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发布时间:2018-04-04 07:34

  本文选题:汉宋间 切入点:敦煌 出处:《兰州大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:古代敦煌地处河西走廊最西端,属于绿洲之地,是连通中原和西域的交通枢纽和必经之地。自从西汉武帝开发河西、设立敦煌郡以来,由于敦煌特殊的地理位置和历史因素,使得其成为一个既开放又封闭的社会。 自汉至宋朝期间是古代敦煌社会各方面发展特征最为明显的时期。随着汉武帝开发河西,许多中原大族由于拓边、征战、避祸等各种原因徙入敦煌,他们通过立功西域,儒术传家等方式,逐渐在敦煌立足脚跟,成为敦煌大族。几乎与此同时,佛教也传入敦煌。从此,敦煌大族与佛教结下了不解之缘。汉宋间,敦煌大族与佛教的关系非常密切。 汉宋间,敦煌大族与佛教的关系经历了由初步接触,到广泛信仰,到信仰兴盛,到信仰世俗化、功利化的过程。汉晋之际,初入敦煌的大族刚刚接触新传入的佛教文化,他们并未广泛信仰佛教。五凉时期,敦煌大族实现了由儒学独尊到儒释兼通的思想文化转变,他们抄经奉佛,开始广泛信仰佛教。北朝时期,敦煌大族的佛教信仰长足发展,他们抄写供养大量佛经,参与莫高窟早期石窟的修建,但是大族家窟的数量尚比较少。隋唐时期,敦煌大族佛教信仰繁荣兴盛,大量大族家窟在莫高窟得以营造,掀起了莫高窟营建的高潮。吐蕃时期,敦煌大族更加信仰佛教,佛教寺院成为敦煌大族避难栖身的场所。归义军时期,以张、曹二氏为首的敦煌大族格外崇信佛教,各种佛事活动频繁,家族窟修建兴盛,促进了佛教发展的新高潮。同时,他们的佛教信仰目的更加现实、功利化。敦煌大族的佛教信仰经历了由汉晋北朝时期虔诚信仰,到唐宋时期信仰更加世俗化、功利化的过程。 敦煌大族的佛教信仰及活动也促进了敦煌佛教的发展。敦煌佛教经历了汉晋之际初步立足、发展,五凉北朝时期长足发展,唐宋时期繁荣兴盛,达到高潮的几个阶段。佛教完成了中国化的过程。敦煌作为重要的中西交流的中心,正是有了敦煌大族对佛教的信仰和支持,才使敦煌佛教有了不断的发展,敦煌于是成为佛教发展的圣地之— 汉宋间,敦煌大族思想文化变迁的轨迹为由儒学独尊,到儒释道兼通,到佛教信仰繁荣的过程。不论如何,敦煌大族的思想始终以儒家文化为主导。
[Abstract]:Dunhuang is located at the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor. It belongs to the oasis and is the transportation hub connecting the Central Plains and the Western regions.Since Western Han Dynasty Emperor Wu developed Hexi and established Dunhuang County, Dunhuang has become an open and closed society because of its special geographical location and historical factors.The period from Han to Song Dynasty was the most obvious period of the development of Dunhuang society in ancient times.With the development of Hexi by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, many of the great families of the Central Plains moved into Dunhuang for various reasons, such as extension, war, disaster avoidance and so on. They gradually established their foothold in Dunhuang and became the great clan of Dunhuang through the ways of performing meritorious service in the Western regions and spreading Confucianism.Almost at the same time, Buddhism was introduced into Dunhuang.From then on, Dunhuang clan and Buddhism formed an inextricable relationship.During Han and Song dynasties, the relationship between Dunhuang clan and Buddhism was very close.During Han and Song dynasties, the relationship between Dunhuang people and Buddhism experienced a process from initial contact, to widespread belief, to the prosperity of belief, to secularization and utilitarianism.During the Han and Jin dynasties, the new Buddhist culture was newly introduced into Dunhuang, and they did not widely believe in Buddhism.During the period of Wuliang, the Dunhuang people realized the ideological and cultural transformation from Confucianism to Confucianism and Buddhism, and they copied the scriptures and Buddhism, and began to believe in Buddhism widely.During the Northern Dynasty, the Buddhist faith of the Dunhuang people developed rapidly. They copied and offered a large number of Buddhist scriptures and participated in the construction of the early grottoes of the Mogao Grottoes, but the number of the Grand Family Grottoes was still relatively small.During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Buddhist faith of the Dunhuang people flourished, and a large number of great family caves were built in the Mogao Grottoes, which set off the climax of the Mogao Grottoes.During the Tubo period, the Dunhuang people believed in Buddhism, and the Buddhist monastery became the refuge place for the Dunhuang people.During the period of Gui Rebellion, the great Dunhuang people, headed by Zhang and Cao, worshipped Buddhism, and all kinds of Buddhist activities were frequent, and the family cave construction flourished, which promoted the new climax of Buddhism development.At the same time, their Buddhist beliefs are more realistic and utilitarian.The Buddhist belief of Dunhuang people experienced the process from religious belief in Han Jin and Northern dynasties to more secularization and utilitarianism in Tang and Song dynasties.The Buddhist beliefs and activities of Dunhuang people also promoted the development of Dunhuang Buddhism.During the Han and Jin dynasties, Dunhuang Buddhism experienced several stages of initial foothold, development, rapid development in Wuliang Northern Dynasty, prosperity and prosperity in Tang and Song dynasties, and reached its climax.Buddhism has completed the process of Sinicization.Dunhuang is the center of the important communication between China and the West. It is because of the belief and support of the Dunhuang people to Buddhism that the Buddhism of Dunhuang has been continuously developed, and Dunhuang has become one of the holy places for the development of Buddhism.During Han and Song dynasties, the track of the ideological and cultural changes of Dunhuang was the process of Confucianism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the prosperity of Buddhism.In any case, the thought of Dunhuang people is always dominated by Confucian culture.


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