发布时间:2018-04-01 07:45
本文选题:青铜带钩 切入点:形制 出处:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:笔者搜集到的最早的关于带钩的论述就是1985年王仁湘学者著述的文章《带钩概论》。因此,笔者所搜集的资料也是从1985年开始。在这篇文章中,王仁湘学者论述的内容较为全面。不仅从带钩的起源、发展,进行研究,同时,还对带钩的形制做了较为细致的划分。他把带钩的形制分为八类,很多后人在研究带钩这一物件的时候,也是参考了其分类方法。到了九十年代,也有一些学者对带钩进行研究。 本文从纵向和横向两个方面论述并且研究了从春秋到两汉时期,全国各省市所发掘的带钩的情况。从总体上看,全国范围内春秋时期带钩数量较少,并且分布的范围仅为黄河中下游一带的中原地区。然而到了战国时期,带钩的数量明显增多,分布的范围也覆盖到全国,除了新疆、西藏等偏远地区,二十多个省市都有带钩的发现。到了汉代,带钩仍然较为流行,但是全国范围内发现的数量没有战国时期多。并且带钩盛行的地点也由山东、河北等地,转移到陕西地区,其原因可能是从战国到汉代经济政治中心产生了转移。由此,我们可以证实,带钩的发展过程,是跟随着中原经济文化发展而发展的,因为其为中原服饰文化的一部分,也是中原服饰文化的一个载体。同时,我们可以从侧面看出,各个朝代都城的更迭,都是一次政治经济中心的转移,这样的转移给周围经济文化的发展带来很大的影响。如果单独从西汉时期来看,带钩的数量远远少于战国时期,从这一点上看,我们可以粗略的认为,带钩的发展已经没有战国时期那么盛行了。到了东汉时期,全国发现带钩的数量就更加稀少了。带钩的发展开始逐渐走向衰退。 从分类的方法来看,本文不同于先前学者的分类方法,将带钩分为琵琶形,棒形,耜形等具体的形制分类,而是先从长度上分为A、B、C三型,再从每一型中,按照形制的规律,分为abcd等式。具体的内容就是,将长度在5厘米以下的带钩分为A型带钩;长度在5——10厘米之间的带钩,为B型带钩;长度在10厘米以上的带钩为C型带钩。按照长度分型的好处在于,各个不同长度之间的带钩其实际的功能有很大的可能是不同的。但是不同形制的带钩在功能上应该没有这种区别。在同一种长度的带钩中再区分其形制的不同,就更加有对比性。笔者按照这种方法,将搜集的全国34个省市的带钩进行归纳,这些带钩均可以划分到其中,这充分说明了这种方法的可行性。
[Abstract]:The earliest discussion on hooks collected by the author is the article "introduction with hooks" written by Wang Renxiang in 1985. Therefore, the data collected by the author began in 1985. Wang Renxiang not only studied the origin, development and development of hook, but also divided the shape of hook into eight categories. Many later generations have also referred to the classification method when studying the object with hook. By the 1990s, some scholars have also studied the hooks. This paper discusses and studies the situation of hook excavated by provinces and cities from the Spring and Autumn period to the Han Dynasty from the vertical and horizontal aspects. On the whole, the number of hooks in the Spring and Autumn period in the whole country is relatively small. However, during the warring States period, the number of hooks increased significantly, and the distribution also covered the whole country, except in remote areas such as Xinjiang and Tibet. More than 20 provinces and cities have been found with hooks. By the Han Dynasty, the hooks were still relatively popular, but the number of hooks found nationwide was not as large as during the warring States period. And the places where hooks prevailed were also transferred from Shandong, Hebei and other places to the Shaanxi region. The reason may have been the shift from the warring States period to the economic and political center of the Han Dynasty. Thus, we can confirm that the development process with the hook is following the economic and cultural development of the Central Plains, because it is part of the dress culture of the Central Plains. It is also a carrier of the clothing culture of the Central Plains. At the same time, we can see from the side that the change of capital cities in various dynasties is a shift of political and economic center. Such a shift would have a great impact on the development of the surrounding economy and culture. If we look at the Western Han Dynasty alone, the number of hooks is far less than that of the warring States period. From this point of view, we can roughly think that, The development of hooks was not as prevalent as in the warring States period. By the Eastern Han Dynasty, the number of hooks found in the whole country was even rarer. The development of hooks began to decline gradually. From the point of view of classification method, this paper is different from previous scholars' classification method, which divides the hooks into pipa shape, bar shape, Si shape and so on. Instead, they are divided into three types, namely, Aji-Ban C in length, and then in each type, according to the rules of shape. The specific content is that the hooks below 5 cm in length are divided into A type hooks, and those between 5 cm and 10 cm in length are classified as B type hooks. A hook with a length of more than 10 cm is a type C hook. The advantage of classifying by length is that, The actual function of the hook between different lengths is very likely to be different. But there should be no difference in the function of the hook of different shapes. According to this method, the author sums up the hooks collected from 34 provinces and cities in China, and these hooks can be divided into them, which fully shows the feasibility of this method.
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