本文选题:生态博物馆 + 传统村落 ; 参考:《东南文化》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The concept of ecological museum is an import in China, but as a kind of movement originated from the reform of the traditional museum in the post-industrialization of the West, the main transplant in China is the application of the ecological museum model of the traditional village. However, the village is a main production unit. Under the background of modernization, the specific protected objects are often developed by the cultural industrialization and become the production of the specific cultural products. In this process, the village transition from past production self-sufficiency to non-self-sufficiency, formed a new production characteristics. However, the theory and practice of ecological museum in the west generally adopt the line of positivism and seek the so-called protection and preservation from the perspective of the in situ cultural object (entity) of the original appearance, which is contrary to the subject nature and reproductive nature of the village. Therefore, there are limits in practice. To carry out the protection of traditional villages in China, we should deeply analyze the characteristics and shortcomings of the theory of ecological museum, and set up a productive support system suitable for the protection and development of traditional villages from the perspective of the village as a production unit and its main interests.
【作者单位】: 凯里学院;
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