发布时间:2018-03-22 06:07
本文选题:良渚文化 切入点:材质 出处:《中国地质大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:自新石器时代以来,玉器的出现已有8000多年的历史,玉文化成为中国传统文化的标志之一,并视为中西方文化的分水岭。距今4000-5300年的江浙一带的良渚文化出土的玉器达到了新石器时代的顶峰,由于良渚玉器的珍稀性,近些年大量的仿古玉器充斥市场,所以亟需一种综合区分良渚仿古与良渚真古的方法。 本文首先概括介绍了良渚文化出土玉器的种类、纹饰、数量、纹饰以及对体积进行估算;继而主要对良渚文化玉器的鉴别从材质、形制加工、沁蚀特点、元素成分四个方面对良渚文化玉器的鉴别进行综合的剖析,加上对搜集高仿古玉进行鉴别进而对上述理论进行论证;再而针对材质这一方面,对市场上可能用来做仿的与良渚所用玉料材质相似的不同产地的透闪石玉料从宝石学性质、元素成分两个方面进行比较分析,得出结论如下: 1.根据良渚现今发掘出的玉器来看,归纳良渚文化主要代表玉器类型有玉琮、玉钺、玉璧、冠形器、三叉型器、锥形器这六种器形,也出现了特殊器形如匕形器、玉匙、玉纺轮、玉鸟、嵌玉漆杯、玉蝉、玉龟、玉鱼、玉璜等;器表琢制的常见的纹饰有:神人兽面纹(包括完整兽面纹和简化兽而纹)、鸟纹、卷云纹、羽状纹、龙纹、菱形纹、绞丝纹等。 2.通过以大型墓葬中的反山、瑶山,中型墓葬中的福泉山、小型墓葬中的庄桥坟遗址等代表墓葬为标样,对良渚文化用玉体积进行粗略的估算,得出其大致用玉量为36t,以后随着新遗址的发掘,这个数字也会不断的增加。 3.良渚文化古玉的材质种类以透闪石的比例为最高,蛇纹石次之,萤石、石英岩、绿松石、绢云母、玛瑙类、滑石类以小比例出现。其中透闪石玉可大致归纳出两大类:一类为颜色是绿色带一定的黄色调(考古界也称为湖绿色),质地细腻、含杂质和杂色较少。一类颜色是深绿色-墨绿色,玉料较第一类玉料深且不纯净,含杂色和杂质比第一类玉料更多,多数样品上有明显的斑状结构。 4.由于良渚时期与现代的加工工具与方法不同,致使留下的加工痕有很大的区别,表现在切割、钻孔刻划、抛光痕迹的差异,如良渚玉器上的的双面钻、台阶痕与现代玉器上的单面钻、螺旋痕便可以区分真伪。 5.良渚玉器大部分被沁蚀成“鸡骨自”色,但与现代仿古不同的是有较多的沁蚀后伴随特征,除了物理性质的变化之外,还出现特别的沁蚀特点,如侵蚀洞、侵蚀坑、侵蚀沟的出现,另外有同件玉器上出现不同的侵蚀现象,这是仿古中较少出现。另外由于良渚玉器是先加工后沁蚀,而仿古往往是先沁蚀后加工,形成原因的不同直接导致了外观上的差异。 6.前人的研究表明,良渚玉器在经过沁蚀之后,元素的含量会发生新的变化,这是长时间与埋藏土壤中地下水的离子相置换的结果,而仿古是通过强酸强碱快速浸泡下形成,不会发生前者的置换,可能在浸泡中破坏晶形的过程中残余有浸泡化学物质的成分。 7.在与市场上透闪石玉外观上对比下,溧阳透闪石玉因其颜色较淡并泛灰色,光泽及透明度较差且伴随着较多裂隙,从外观与良渚玉料较好区分。青2海透闪石玉透明度明显较其他产地的高,岫岩透闪石玉外观较良渚玉料相似。 8.为了更好的鉴别古玉的材质,现代仿古常用现今玉矿产出的透闪石进行仿制,故挑选在外观上与良渚文化所用玉料有相似之处的几件新疆、青海、岫岩的玉料,对其用ICP-MS进行元素成分测试,并与良渚庄桥坟的元素特征进行对比,发现在主量、微量、稀土元素都存在一定的差异,表现在SiO2、MgO、AI2O3等主量元素的差异,Zn、Sr、Cr、Ba微量元素含量差异,轻重稀土富集的差异等,说明元素成分测试是可以较好的区分良渚用料与仿古用料,为鉴别仿古提供一定的理论依据。
[Abstract]:Since the new stone age, jade has been 8000 years of history, the jade culture has become a symbol of Chinese of traditional culture, and regarded as a watershed in western culture. 4000-5300 years ago the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area of Liangzhu Culture jade unearthed from the peak of the Neolithic age, the Liangzhu jade rarity, in recent years a large number of antique the jade market is full, so we need a comprehensive distinction between Liangzhu ancient antique and Liangzhu really.
This paper firstly introduces the types of Liangzhu Culture jade decoration, decoration and quantity, to estimate the volume; and then mainly for the identification of Liangzhu Culture jade from the material, shape processing, Qin corrosion, four aspects of elements for the identification of Liangzhu Culture jade comprehensive analysis, in addition to collect high antique jade identification and demonstration of the above theory; then according to the material on the one hand, the tremolite jade on the market may be used to make imitation and Liangzhu jade material with similar material of different origin from two aspects of gemmological characteristics, element composition comparison and analysis, the conclusions are as follows:
1. according to the unearthed jade Liangzhu today, summarized main representative types of jade Liangzhu Culture jade Cong, jade Yue, jade, crown shaped, trigeminal type, cone for these six kinds of shapes, special shapes such as dagger shaped device, the jade jade spoon, spinning wheel, yuniao, block jade paint cup, jade, jade jade jade Huang fish, turtle, etc.; the table made of common patterns: God Shoumian Wen (including the complete and simplified animal and animal mask pattern), bird, volumes, feather patterns, dragon, diamond, twisted lines and so on.
2. by large tomb - hill, Dayaoshan, medium-sized tombs in Fuquan mountain, representing small burial in the ZhuangQiao relics tomb as standard sample, the Liangzhu Culture jade volume rough estimates, the amount of jade is approximately 36t, with new sites, this figure also it will continue to increase.
3. ancient Liangzhu Culture jade material categories with the highest ratio of tremolite, serpentine, fluorite, quartz, sericite, turquoise, agate, talc appears on a small scale. The tremolite jade can be classified into two kinds: one kind is the green color with yellow hue (Archaeology also called Lake green), delicate texture, containing less impurities. A kind of color is dark green, jade is the first kind of jade material deep and pure, containing more impurities than the first class and variegated jade material, most samples appear porphyritic texture.
4. due to the different Liangzhu period and processing tools and modern methods, resulting in trace processing have great differences in cutting, drilling and characterization, difference of polishing traces, such as double - Liangzhu jade on the drill, single step mark and modern jade on the drill, spiral groove can distinguish authenticity.