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发布时间:2018-04-04 23:00

  本文选题:四面像碑 切入点:北朝 出处:《社会科学战线》2015年09期

[Abstract]:Among the numerous existing religious statues or tablets, there is a special kind of Buddhist inscription called "four-sided tablet".As a reflection of religious ideas, it has a more complex content.Before the introduction of foreign culture, ancient China did not have such a concept, let alone find physical objects.At least four conclusions can be drawn from the investigation of the existing four sides of the world: first, these tablets are mainly distributed in the Yellow River basin in the north, generally before the Tang Dynasty, and mainly in the Northern Dynasty.The second is that the shapes of these four-sided statues, no matter what type they belong to, whether they are tablets or images, come from India and are regarded by the people of China as being related to Buddhism.The third is that the engraved images on each side of the stone are different, which may reflect the change of ideas between India and China.The fourth is that the four or four Buddhist statues mainly reflect the wish of the believers to do the work of merit, and the four sides of the Buddha monument may be just as an object of worship.Perhaps because of this, the number of four-sided or quadrilateral statues of Buddha is much larger than that of four-sided Buddhist statues, because doing merit is a universal manifestation of faith, and the four-sided Buddha is probably the object of worship in a more specific doctrine.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学文史研究院;


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