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发布时间:2018-05-11 17:45

  本文选题:良渚文化 + 环境变迁 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:全新世环境变迁与古人类的生存和发展息息相关,探讨全新世环境变迁与人类活动的相互关系对预测未来发展趋势,具有重大的实践价值和理论意义。长江中下游地区的良渚文化及其发育环境一直是环境考古学界关注的热点。本文在浙江省自然科学基金项目“良渚文化发育环境研究”(Y5080307)资助下,借助地学信息图谱理论与方法,以丰富的考古资料为基础,将数量统计、野外调查、图谱技术相结合,获取良渚时期文化遗址的时空格局、生产生活方式、社会组织等图谱特征和环境信息,探讨良渚时期环境变化与文化响应模式。初步得出以下主要结论: (1)良渚遗址时空图谱表明从良渚早期到晚期遗址数量、平均重心、集聚方向、集聚面积、集聚的距离等都发生了变化。良渚文化中期遗址数量最多,晚期次之,早期最少,但良渚文化发展的关键却取决于早期遗址的数量值。从早期到晚期良渚文化的平均重心经历从太湖西岸、太湖南岸、太湖西岸的往返迁移过程,同时标准离差椭圆的轴向也发生了偏转,中期相对早期逆时针偏转约19°,晚期相对于中期顺势针偏转约40°,椭圆面积也由大到小再到大,集聚半径从早期到晚期逐步缩小,但集聚程度中期最高。这种变化过程表明良渚文化从早期到晚期在空间演化上呈分散、集聚、分散的趋势。 (2)生产生活方式图谱显示从良渚早期到晚期建筑选址、建筑功能及分化、资源利用、手工业发展都表现出不同的特征。遗址选址的海拔从早期到晚期呈高、低、高的变化趋势,建筑功能的分化在中期较为突出。资源利用上,稻作农业、水资源利用程度中期最强,而早、晚期则相对较弱。以玉璧和陶器为代表的手工业从早期到晚期在做工上、器形上由粗糙到精细。这种变化过程表明良渚文化在社会生产生活方式上经历了粗糙到精细再到呈现衰退趋势的变化过程。 (3)社会组织信息图谱表明良渚时期人口规模最小基数值为33478人,人口规模最大承载值约为410000人,人口规模和遗址面积的变化揭示出聚落等级分化显著。以良渚遗址群为代表分析发现良渚早、中、晚时期遗址面积大小不一,人口规模分别为:650人、3400人、2100人,人口规模和遗址面积的变化揭示出良渚遗址群内高级聚落与基层聚落之间相互从属的关系。总体上来看,良渚遗址群聚落内部的社会组织可以初步分为三级:权利中心、权利单元、权利单体。 (4)图谱研究表明良渚文化与5.3-4 ka B.P.时期环境演变具有良好的耦合关系。 良渚文化早期(5.3~4.9 ka B.P.)气候温暖湿润、处于高海面下降期,良渚文化遗址分散,文化重心偏太湖西岸宜溧山地。地势低洼区多为湖沼环境,良渚先民选择海拔较高的台墩而居,并就地取材发展干栏式建筑。受自然环境影响,早期稻作农业发展迟缓,因此,以采集和狩猎为主的社会生产活动使先民的活动半径较大。而磨制石器、耘田器、玉璧等为代表的手工业制品形制参差,反映出早期社会生产的粗糙。早期良渚遗址群内人口规模650人左右,聚落规模小,反映了良渚文化的兴起及早期社会形态的初步形成。 良渚文化中期(4.9~4.3 ka B.P)气候温凉偏干、海平面急剧降低,地下水位下降,陆地生存空间大大扩展,先民的活动范围由高墩、山坡走向广阔的平原,呈集中分布的趋势,文化重心也随之迁移到太湖南岸。建筑形态由悬空向落地状态转化,建筑功能也由单一功能向多功能转化。而大量禾本科植物花粉和水稻遗迹的出现突出了近地生产生活资料的富足,先民的活动半径也随之减小。而气候偏干,稻作农业的发展、人口的剧增加剧了人类对水资源的需求程度。随着石犁、石镰、畜力等生产工具的出现表明原始生产技术革命已初见端倪,而玉器所反映的礼制,墓葬、聚落所反映的等级和社会分层,都反映出强制性权力与支配机制的存在。中期良渚遗址群内人口规模3400人左右,聚落等级分化明显,这表明良渚文化已进入具有初始国家规模的文明社会,良渚文化进入发展鼎峰。 良渚文化晚期(4.3~4 ka B.P)海面回升、水域面积扩大、异常降温等环境灾变因子使良渚人生存空间缩减,分布范围广,文化重心再次迁移到太湖西岸宜溧山地。为了应对自然环境的变化,建筑选址的地貌类型也随之迁移到海拔较高的台墩和坡地上。生活环境的恶化导致了良渚社会的不稳定,石钺和石镞的出现也证明了这一点。晚期遗址群内人口规模为2100人左右,聚落规模缩小。总体来讲,江、河、湖、海互动引起的水环境异常,急剧的降温等环境灾变使良渚文化发展受阻,加速了良渚文化的消亡。 (5)就良渚时期环境变化与文化响应模式而言,良渚文化时序连续,空间上呈分散——集聚——再分散的格局。与此同步,良渚时期生产生活方式表现为粗糙——精细——衰退的演变趋势、社会组织由简单到复杂,并出现了等级分化。文化的演变过程是良渚人充分适应环境的表现,良渚文化兴起于高海面下降期,繁盛于低海面时期,衰落于海面再次回升以及伴随的环境异常事件。因此,良渚时期文化组成要素的演变是对环境变迁过程最直接的响应。
[Abstract]:The Holocene environmental changes are closely related to the survival and development of ancient human beings. It is of great practical value and theoretical significance to explore the relationship between the Holocene environmental changes and human activities to predict the future development trend. The Liangzhu Culture and its development environment in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the focus of environmental archaeology. Under the support of the Zhejiang Natural Science Fund Project "Liangzhu culture development environment" (Y5080307), with the aid of the theory and method of geoscience information atlas, based on abundant archaeological data, it combines quantitative statistics, field investigation and atlas technology to obtain the spatial and temporal pattern of cultural sites in Liangzhu period, production and life style, social organization and so on. Based on spectral characteristics and environmental information, the environmental changes and cultural response patterns in Liangzhu period were discussed.
(1) the spatial and temporal map of Liangzhu site shows that the number of sites from early to late Liangzhu sites, the average center of gravity, the direction of agglomeration, the agglomeration area and the distance of agglomeration have changed. The number of Liangzhu culture sites is the most, the later time and the early stage are the least, but the key of the Liangzhu culture development depends on the value of the early site. The average center of gravity of the Zhu Zhu culture is from the West Bank of Taihu, the South Bank of Taihu and the West Bank of the Taihu. At the same time, the axis of the standard deviation ellipse has also been deflected, and the reverse clockwise deflection is about 19 degrees in the middle period, and the later period is about 40 degrees relative to the medium-term homeoneedle, the area of the ellipse is also from large to small, and the radius of agglomeration is from early to late. This process of change shows that the evolution of Liangzhu Culture from early to late is dispersive, concentrated and dispersed.
(2) the pattern of production and life pattern shows that the site selection from early to late Liangzhu, building function and differentiation, resource utilization and handicraft industry have different characteristics. The elevation of site site is high, low and high, and the differentiation of building function is more prominent in the middle period. The use of jade bir and pottery as the representative of the handicraft industry from early to late stage is rough to fine. This change process shows that Liangzhu culture has experienced a rough to a subtle and then declining trend in the social production and life style.
(3) the information Atlas of the social organization shows that the minimum base number of the population in Liangzhu period is 33478, the largest carrying value of the population size is about 410000. The change of population scale and site area reveals that the settlement grade differentiation is remarkable. In addition, 650 people, 3400 people and 2100 people, the changes in population size and site area reveal the relationship between the advanced settlement and the grass-roots settlement in Liangzhu site group. On the whole, the social organization within the Liangzhu ruins group can be divided into three levels: right center, right unit, and right monomer.
(4) map studies show that Liangzhu culture has good coupling relationship with environmental evolution in the period of 5.3-4 Ka B.P..
Early Liangzhu Culture (5.3 ~ 4.9 Ka B.P.) was warm and humid climate, in a period of high sea level decline, the Liangzhu culture site was scattered and the cultural center of gravity was partial to the Yili mountain in the West Bank of Taihu. The development of agriculture is slow, therefore, the social production activities based on collection and hunting make the ancestors' activities more radii. And the shape of the handicraft products, represented by the grinding stone, the weeding apparatus and the jade, reflects the rough social production in the early stage. The population size of the early Liangzhu site group is about 650 people, and the settlement scale is small, reflecting Liang Zhuwen The rise of the transformation and the initial formation of the early social form.
In the middle period of Liangzhu Culture (4.9 ~ 4.3 Ka B.P), the climate is cool and dry, the sea level drastically reduces, the groundwater level falls, the land survival space is greatly expanded. The activities of the ancestors are from high piers to the vast plain, and the center of culture moves to the South Bank of Taihu. The emergence of a large number of gramineous plants pollen and rice remains protruding the abundance of near ground production and life materials and the decrease in the activity radius of the ancestors. The climate bias, the development of rice farming, and the increase in population demand for water resources. With the stone plow, the sickle, the sickle, The emergence of production tools such as animal power shows that the revolution of the original production technology has begun to appear, and the etiquette system reflected by the jade articles, the burial burial and the social stratification reflected in the settlement reflect the existence of the compulsory power and the dominant mechanism. The population of the Liangzhu site group in the middle period is about 3400 people, and the level of settlement differentiation is obvious, which shows the Liangzhu culture. It has entered a civilized society with an initial state scale, and Liangzhu culture has entered the development of Ding Feng.
In the late Liangzhu Culture (4.3 ~ 4 Ka B.P), the sea surface recovery, the expansion of the water area, the abnormal cooling of the environment and other environmental catastrophe factors make the living space of Liangzhu life shrink and spread to the West Bank of Yili mountain in Taihu. In order to cope with the change of the natural environment, the landform types of the building site also migrate to the high sea level pier. The deterioration of the living environment has led to the instability of Liangzhu society. The appearance of the stone Yue and stone is also proved. The population size of the late site group is about 2100 people, and the scale of settlement is narrowing. In general, the water environment caused by the interaction of river, river, Lake and sea, and the rapid cooling of the sea, caused the development of Liangzhu culture to be blocked, The extinction of Liangzhu culture has been accelerated.
(5) as far as the environment change and cultural response mode of Liangzhu period are concerned, Liangzhu culture is continuous in time series, and the spatial pattern is dispersed - Agglomeration - and re dispersive pattern. In the same time, the production and life style of Liangzhu period is rough - the evolution trend of fine - Recession, social organization from simple to complex, and grade differentiation. The evolution process is the performance of Liangzhu people fully adapting to the environment. Liangzhu culture sprang up in the high sea level decline period, flourished in the low sea level, declined again in the sea surface and was accompanied by environmental anomalies. Therefore, the evolution of cultural elements in Liangzhu period is the most direct response to the process of environmental change.



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