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发布时间:2018-03-24 01:21

  本文选题:广州地区 切入点:两汉墓葬 出处:《南京大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文着眼于广州地区迄今所发现的两汉时期的墓葬材料,通过对墓葬形制及陶器随葬品组合的分析,揭示了广州地区两汉墓葬形制的变化趋势以及地方文化与北方中原文化之间的互动关系。 广州地区两汉墓葬的发掘,依据主要对象、区域的不同,可以分成1953年至1983年、1983年至1995年和1995年至今三个阶段。广州地区汉墓的有关研究,根据研究对象的差异可以分为随葬品的研究,墓葬形制、年代的探讨和文化层面的分析三类。在客观评价这些研究的基础上,对其中存在的问题与不足进行了总结与反思,提出本文的选题缘由及创新之处。 第一章对广州地区汉墓的形制进行探讨,依据墓葬建造用材的不同,把广州地区汉墓分成土坑墓、木椁墓和砖室墓三大类。本章运用考古类型学的方法对每一类墓葬的形制进行分析并划分型式,并参考墓葬报告确定的年代对墓葬各型、式进行统计,分析墓葬年代的判断是否合理以及本文的型式划分的科学性。土坑墓仅出现于西汉前、中期,木椁墓出现于西汉前期至东汉后期并盛行于西汉中、后期,砖室墓仅出现于东汉时期。在墓葬形制方面,木椁墓、砖室墓有着相同的演变趋势或规律:棺室功能逐渐单一化,随葬品逐渐与棺室分离,出现单独的随葬品摆放空间,如边箱、器物箱,随葬品主要置放于前室表明随葬品摆放空间的最终成熟。 第二章对广州地区汉墓的随葬陶器分组进行研究,选取具有代表性的地方特色陶器组、陶礼器组和模型明器组三组陶器进行分析,地方特色陶器组代表了地方文化,陶礼器组则代表北方中原文化,模型明器组虽是从中原地区传入的,但也融入了地方文化。通过统计的方式得出每类陶器组合的主要分布时段及其在各型墓葬中的随葬比例,每类陶器组合的主要分布时段反映出其所代表的文化的流行时段。地方特色陶器组盛行于西汉前、中期,表明广州地区地方文化在西汉前、中期占主要地位。陶礼器组从西汉前期起逐渐盛行,到东汉前期达到顶峰,表明北方中原文化对广州地区的影响不断加强,陶礼器组的地方化现象说明中原文化在传入过程中也会受地方文化的影响。模型明器组整体上呈不断发展的趋势并盛行于西汉后期至东汉后期,其部分器形融入了地方色彩。中原文化在传入广州的过程中对地方文化造成较大冲击,但地方文化也对中原文化产生影响,出现地方化的中原文化,二者之间的影响是相互的。 第三章在前面两章研究的基础上,依据墓葬形制的演变规律,将广州地区汉墓重新确定为“无随葬品空间期”、“随葬品空间出现期”和“随葬品空间成熟期”三个时期,又依据随葬器物组合的不同,将广州地区汉墓分为“地方特色期”和“模型明器期”两大期。这两种分期存在交叉,土坑墓、木椁墓的无随葬品空间期和部分随葬品空间出现期的墓葬属于“地方特色期”;木椁墓的部分随葬品空间出现期和随葬品空间成熟期的墓葬以及砖室墓属于“模型明器期”。 文章最后对研究情况作了概括和总结,认为在文化大一统的前提下,广州地区的地方文化并没有消失,仍以不同的方式继续存在并发展着。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the Guangzhou area so far found in Han Dynasty burial materials, through the analysis of the tombs and pottery funerary objects combined, reveals the change trend in Guangzhou Han tombs and the interaction between the local culture and the culture of North Central Plains.
The Han Dynasty tombs excavated in Guangzhou area, according to the main object, can be divided into different regions, from 1953 to 1983, 1983 to 1995 and 1995 has three stages. The related research in Guangzhou area, according to the difference of the subject can be divided into the study, burial tombs, in the discussion and analysis of three kinds of culture based on these studies. The objective evaluation, the existing problems and shortcomings are summarized and reflection, put forward the topic and innovation of this paper.
The first chapter of the shapes of the tombs in Guangzhou area are discussed, on the basis of building materials to the tombs, the tombs in Guangzhou area is divided into a pit tomb, wooden coffin tomb brick tomb and three kinds of shapes. This chapter uses the method of archaeological typology for each of these tombs were analyzed and divided type, and reference tombs dating report the tombs of various types, type of statistical analysis, to determine whether it is reasonable and the tombs of this type of science. The tomb pit appeared only in the Western Han Dynasty before the mid and late Western Han Dynasty to the wooden coffin tomb appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and prevailed in the west of Hanzhoung, and the brick tomb appeared only in the Eastern Han Dynasty Tombs in. Hand, wooden coffin tomb brick tomb, have the same trend or pattern: coffin room function single gradually, gradually separate funerary objects and the coffin room, alone the funerary objects placed in space, such as the side box, for bins, funerary objects mainly Placed in the antechamber that funerary objects display space to reach maturity.
The second chapter of the Guangzhou area Han funerary potteries grouped, selected local representative pottery, pottery group and model group three of burial pottery, pottery group on behalf of the local characteristics of local culture, pottery group represents the culture of North Central Plains, although group model burial was introduced from the Central Plains region, but also into the local culture. Through statistical means the main distribution period each kind of combination and its proportion in the funerary pottery in the tombs of various types, each type of pottery combination mainly reflects the time period represented by the popular culture. The local characteristics in the Western Han Dynasty pottery group prevailed before the mid show Guangzhou local culture in the Western Han Dynasty before the mid occupies the main position. From the early Western Han Dynasty pottery group has gradually prevailed, to the early Eastern Han Dynasty reached its peak, that the North Central Plains culture influence on Guangzhou area not Strengthening the local pottery, the phenomenon that the Central Plains culture group will be affected by the local culture in the incoming process. The whole model burial group showed a continuous developing trend and popular in the late Western Han Dynasty to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, its shape into a local color. The culture of the Central Plains have a big impact on the local culture in the process. In Guangzhou, the local culture but also affect the culture of the Central Plains, the local culture of the Central Plains, influence between the two is mutual.
In the third chapter, based on the previous two chapters, based on evolution of tombs, the tombs in Guangzhou area will be reclassified as "no burial space", "burial space" and "space funerary objects mature" three periods, and on the basis of funerary objects of different combinations of the tombs in Guangzhou area divided into "local characteristics" and "model burial period" of two stages. The two stage cross, pit tomb, no funerary objects and funerary objects part of space space period tombs belonging to the "local" wooden coffin tomb; wooden coffin tomb part of funerary objects and funerary objects of space space maturity of the tombs and the brick chambered tombs belonging to the "model burial period".
At the end of the paper, the research situation is summarized and concluded. Under the premise of cultural unification, Guangzhou's local culture has not disappeared, but it continues to exist and develop in different ways.



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