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发布时间:2018-03-28 20:04

  本文选题:高昌国 切入点:楷书 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文将新疆吐鲁番地区出土的高昌国时期的楷书书迹(包括碑刻墓志、写经与文书)置于当时特定的社会历史背景中,主要运用考证、比较的研究方法,对有明确纪年或能大体推断出年代范围的楷书书迹进行全面的考察和分析,以期在准确把握文献和实物资料的基础上架构出高昌国时期楷书书迹的整体风貌和发展演变过程。 本文的结构共分为四章,第一章首先阐述了本文的选题意义及写作目的,然后对吐鲁番碑刻墓志文书图录的出版以及相关研究进行了回顾,并说明本文的研究范围、目的及方法;第二章按使用功能的不同对楷书书迹进行分类,并分别论述了每一类楷书书迹的风格特点及发展演变过程;第三章是在上一章的基础上论述高昌国楷书书迹的发展演变过程,并总结出高昌国楷书书迹的特点,同时对高昌墓砖与写经的相关问题进行了具体的探讨;第四章论述不同地域书法文化(包括河西书法文化、北魏书法文化和南朝书法文化)对高昌国楷书的影响。 通过以上分析,最后得出结论:高昌国楷书书迹的演变经历了高昌国前期和高昌国后期两个历史阶段,在其演变发展过程中,受到了不同地域书法文化的影响。由于地域上的封闭,与同时期其它地区相比,其书风显得更加保守
[Abstract]:In this paper, we put the inscriptions (including epitaph, scriptures and documents) unearthed in Turpan, Xinjiang, on the specific social and historical background of that time, mainly using the methods of textual research and comparison. This paper makes a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the regular script which has a definite chronology or can roughly infer the scope of the chronology in order to construct the overall style and development process of the regular script in the period of Gao Changguo on the basis of accurately grasping the literature and the material data. The structure of this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes the significance and purpose of this paper, and then reviews the publication of the epitaph of Turpan inscription and related studies, and explains the scope of this study. The second chapter classifies the script of regular script according to the different function of use, and discusses the style characteristic and development process of each kind of regular script. The third chapter is on the basis of the previous chapter to discuss the development and evolution of the Gao Changguo regular script, and summed up the characteristics of the Gao Changguo regular script, at the same time, Gaochang tomb brick and the writing of the relevant issues were discussed; The fourth chapter discusses the influence of different regional calligraphy culture (including Hexi calligraphy culture, Northern Wei calligraphy culture and Southern Dynasty calligraphy culture) on Gao Changguo's regular script. Through the above analysis, the conclusion is drawn: the evolution of the Gaochang country's regular script has experienced two historical stages: the early period of Gao Changguo and the late stage of Gaochang State, and in the course of its evolution and development, Influenced by the calligraphy culture of different regions, the style of calligraphy is more conservative than that of other regions in the same period because of the closure of the region


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