本文选题:隋唐造像记 切入点:发愿文 出处:《西南大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文内容主要分为两大部分:第一部分是对隋唐造像记材料的释读与校勘,其中一部分材料是将《北京图书馆藏中国历代石刻拓片汇编》、《中国西南地区历代石刻汇编》所收藏的隋唐造像记拓片穷尽搜集,因传世文献对其释文记载有限,相当一部分的拓片均无释文,因此本人首先对这些拓片进行释读,为研究做最基础的工作。由于造像者阶层大多为普通百姓,知识水平有限,字体书写随意性很大,致使大量异体字、错别字频繁混乱的使用;又有一部分碑刻磨损、泐失严重,文字无法准确辨认,给释读带来了一定的困难,因此只能借助上下文句意对词语进行推测,并查找各种异体字字典进行分析求证。之后对于一部分拓片有传世文献记载的,则将传世材料和出士拓片释文进行比对校勘,纠正传世文献的错误,以保证进一步研究材料的准确性。另外一部分造像记材料则是从《文物》、《中原文物》、《文博》等期刊(1950年一2009年)中所载造像记进行穷尽搜集,其数量相对较少。 第二部分是对隋唐造像记发愿文进行研究,分三方面进行:第一方面是对发愿文这一文体从形式和内容两方而分析,并以断代角度从数量上看各个时期造像记的发展消长;第二方面是从发愿文所反映的宗教思想这一角度进入,阐述隋唐时期存在的佛教和道教及佛教内部各个宗派之间的发展消长;第三方面则是将碑刻造像记发愿文和敦煌发愿文进行较全面的比较,从二者的内容、语言、结构等各个方面细致的探讨。 本文主要分为五章节,具体如下: 第一章:绪论。 第二章:对《北京图书馆藏中国历代石刻拓片汇编》、《中国西南地区历代石刻汇编》所收藏的隋唐造像记拓片进行释读、校勘,并与《文物》、《中原文物》、《文博》等期刊(1950年—2009年)所刊载的相关造像记材料进行整理。 第三章:从形式、内容、各时期发展消长这三方面对发愿文进行浅析。 第四章:发愿文是当时众生关于经济、事业、家庭等各方面愿望寄托于神灵的一种文体,反映出当时众生的宗教信仰状况,对其具体阐述研究当时佛教中国化后各个派别的消长。 第五章:由于质地及地域等原因,发愿文有石刻造像记发愿文与敦煌发愿文两种,将两者进行比较以探究其异同,为今后深入研究做初步工作
[Abstract]:The content of this paper is divided into two parts: the first part is the interpretation and collation of the materials of the Sui and Tang Dynasty. Some of the materials were collected from the collections of the "Beijing Library" and the "Collection of Stone carvings of Chinese dynasties in the Southwest of China", which were collected from the sculptures and rubbings of the Sui and Tang dynasties, because of the limited records of its interpretation in the ancient documents. A considerable number of rubbings have no interpretation, so I first read these rubbings and do the most basic work for the study. Because most of the sculptors are ordinary people, their knowledge level is limited, and the writing of fonts is very arbitrary. As a result, a large number of variant characters are frequently used in confusion, and some inscriptions are worn out and lost seriously, and the characters cannot be accurately identified, which makes it difficult to interpret and read, so they can only speculate on the words with the help of the meaning of the context sentence. After that, for some rubbings which have been recorded in the handed down documents, we will compare and collate the handed down materials and the explanatory articles of the rubbings, and correct the errors of the handed down documents, and find out all kinds of heteromorphic dictionaries for analysis and verification. In order to ensure the accuracy of further research materials, the other part of the image-recording materials are collected from journals such as Cultural relics, Central Plains Cultural relics and Wenbo (1950-2009), and the amount is relatively small. The second part is to study the vows of the statues of the Sui and Tang dynasties, which are divided into three aspects: the first is to analyze the vows from form and content, and to look at the development and decline of each period from the perspective of different dynasties; The second aspect is from the angle of religious thought reflected in vows, expounding the development and decline of Buddhism and Taoism in Sui and Tang dynasties, as well as the internal sects of Buddhism. The third aspect is to compare the vows of inscriptions and Dunhuang vows from the content, language, structure and other aspects of the detailed discussion. This paper is divided into five chapters, as follows:. Chapter one: introduction. The second chapter: the collection of Chinese stone inscriptions in Beijing Library, the collection of stone inscriptions in the southwest of China, the collection of the Sui and Tang Dynasty statues and rubbings for interpretation, collation, collation, interpretation and collation of the ancient stone inscriptions in the Sui and Tang dynasties. And with "cultural relics", "Central Plains Cultural relics", "Wenbo" and other periodicals (1950-2009) published in the image of the materials. Chapter III: from the form, content, development and decline of the three aspects of vows. Chapter IV: vows are a form of writing in which the wishes of all beings about economy, career, family, and so on were placed on the gods, reflecting the religious beliefs of all living beings at that time. The specific elaboration of the study of Buddhism in China at that time after the growth and decline of the various factions. Chapter five: because of the reason of texture and region, there are two kinds of vows of stone carvings and Dunhuang vows, which are compared in order to explore their similarities and differences, and to do preliminary work for further study in the future.
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