发布时间:2018-04-17 16:23
本文选题:辽代 + 金银器 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的科学研究方法结合考古学、历史学、民俗学、类型学、统计学等多种研究方法对辽代墓葬出土的金银器进行系统研究。在对辽代墓葬出土的金银器的地域分布情况进行概述和对金银器进行分类研究的基础上,对其进行断代分期,并进一步阐述辽代墓葬出土金银器所体现的其他文化因素的历史渊源以及金银器在辽史研究中的作用。 本文分绪论、正文和结语三部分。 绪论主要是说明辽代墓葬出土金银器的研究概况以及本文的研究特色和研究意义。 正文分五个部分: 第一部分:辽代墓葬出土金银器的分布情况。 第二部分:阐述辽代墓葬出土金银器的类型及特征。 第三部分:根据辽代墓葬出土金银器的器形、纹饰和工艺对其进行断代分期。 第四部分:对辽代墓葬出土金银器进行历史学研究。分析辽代墓葬出土金银器含有多种文化因素的历史渊源。 第五部分:分析辽代墓葬出土金银器在辽史研究中的作用。 结语是对全文的高度概括,从辽代墓葬出土的金银器可以看出契丹多元文化的发展和融合以及契丹固有的民族特色,可以看出金银器在辽史研究中的重要作用。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the scientific research methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism are combined with archaeology, history, folklore, typology, statistics and other research methods to systematically study gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty tombs.On the basis of summarizing the regional distribution of the gold and silver objects unearthed in the tombs of the Liao Dynasty and studying the classification of the gold and silver objects, this paper carries out the stages of the gold and silver objects in different dynasties.The historical origin of other cultural factors embodied in the unearthed gold and silver objects in the tomb of Liao Dynasty and the role of gold and silver vessels in the study of Liao history are further expounded.This article is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.The introduction mainly explains the research situation of gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty and the research features and significance of this paper.The text is divided into five parts:The first part: the distribution of gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty.The second part describes the types and characteristics of gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty tombs.The third part: according to Liao Dynasty tombs unearthed gold and silver ware shape, decoration and technology to carry on the period of time.Part four: historical study on gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty.This paper analyzes the historical origin of gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty tombs with various cultural factors.The fifth part analyzes the role of gold and silver objects unearthed in Liao Dynasty tombs in the study of Liao history.From the gold and silver objects unearthed from the tombs of Liao Dynasty, we can see the development and integration of Qidan's multiculturalism and the inherent national characteristics of Qidan, as well as the important role of gold and silver objects in the study of Liao history.
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