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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:40

  本文选题:康熙朝 + 制瓷业 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 中国封建社会手工业史上,制瓷业一直占有重要的地位。它的每次进步与发展都见证了当时社会的进步。中国的陶瓷手工业发展到清代的康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝臻于鼎盛,达到历史最高水平,代表了我国封建社会陶瓷史上的黄金时代。而清三代中又以康熙朝所产瓷品最具代表性。其制瓷业的进步与发展有着鲜明的时代特征和深厚的历史背景。对中国封建社会瓷器发展的研究历来很受史学界、考古文博界的重视,并也已取得丰硕的成果。然而对颇具时代特色的康熙朝制瓷业,到目前为止,还没有较全面的,系统的针对其发展背景、发展状态的研究。本文从史料出发,分三个部分对康熙朝制瓷业的发展进行阐述。第一部分结合史料从当时的社会政治、经济、制瓷业中杰出的人物三个角度对康熙朝制瓷业取得辉煌成就的历史必然进行扼要说明。第二部分以当时官窑制瓷业和民窑制瓷业两个大部为基础阐述康熙朝制瓷业的发展状况。从制瓷的生产关系、分工,瓷品的创烧品类、使用等角度探究它的进步与发展及时代特色。第三部分从康熙朝瓷器对外输出的情况分析和展现其制瓷业的成就。最后对康熙朝制瓷业在历史上的作用和意义进行了总结和评价。
[Abstract]:In the history of handicraft industry in Chinese feudal society, porcelain industry has been playing an important role. Every progress and development witnessed the progress of the society at that time. China's ceramic handicraft industry developed to the Qing Dynasty Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong three dynasties to the peak, reached the highest level in history, representing our feudal society in the history of the golden age of ceramics. In the three dynasties of Qing Dynasty, the porcelain produced by Kangxi Dynasty was the most representative. The progress and development of its porcelain industry has distinct characteristics of the times and profound historical background. The research on the development of Chinese feudal porcelain has always been attached great importance by the scholars of history, archaeology and literature, and has also achieved fruitful results. However, there is no systematic research on the development background and state of the Kangxi Dynasty porcelain industry which has the characteristics of the times so far. Starting from historical data, this paper expounds the development of Kangxi porcelain industry in three parts. In the first part, from the three angles of social politics, economy and outstanding figures in the porcelain industry, the history of the brilliant achievements of the Kangxi Dynasty porcelain industry is explained briefly. The second part expounds the development of the porcelain industry in Kangxi Dynasty on the basis of the two major parts of the porcelain industry of the official kiln and the people's kiln at that time. This paper probes into the progress and development of porcelain from the angles of its relations of production, division of labor, creation and burning of porcelain and its characteristics of the times. The third part analyzes and shows the achievements of the porcelain industry in Kangxi Dynasty. Finally, the role and significance of Kangxi Dynasty porcelain industry in history were summarized and evaluated.


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