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发布时间:2018-03-16 23:10

  本文选题:岳麓书院 切入点:秦简 出处:《湖南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《岳麓书院藏秦简》(壹)(以下简称《岳麓秦简》(壹))是湖南大学岳麓书院,于2007年从香港购回的一批珍贵秦简中的一部分。它包括《质日》、《为吏治官及黔首》、《占梦书》三篇文献。已有学者从文字学、历史学等角度切入研究,但其书体的研究还无人论及,尚属空白。 秦汉时期是我国汉字发展演变的重要时代,因此这批文字资料的发现,为研究我国汉字发展演变的历史增添了宝贵的实物资料,同时对了解当时的书写面貌也有重要研究价值。 本文以原简图版为依据,运用特征提取法、比较研究法等,来重点探讨秦汉之际隶变激荡下的岳麓秦简文字的字体特征与书法艺术价值,以了解汉字在由篆到隶过渡阶段发展流变的真实情况,以及当时文字的真实书写面貌。 论文的主要创新点是: 1、通过对简文“字体特征”的研究分析,发现简文中现代汉字的基本笔划已经隶化形成;结构趋于简单化、符号化;字体形态由篆书的纵长、象形性向扁平、抽象性方向发展;展示简文中异体字的各种类型。 2、通过对简文“书体特征”的研究分析,揭示简书构形上隶变痕迹的种种特征:在笔划上点、挑、波、磔并举;在线条的运作中粗细相间、方圆并施;在结体上欹斜正侧、参差错落,具有较高的艺术观赏价值,颇值得书学者们临摹研习。
[Abstract]:Yuelu Academy is the Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning in Hunan University. In 2007, a number of precious Qin slips were purchased from Hong Kong. They included "quality Day", "official Administration of officials and the head of Guizhou", and "Zhan Meng Shu". Some scholars have cut into the study from the perspective of philology and history. However, the study of its calligraphy has not been discussed, it is still blank. The period of Qin and Han dynasties is an important time for the development and evolution of Chinese characters. Therefore, the discovery of this batch of Chinese characters adds valuable material material to the study of the history of the development and evolution of Chinese characters in China. At the same time, it also has important research value to understand the writing appearance at that time. This paper, based on the original version of the diagram, uses the method of feature extraction and comparative research to discuss the font features and the artistic value of calligraphy of the simplified characters of Yuelu Qin Dynasty under the violent change of Li Dynasty in the Qin and Han dynasties. In order to understand the real situation of the development of Chinese characters in the transition from Zhuan to Li, and the real writing appearance of the characters at that time. The main innovations of the thesis are:. 1. Through the study and analysis of the "font characteristics" of the simplified Chinese characters, it is found that the basic strokes of the modern Chinese characters in the simplified Chinese characters have been formed, the structure tends to be simplified and symbolized, the font form develops from the vertical length of the seal script, the pictogram to the flat and abstract; Displays the various types of variant characters in a short text. 2. Through the research and analysis of the "character of the calligraphy", the author reveals the features of the trace of the scribe deformation on the configuration of the simplified book: the points on the stroke, the pick, the wave, the wave, and the parallel lifting; the operation of the line strip is thick and thin, the square is round and applied, and the intersecting on the junction body is oblique to the positive side, Staggered, with a higher value of artistic appreciation, rather worthy of book scholars copy and study.


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2 李蓓;从郭店楚简看汉字构形理据的历史整合性[D];山东大学;2006年

3 杨继文;周家侜秦简文字字形研究[D];西南大学;2009年




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