刘家庄村南和村北是殷墟外围商代遗址和墓葬相对集中的区域之一。2009年11月至2010年7月,安阳市文物考古研究所对该区域进行了考古发掘,发掘商代建筑基址6座、灰坑8个、墓葬114座。其中,M33出土的部分青铜器在入葬过程中有人为分割、敲碎并分散旋转的现象,应是碎物葬的余绪;2件铜爵上发现铭文"b ",确定了刘家庄北地为"b "族的属地。商代建筑基址叠压关系复杂,时代延续较长,从殷墟二期至四期一直进行修复与再利用。同时建筑基址又与这一时期商代墓葬相互叠压,是商代居葬合一制度的典型实例。此次发掘填补了殷墟南区考古的空白,是研究殷墟金文、族邑分布、迁徙等不可多得的新资料。
[Abstract]:The north of Nanhe Village in Liujiazhuang Village is one of the relatively concentrated sites and tombs of Shang Dynasty in the periphery of Yin ruins. From November 2009 to July 2010, the Anyang Institute of Cultural relics and Archaeology carried out archaeological excavations in this area, excavating 6 bases and 8 ash pits of Shang Dynasty buildings. Among the 114 tombs, some bronze vessels unearthed in M33 were broken and rotated for the purpose of division, fragmentation and dispersion during the burial process. The inscription "b" was found on two pieces of copper that should be buried in broken objects, and the northern part of Liujiazhuang was determined to be the dependency of the "b" clan. The superimposed relationship between the base sites of the Shang Dynasty buildings was complex, and the period continued for a long time. Restoration and reuse have been carried out from the second to fourth phases of the Yin ruins. At the same time, the site of the building superimposed on the tombs of the Shang Dynasty, which is a typical example of the system of the unity of burial in the Shang Dynasty. The excavation filled the gap in the archaeological work of the Southern District of the Yin ruins. It is a rare new information to study Jin Wen, distribution and migration of Yin ruins.
【作者单位】: 安阳市文物考古研究所;
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