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发布时间:2018-04-27 13:15

  本文选题:晋西 + 陕北 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:陕西和山西两省以黄河为界,东西相邻,20世纪20年代至今在其陕北榆林地区和晋西离石地区发掘出土了大批汉画像石,成为全国汉画像石集中分布且较有地域特色的一大区域。两地出土的画像石在石料质地、题材选用、雕刻技法等很多方面趋于一致,却也有所不同,很多学者在论述这一区域画像石时,晋西画像石多被作为附属,论述较少,也较为简单、表面,对于两地画像石之间关系的表述也较为模糊。本论文以“晋西与陕北汉画像石承传关系初步研究”为题,通过对两地画像石的比较研究,试图使两地画像石之间的关系较之前清晰化,同时尽量探寻出晋西画像石自身的特色。 本文共分为五部分,具体内容如下: 第一部分在对该相关课题既往研究成果综述的基础上,提出了本论文写作的可能和必要性,其后摆出了该课题的研究依据,提出了研究过程中的难度并列出本文主要使用的研究方法。再则对本论文中的创新之处和所做工作及论文最后呈现结果中的不足做了说明。 第二部分分析两地画像石在题材选择、雕刻技法、石质的选用及画面的处理上所表现出的诸多相似性。 第三部分中缘于陕北、晋西两地天然的地理位置及相邻地区文化环境的相近,两地之间的交流具有天然便利的条件,从两地画像石存在时间以永和五年(公元140年)为界上下相承分析,联系当时西河郡治于永和五年(公元140年)由平定迁至离石的史实,我们判断离石画像石的出现应与这次西河郡治的内迁有很大的关系。借助画像石上的题记内容及历史记载,我们对能使陕北画像石传承到晋西地区的可能媒介进行了表述,并对其传承方式做了分析。 第四部分总结了晋西画像石的形成原因、分布特点,重点分析了晋西画像石在继承陕北画像石的基础上并在其自身的形成、发展中所呈现的面貌和形态以及画像石中所隐含的文化含义。 第五部分中指出在画像石形成、发展至晋西地区时,全国汉画像石在社会的剧烈变革中已接近尾声,因而在论文结论处简单阐述了汉画像石的衰落情况。最后归纳了该课题研究最后所形成的结论以及本论文欠缺和需要进一步研究的问题。
[Abstract]:Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces are bounded by the Yellow River. Since 1920s, a large number of Han stone sculptures have been excavated in Yulin region of northern Shaanxi and Lieshi area of western Shanxi Province, which has become a large area with regional characteristics and concentrated distribution of Han stone reliefs in China. The stone sculptures unearthed in both places tend to be consistent in many aspects, such as stone texture, selection of subjects, engraving techniques, and so on, but they are also different. When many scholars discuss the stone portraits in this area, most of them are regarded as appendages in Shanxi Province, but they are less discussed. Also relatively simple, the surface, the relationship between the two stone portrait is also relatively vague. This thesis is entitled "the preliminary study on the relationship between the stone portraits of Shanxi and Northern Shaanxi", and attempts to make the relationship between the two places clearer through the comparative study of the stone portraits of the two places. At the same time, try to explore the characteristics of Shanxi stone relief. This paper is divided into five parts, the specific contents are as follows: The first part puts forward the possibility and necessity of writing this thesis on the basis of summarizing the previous research results of this related subject, and then puts forward the research basis of this topic. The difficulty in the research process is put forward and the main research methods used in this paper are listed. The innovation, the work done and the deficiency in the final result of the paper are also explained. The second part analyzes the similarity of the choice of subjects, the techniques of carving, the choice of stone quality and the treatment of pictures. In the third part, due to the natural geographical location of the two places and the proximity of the cultural environment of the adjacent regions, the exchange between the two places has natural and convenient conditions. From the time of existence of the stone sculptures in the two places, taking Yonghe five years (A.D. 140) as the upper and lower levels, and connecting with the historical facts of the five years (A.D. 140) from Pingding to Liaoshi in Shihe County at that time, We judge that the appearance of stone stone should be related to the internal migration of Xihe county. With the help of the inscription and historical records on the stone relief, we describe the possible media which can make the stone relief in Northern Shaanxi to pass on to the western part of Shanxi, and analyze the way of its inheritance. The fourth part summarizes the formation reasons and distribution characteristics of the stone relief in the west of Shanxi Province, focusing on the analysis of the formation of the stone relief stone in the west of Shanxi Province on the basis of inheriting the stone portrait of northern Shaanxi and its own formation. The appearance and form of development and the cultural implication of stone relief. The fifth part points out that when the stone is formed and developed to the west of Shanxi, the Han Dynasty stone in the whole country has come to an end in the drastic social change, so the decline of the Han stone is briefly expounded at the conclusion of the paper. Finally, the conclusion of the research and the problems that need to be further studied are summarized.


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