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发布时间:2018-04-17 01:39

  本文选题:钱币学 + 钱币著作 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:清朝中后期,中国的钱币学研究呈现出一种高度发达的繁荣景象,这种现象是在当时考据学蔚为大观的学术背景下形成的,其中清代金石学的复兴和繁荣则对钱币学的兴盛起着直接的推动作用。此时,钱币学的发展一改往昔裹足不前的局面,不仅从事研究者的数量大增,而且各种钱币著作也纷纷涌现。同时,钱币学的研究方法也变得更为科学和精密,研究目的则更为明确和清晰。钱币学研究的兴起引发了钱币收藏之风的盛行,当时的古钱爱好者们为了觅泉、购泉、藏泉、赏泉而煞费苦心,不遗余力,他们之间的交流与沟通也甚为频繁,而这种风气对钱币学研究的进一步发展无疑又起到了推波助澜的作用。 由于清代金石学的复兴和金石著作的大量问世,因此在这一时期的文献书目中,金石著作的分布也逐渐改变了此前那种随意而散乱的状况,开始走向集中和独立。而随着金石著作归类的调整和清代中后期钱币学研究的蓬勃发展,钱币著作在文献书目中的位置也出现了不同于以往的重大变化,日渐趋向统一与合理,并主要汇集在了史部的“金石类”和子部的“谱录类”之下。此外,这一时期学术界对于钱币著作在金石类书目中的归属以及钱币著作自身分类问题的探索也取得了一定的进展。 清代钱币著作的版本情况是比较复杂而多样的,在各种不同形式的版本中,刻本所占的比例最高,其中虽然有不少刊印精善之本,但也有一些粗劣之作。稿、抄本的流传主要是因为钱币著作的成书时间较近和刊本数量的不足所造成的。在近代西方的印刷技术传入中国之后,影印、石印和铅印本钱币著作的数量也在不断增多。 清代的钱币著作大致可以分为三种类型,即通论性著作、专论性著作和杂论性著作。通论性钱币著作的体例和内容大都深受《泉志》和《钦定钱录》的影响,这些著作在具体的编撰体例方面虽然各有区别,但总体来讲尚可谓是大同而小异。就其内容而言,除了极个别的特例之外,绝大多数通论性钱币著作的主体部分都是以对各种钱币的著录与考订为中心的。专论性钱币著作主要包括以时代(或地域)为限的著作、以钱币类别为限的著作和以考释钱文为重点的著作等几种类别,这些不同类别的著作共同代表了清代钱币学研究中的一种专门化的发展倾向。杂论性钱币著作大多采用了札记体的撰述方式,根据各书内容的差异,此类著作可以分成以考订历代钱币为主的著作、以记述泉坛掌故为主的著作和以品评泉书得失为主的著作这三种不同的类别,不过这些类别之间的界限并不十分明确。除了上述这些专门性质的钱币著作之外,清代许多金石学家的作品中也包含有不少钱币学方面的内容,这些内容同样是清代钱币文献不可或缺的组成部分。
[Abstract]:In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, the study of coin science in China presented a highly developed and prosperous scene, which was formed in the academic background of textual research at that time.Among them, the revival and prosperity of gold and stone in Qing Dynasty played a direct role in promoting the prosperity of coin science.At this time, the development of coin science changed the situation, not only engaged in the number of researchers, but also a variety of coin books have emerged.At the same time, the research methods of coin science become more scientific and precise, and the purpose of the research is clearer and clearer.The rise of the study of coin science led to the popularity of coin collection. At that time, ancient money lovers took great pains to find, buy, hide and appreciate springs, and spared no effort. Exchanges and communication between them were also very frequent.And this kind of atmosphere to the further development of the study of coin science undoubtedly played a role in fuelling the flames.As a result of the revival of the orography of the Qing Dynasty and the publication of a large number of works, the distribution of the works in this period gradually changed the random and scattered situation before, and began to be centralized and independent.With the adjustment of the classification of gold and stone works and the vigorous development of the study of coin science in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, the position of coin works in the bibliography of the literature has also appeared significant changes which are different from the past, and tend to be unified and reasonable day by day.And mainly collected in the Department of History of the "type of stone" and sub-part of the "spectral record class."In addition, in this period, the academic circles have made some progress on the attribution of coin works in the bibliography of gold and stone, and on the classification of coin works themselves.In the Qing Dynasty, the version of coin works is more complex and diverse. Among the different versions, the proportion of engraving is the highest, although there are many fine and good publications, there are also some crude works.Manuscripts are mainly due to the recent writing of coins and the shortage of the number of manuscripts.After the introduction of modern Western printing technology to China, the number of photocopying, lithography and lead printing money works is also increasing.The money works in Qing Dynasty can be divided into three types: general works, monographs and miscellaneous works.The style and content of general currency works are greatly influenced by "Quan Zhi" and "Qin Ding Qian Lu". Although there are differences in the specific compilation methods of these works, on the whole they can be described as great similarities and small differences.As far as its content is concerned, except for a few special cases, the main part of most general money works is centered on the description and examination of all kinds of coins.Monographs mainly include works limited by time (or region), works limited by the category of coins and works focusing on the interpretation of money.These different kinds of works represent a trend of specialization in the study of coin science in Qing Dynasty.Most of the miscellaneous works on coins are written in the form of notes. According to the differences in the contents of each book, such works can be divided into works which are mainly composed of money and coins of the past dynasties.There are three different types of works, which are mainly about stories about Quan altar and mainly about the gain and loss of Quan Book, but the boundary between them is not very clear.In addition to these special works, many of the works of gold and stone scholars in the Qing Dynasty also contain a lot of contents in the field of coin science, which are also an indispensable part of the literature on coins in the Qing Dynasty.


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3 ;中国钱币学会“会员之家”成立[J];中国钱币;2011年03期

4 徐海富;;北宋元yP通宝背“陕”钱[J];西部金融;2011年08期

5 ;浅谈古钱币的鉴定[J];中国防伪报道;2011年09期

6 杭钱;;《杭州钱币》创刊[J];中国钱币;2011年03期

7 邹桂山;;九叠篆“皇宋通宝”[J];收藏界;2011年09期

8 成春到;;西汉“五铢”金币[J];收藏界;2011年08期

9 王冰;张翔宇;;考古奇才郝笛:20岁身价过亿[J];旅游时代;2011年07期

10 海泉;;印证“■[淄ūΑ鼻甗J];收藏界;2011年09期

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10 ;第十届国际钱币学术会议综述[A];《内蒙古金融研究》钱币文集(第一辑)[C];2002年

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3 梁学义;追寻二十载 终获珍品燕布[N];中国商报;2006年

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5 本报记者 王钰;古币收藏越来越火[N];吉林日报;2006年

6 记者 刘志良;二十年磨一剑[N];金融时报;2007年

7 王纪洁;古钱币价值的评估[N];北京日报;2000年

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9 胡有道;古钱币价值几何?[N];中国审计报;2003年

10 尚秀菁;北京海关查获古钱币出境案[N];中国国门时报;2004年

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